Sunday, November 6, 2016

Looking Back on the Nov. 1st  Chapter Meeting

This week’s meeting and rehearsal was a work session for the upcoming shows.  Associate director Tony Colosimo did the warm ups with the chorus in a circle in the main hall at Durant. No risers.  He offered a number of challenges during the nite to get us to think about the big picture of performance.  He taught the “I Will Dream of You” tag and had the chorus form into quartets to sing it and do self-improvement on their performance of it.


Director Joe Cerutti welcomed the large chorus for this week’s work session.  He reported on his travels to Australia and New Zealand to judge and coach, and his meetings in Nashville at BHS headquarters.  He labeled the fall show as one of our very best.  And he suggests that this year’s holiday show will be awesome too!


Then we worked and started several of the songs we will use for November shows.  Then we went to sectionals for work on “Gloria” and “What’s This.”


Chapter executive director Terry Reynolds conducted the chapter meeting portion of the evening.  Joe announced that he is cutting “Jingle Bells/Sleigh Ride” that was announced for the Dec. show.


The chorus was alerted that we would not be projecting any music on screens in the near future, so bring your own music.


A brief report on the recent mailing to “6th Row” guys – anyone who has ever sung on the risers.  Several donations have been received already since that mailing.


Terry thanked Todd Ryktarsyk for his work as shows director.  Todd has asked to be replaced since his work had taken a change.  Terry is seeking a replacement.  Mick Stamps will produce the holiday show.  BTW – sell tickets, use the posters the chapter has made available.  AND consignment tickets will be available for this show!!


NOTE that the meeting both Nov. 8 and 15 will be at First Baptist Church on King St. with a recording session on the 15th.


Joe and Terry appealed for all guys to come have fun and sing at the Boat Club at the end of King Street on the River. Casual dress.  $20 to get in – if anyone can’t do the ticket, see Terry.


Dress for the Nov. 11th usual performance at Oakton Elementary School for Veterans’ Day is coat and tie.  Show is in the morning.  That afternoon is the memorial service for Jim Stockton.  Harmonizers attending have been invited to sing with the Harmony Heritage Singers. Service is at 2 pm. Arrive at 1 pm. At Mt. Vernon Unitarian Church.


Sunday Nov. 13th gig is at First Presbyterian Church in Arlington.  Watch for more details in chapter announcement email.


President Randall Eliason reported that he, Terry and Joe attended a gathering of seven major chapters of BHS in St. Louis last weekend. This is a repeat of a discussion effort of chapter/chorus topics, challenges, ideas, new thrusts. The meeting was hosted by the Ambassadors of Harmony so attendees were there for the chapter meeting and a youth concert event.


Secretary Chris Buechler presented membership renewal cards to Casey Belzer for two years, Pietro Perrino for two years and Reed Livergood for six years.


White House Ornaments were available on consignment from Sandy Stamps.


Membership director Rich Hewitt welcome another new applicant.


Thanks to everyone who brought in Halloween candy to share.  It helped restock the goodies supply.  Don’t forget to drop in a donation now and then in the kitchen at break time.


After break, it was back to work on the holiday music.


A good crowd of guys made it over to La Portas for the afterglow.  Some fun chatter, some good tag singing and great fellowship.

Until next time – editorjack!

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week during the 68th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd

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