Thursday, November 16, 2017

Looking Back on the Nov. 10th Veterans’ Day SingOut and Nov. 14th  Chapter Meeting
The chapter sang again at the school assembly for the Oakton Elementary School Veterans’ Day event.  It was so exciting for the students and a joy for the Harmonizers to see the students exhibit their pride and to hear them sing with us. Terry Reynolds did the warm ups for the 35 singers which included a number of “sixth row” guys. Chuck Hunter and Terry directed songs; we sang the “Armed Forces Medley.” “God Bless the USA” which featured a quartet of Rick Savage, Frank Fadarko, Chuck and Terry, and “God Bless America” when the students sang with us.
The Tuesday Nov. 14th meeting was all work on our music for the holiday show.  About 6:30pm a about a dozen men met with director Joe Cerutti and associate director Tony Colosimo to prepare singing “You Are Here” from I AM Harvey Milk Oratorio.  The group will be part of a concert Nov. 19th. at Church of the Epiphany, 1317 G St. NW at 4:30.  The Harmonizers are cooperating with the Congressional Chorus and several other groups for a themed show:  “We Will Rise, The Search for Equality, Justice & Freedom in Song, Poetry & Dance.” There is a 20% discount for Harmonizers to this show – just use harmonizers in the discount code field.
Then Tony launched warm ups for the whole chorus. Joe worked on one song after another in a fast pace, sometimes doing a three song set.  The music leaders did conduct sectionals for work on spots of various songs.
Director Joe has put out a call for interested members to audition for a couple small ensembles for the holiday show.  Interested singers should let Tony know by emailing him and be prepared to audition over the next 2 rehearsals.
Executive director Terry Reynolds conducted a chapter meeting.  He expressed the chapter’s appreciation for the 35 men who sang on Fri. Nov. 10th for the Veterans’ Day school assembly at Oakton Elementary.
Dave Branstetter expressed his appreciation for all the cards and messages from chapter members at the time of his father’s death.
Dec. 8th and 9th, the chapter singers will entertain at 11 different senior facilities.  We will form into two choruses for those gigs to cover all the places in a few hours. Fri, the 8th, we will be singing from 9:30-1:30; Sat the 9th we will be singing from noon til 4:30.  Thanks to Clyde Crusenberry for organizing these gigs.  Watch for instructions as to where to meet and what to where and what we will sing!?
Holiday Show producer Brian Ammerman push for more one-on-one ticket sales; and asked for some help behind the scenes.  Also he suggested guys who wanna put an ad or can sell an ad for the printed program should let Adam Afifi know.
Volunteers are needed for show weekend. This can be members who are not singing the show, or family members or friends of chapter members. Help is needed for decorating the stage on Fri. nite during the tech rehearsal, for staffing membership and donation tables and helping with the silent auction during the Sat nite or Sun afternoon shows.  Contact Robyn Murane if you can help: BTW – volunteers get a free ticket.
President Randall Eliason reported that Terry Jordan has been moved from a hospital to Heritage Hall Leesburg Rehab, 122 Morven Park NW, Leesburg 20176. 703-777-8700 to call the facility.
All donations for the silent auction should be passed on to Randall or to Don Dillingham.
Ryan Kasperski was a guest again and word is he passed his audition for membership after the meeting this week!! Congrats.
Kudos to Martin Banks for his participation in the reading of 58,318 names as highlights the 35th Anniversary of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall. He was honored to read 30 names on Wednesday morning, Nov. 9th.
See Alan Wile if you wish to purchase a Harmonizer lapel pin, tie tack or cuff links.  The lapel pin is only $2. Cuff links are $10 and tie tack is $5.
Afterglow was at Ramparts.
Until next time – editorjack!
(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week during the 70th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd


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