Saturday, May 6, 2017

Looking Back on the May 2nd Chapter Meeting and Sing with Alfred Street Choir on April 26th
Last week on Wed, April 26th, Harmonizers gathered with the men’s choir from Alfred Street Baptist Church in Old Town Alexandria for a sing and social nite.  The meeting was at Convergence on Quaker Lane.  Their choir warmed up in the sanctuary and we warmed up in a classroom. 
We sang first - “I’ll Be Seeing You” and “Summertime” and one of our new spirituals, “There Must Be a City.”  Joe did the warm ups and directed. Then the choir sang with Melvin Bryant directing.  Their church music program director Joyce Garrett accompanied them.
After that we all sat together and Melvin taught us “Down By the Riverside” and Joe taught the combined group “Rock My Soul.”  This will yield a combined performance at the Alexandria GospelFest next month.
After lots of singing, we shared lemonade and a cake with “Singing Together” decoration. It was a fun evening for all.
Then on Tuesday May 2nd, it was back to hard work on our music at Durant.  Director Joe Cerutti did the warm ups using “The Star Spangled Banner” as our exercise – since we will be singing it for the Armed Forces Day event soon. We also worked on “Armed Forces Medley” for that event.
Then we embarked on contest preparation for the Southern Division which is coming up during the weekend May 26-27. Joe invited assistant director Chuck Hunter to coach the package.  It was a great session and we got some solid work time in on the songs – especially to help the many new members perform these Harmonizer standbys.
At the start of the chapter meeting session, Joe explained that we would be participating in a workshop next week about “inclusion” as part of our growth and development as a chapter.  Dr. Sheila Peters from Nashville TN will be the facilitator for the session.
Executive director Terry Reynolds began the important announcements:
The chapter is co-sponsor of Alexandria’s GospelFest which will be at Durant on the weekend of May 19-20.  We will sing on the Sat session from 11-1. The FAIRFIELD FOUR will be our guests and appear both on Fri and Sat.
Later on Sat afternoon, the chapter will have our Armed Forces Tribute event also at Durant from 3-4.
As a reminder, the chorus will be singing at the Southern Division contest on Sat. May 27th.  The chapter must qualify to go to the district contest in the fall.  The division contest is in Reston.  Another reminder – each man must be paid up on his dues, and must have a contest registration/ticket. They are $42 each and can be purchased on site or in advance on the district website – Hope many of the members will go on Friday nite to cheer for the seven quartets with Harmonizers singing in them. That contest session starts at 5 pm.
For those going to Harmony U in August, you need to reply to a survey request from conventions coordinator Craig Kujawa as to your travel plans to Nashville.
There is also an opportunity for members to help Craig plan and manage our chapter’s duties in hosting the fall contest in Reading PA. Speak with him if you can help.
President Randall Eliason presented a President’s Valor Award to Clyde Crusenberry for his successful work in getting together a theater party at Little Theater of Alexandria for the chapter.  Everyone had fun and we even sang for other show patrons.
Randall reported that Bob Ulibarri was having some heart issues and in the hospital.  More details to come.
The communications committee has produced a new chapter business card that members can carry with them for prospective members or gigs
The chapter has arranged with Vickie Dennis to provide private vocal instruction sessions on Tuesday nites during chapter meeting between 7:30-9 pm. There is a small fee.  
Secretary Chris Buechler presented a membership renewal card and lapel pin to Paul Grimes in recognition of his 30 years.
A task force met with operations chairman Mike Edison regarding replacing the Harmo truck during the break.
Until next time – editorjack!

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week during the 69th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd

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