Monday, June 27, 2016

Looking Back on the June 7th Chapter Meeting and Welcoming Scott Werner, Director Emeritus

(Thanks to Clark Chesser for taking notes for this report and to Kevin Kaiser for getting the coffee and break refreshments ready this week.  YeEd)

The rehearsal started with a vigorous warm up by Tony Colosimo.

Director Joe Cerutti introduced our special guest and director emeritus, Scott Werner, who was here to practice his portion of our uptune, “Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.” The crowd erupted in a prolonged applause that was extremely heartfelt. We jumped right in and started practicing the uptune, and Scott must have been practicing his bit, because he picked it up extremely fast! Before we took our break, we started honing the ballad, “Yesterday,” incorporating the things we learned with David Wright at last weekend’s retreat at McDaniel College.


Before we took our break, chapter executive director Terry Reynolds, welcomed all our many guests who had come to see Scott including Mike Everard, Al Hanenbaum, Al Herman, Bill Sowers, Bob Wachter, Joe Cerutti Sr., TJ Jones and Martin Banks who had prepared a special history display for the nite.


Terry also welcomed back new dad, Josh Roots, and announced the birth last of his and Amy's daughter, Hope Elizabeth Roots - born May 30th and weighing 5.3 oz! Josh treated the chorus to several boxes of Dunkin Doughnuts Munchkins for break time snacks! Yum!


Terry reported that Jack Pitzer was one of the citizens honored tonite by the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors with the title Lord Fairfax in recognition for his volunteerism in the county including as a member of the chapter.


An extra rehearsal was announced for Thursday nite June 9th at 7 - 10 pm at Convergence sanctuary.  Joe will be there to help us with a vocal studio for the uptune – come when you can for as long as you can.


Carlos Barillo reminded the guys to check their uniforms and make sure that everything fits, and if it doesn't to consult with Tom Kern - the chapter uniform maestro. Joe announced that we would not be wearing makeup at international.


Chapter secretary Chris Beuchler announced the following renewals: Dave Welter 39 years; Bob Bates 38 years; Martin Banks 33 years; Al Herman 33 years; Mike Edison 25 years; Anthony Colosimo 23 years; Dave Branstetter 11 years!; Edris Qarghah 8 years; Don Dillingham 7 years; Marvin Evans 6 years and Stan Quick 5 years.


Membership director Rich Hewitt welcomed a bumper crop of guests and our newest applicants Litic Murali, Devon Thompson and Mickey Robertson.


After break, Joe led us in singing the tag "It's a Great Day;" then we launched right into drilling the ballad. We then went back to the uptune and ran though it a couple more times, then did a complete run though of the contest set - that really sounded fantastic.


The last part of the rehearsal was spent going over some of the songs from "I Am Harvey Milk", in preparation for our “master class” at International.  Any new members who want to sing in our Milk performance in Nashville and who did not sing it at Strathmore should speak with Terry.


Here is a chance to offer support for Casey Belzer’s middle school chorus concert - Mon, June 13th at 7:30 pm, George Washington Middle School.  Doors open at 7 for early crowds.

Until next time – editorjack!

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week during the 67th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd

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