Thursday, April 4, 2024

ooking Back on the April 2, 2024 Alexandria Hybrid Chapter Meeting

 Looking Back on the April 2, 2024 Alexandria Hybrid Chapter Meeting 

There was another large chorus ready to sing at this week’s  Alexandria A Cappella Collective (AACC) meeting at the AlexRenew building.  The warm up session for the combined ensembles was conducted by Harmonizer associate director, Tony Colosimo. He incorporated “Down Our Way” as part of the warm up session.  We will sing that song plus “From the First Hello to the Last Goodbye” for our mic tester appearance at the Northeastern District (NED) convention in Lake George, NY.  It will be part of an effort to teach new generations of barbershop singers some of the old songs (often referred to as Barberpole Cat Songs in the wider barbershop world).

Following warm up, Tony started work on “Defying Gravity” with the combined ensembles. After a while, artistic director, Joe Cerutti, invited Tony to continue coaching “Gravity” while Joe directed.  Work on that song included some time with soloist Samantha Tramack.

Before yielding the floor to executive director, Stan Quick, for the business meeting, Joe plugged the spring2ACTion fundraising event coming up on Wed. April 24 including the chapter’s cabaret night/watch party as we keep an eye on the fundraising results.  The cabaret will be at The Bike Club in Alexandria. Joe thanked all those in the chapter who auditioned appear at the cabaret.  Zak Sandler will be accompanist for any act that needs it.

Next, Joe highlighted the plans for another outreach opportunity for the two AACC choruses to share their talents and friendship with members of the Northeastern District (NED) of Barbershop Harmony Society (BHS), May 3-4-5 in Lake George, NY.  Leaders of that district have invited AACC to sing as mic testers for the chorus contest, to provide educational sessions and possibly coaching, and to do a show. 


A bus will likely depart from the DC metro area Friday afternoon and return Sunday, although some members may wish to drive with a carpool.  Most expenses will be covered by the NED with AACC members covering some minimal costs. 


This will be the second time the chapter has gone to another BHS district as an outreach project. The first was to the Seneca Land District in Rochester, NY, a couple years ago in the fall. If anyone has questions about this year’s trip, ask Joe at a meeting or via Slack. 


Finally, Joe was excited to officially announce news that the AACC singers will travel to Ireland in August of 2025.  Members can sign up now for the very reasonable trip to sing and tour in another country. Brad Jones is coordinator for this trip and he shared that more info will be released to all members soon. Brad is using the same company that the chapter used for their successful trip to England a few years ago.


While two ensembles were together, Becca Williams and Devin Gerzof organized another fun ice breaker event. 



Stan Quick, AACC executive director, coordinated the official business session beginning with an invitation for any volunteers who have experience in communications/marketing/public relations to join a chapter team to manage this important aspect of operations. Speak with Stan if you can help and especially if you have related skills.


As a reminder for adding to personal calendars, Cy Wood will be in Alexandria to coach the Harmonizers for their contest package on Tuesday, April 16; and Kim Newcomb will be here on April 23 to coach Metro Voices.  Stay tuned for location for those meetings. Burial services for former member, Bill Sowers, will be May 8 at Arlington National Cemetery. The chapter will sing. 


Chapter development director, Ken Rub, reported that our very successful Speakeasy Gala met its budgeted fundraising goal of $8,000.  A great start for an annual gala for the chapter. Ken thanked all who attended and enjoyed the fun, and those who volunteered to make it a success.


The next big fundraising event will be spring2ACTion on Wednesday, April 24. It is our largest fundraising event as we participate in an Alexandria program for not-for-profit arts groups. The goal is $35,000 – not including matching gifts. Members will be asked to set their goal and use the spring2ACTion materials to solicit donations to help raise their personal goal. A typical personal goal would be $350. If some members or their contacts want to invest at the $500, $1,000 or more level, make contact with Ken so he can discuss the plan for matching gifts.


Chapter membership director, Jacob Broude,  welcomed recent guests back this week: Callie Cirillo, Jared Liscinsky and Jess Rich. Actually, Callie is our newest member and sings with Metro Voices. Another guest who sings barbershop in New Mexico, Bob, sang with the chorus all night. He had visited us before when he was in town to see family.  Aiden Dove, a BHS member in Nashville, was a first time visitor this week while in DC for work. Will Cox directed the “Welcome Song.”


At this point during this week’s meeting, the two ensembles started their rehearsal on new music. Great to note so many singers making notes on their music when directors offered a change or suggested a vocal technique. 

Just after 9:30 pm Joe invited the guests and members to come to the Harmo House for an afterglow, took a count for pizza, and invited Aiden Dove to direct “Keep the Whole World Singing.”

Until next time – editorjack!

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record for the great things going on each week during the 75th year of the Alexandria Chapter. - YeEd)


The Chapter Mission Statement Enriching lives through vocal harmony in the greater DC area.