Thursday, February 3, 2011

Looking Back on the Feb. 1st Chapter Meeting

Well we dodged another bad-weather bullet and most guys could get to Durant without a challenge. The predicted ice was a nice easy rain. When the early arrivals got to Durant at 6 pm they went right to work for all the set up needed for our meeting.

The front row and quad leaders had been invited by Chuck McKeever to meet him on the stage at 6 pm for a training session with guest visual coach, Racheal Acosta. She taught them moves for “ObLaDi ObLaDa” so that they could teach the chorus at a future rehearsal. It was good to have Racheal back to help our visual team.

After vocal warm ups by Will Cox, Director Joe invited Chuck to help him review and drill the moves and plan for “That’s Amore,” which had been taught last week when Cindy was with us. The gang did a darn good job of remembering the crazy antics.

Then the Joe-and-Chuck team reviewed and drilled the visual plan added to “Stars and Stripes” by Geri a few weeks ago. Geri and Royall were with us for the week too.

Joe welcomed her and they went right to work at teaching/introducing the visual plan for the contest uptune. Some great stuff to enhance the overall plan. The front row worked on their own in the lobby.

Operations vp Mark Klostermeyer opened the chapter meeting period with the usual birthday wishes. Then he did a speedy run thru of announcements. Don Dillingham got a chance to shout out that we are having a guest nite on Feb. 15th and everyone should bring at least ONE singer!!!

Someone announced the extra rehearsal on Feb. 12th. Expect emails.

Secretary Buechler presented Bob Blair his first Man of Note Award for helping as host for Adam O’Brien, our newest member. Adam got the usual packet of new member materials.

Ken White plugged the Singing Valentine operation for the whole weekend of Feb. 11-12-13-14. The recent ECHO has gone out launching the sales. Our options are on the chapter website too for customers.

We are offering the following:
“Love Is On The Line” a Singing Valentine Message delivered by phone -- $25
“The Heart Throb” a Singing Valentine Message with a Rose and chocolates -- $50
“The Romeo” a Singing Valentine Message with a doz. Roses or Chocolates -- $95
“The Valentino” a Singing Valentine Message with a doz. Roses and Chocolates -- $125

What we need are singers to sign up to be in a quartet that delivers the songs. The way it works, we offer Valentine deliveries in specific areas or regions. So it is well organized. AND if enough guys help with the quartets, we can make over $10,000 or more! Just like a spring show.

Don’t just assume some of the other usual guys will cover this gig. All singers can help. Or maybe even offer to drive a quartet of guys so they can get out, go sing, and go! Let Eric Wallen, who is chapter quartet promotion chair, know which day you can help for a few hours and which parts you could sing (especially if you could sing tenor!) Eric’s email is

If you are a new member or have never done a Singing Valentine gig, call Dean Rust or Alan Wile and ask them about it. They are both available during the day to help you.

President Steve Murane reminded all to mark their calendars for the two extra rehearsals for visual training as announced by Chuck McKeever. They are not mandatory, but VERY important for all to attend. They are Feb. 17th and Feb. 24th at 7 pm at Lee Center.

Then Steve read a recent post from the Harmonet chatter about a certain Joe Cerutti and his antics as emcee at the Mid-Winter in Vegas. Joe, of course, was quick to yell out, “What happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas!”

Then Steve brought up an important topic about a possible trip to China for the chapter in 2012. More details will be emailed and feedback about the idea is requested by Joe and Steve.

Membership vp Phil Ashford had nine guests to introduce this week. A bunch of good singersf. Some from other chapters in the BHS, including Lou Berger from Canada who comes to sing with us several times every year when he is in DC for work. The list of guys interested in membership is growing and so assistant director Will Cox was busy giving the prospective members their vocal assessments. Chorus singers can help Phil by meeting the guys early on Tuesday at Durant and offering to sing a song with them, or tell them about our shows or contests, or how uniforms distribution works, or where to get info if you need it.

After the coffee break, the risers looked like a bunch of Secret Service guys with wires coming out of their ears. It was recording time again for the self-evaluation program. Joe stressed that it was an evaluation system so guys who need help can get it.

As part of the eval system, McKeever is happy to have new cameras to film visual performances. The chapter bought one and two members contributed one each. Thanks guys.

Geri and Joe used the rest of the rehearsal nite to continue teaching the moves for the contest uptune.

Tony Colosimo was invited to take us out to close the nite in recognition of his being director of the successful hit by CAPITAL FORCE in Vegas. It was neat to see all of our CF guys with their new t-shirts and the smiles on their faces as proud members of the chapter.

Until next time – editorjack!

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week at an Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter meeting. —Ye Ed.)

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