Thursday, June 7, 2018

Looking Back on the June 5th Chapter Meeting
We met at the Scottish Rite Temple this week as we will every June meeting and extra rehearsal.  The old risers fit well across the auditorium space facing the theater seats.  Chapter leadership reports that they are working on negotiations for this to be our new regular meeting space with needs for storage and rehearsal spaces.

Our riser team had to get back some risers we rented to the DC Gay Men’s Chorus for their show that was this past weekend at Lincoln Theater.  They had about 150 singers on the stage.

Associate director Tony Colosimo did the warm ups and was in charge of the music this week.  He worked with choreographer Carlos Barillo and assistant director Chuck Hunter, who directed the ballad, for most of the evening on the contest set with the contest chorus. 

The beginning of the nite tho everyone was welcomed to the risers to work on music and stage presence for the anniversary show where we are bringing back 9 songs from the past that the chorus used on shows and contests during our 70 years. Craig Kujawa and Carlos helped teach the former performance plan for two of the songs

There have been some terrific video learning tools created by Carlos and Chuck McKeever for all singers to use in preparing themselves for the Sept. 8th afternoon show. 

We did have sectionals for the contest songs. The front row worked on the uptune plan in the lobby before the meeting.  And there were a couple run-throughs of the set that guys used to make their recordings.
Chapter executive director Randall Eliason conducted our chapter meeting and presented the announcements.  First important one was for each singer to respond to the survey about a possible trip to England and Scotland in 2019.  

The new uniform situation is on hold as leadership works to rectify the situation since the suits were not the style and fit we wanted.  Sizing issues are also a problem.  Members should not alter their suits yet (or let leaders know if you have done so) and stay tuned for the next step.

All June meetings will be at Scottish Rite Temple including special rehearsals June 21th and 28th, as well as the International send off on Tuesday June 26th. This is an open event and all family, friends and other barbershoppers are welcome. 

There was another reminder about the chorus retreat. Payment for the chorus retreat goes to Howard Nestlerode. The retreat will be June 8-9-10 at McDaniel College in Westminster, MD, (about 70 miles from Springfield).  Friday June 8th will be mandatory for front row and optional for all others with special sessions for the small groups to be coached. There are many good restaurants in town and it is a good social time on Friday nite. Fees include lodging; three meals on Saturday and breakfast on Sunday; plus linens and a Saturday evening party. There are three price levels – Friday-Sunday attendees ($114); Saturday-Sunday attendees ($83); and commuters who won’t be staying any nite ($78). Non-competing members are welcome to attend. All requests for roommate assignments are due to retreat master, Chuck McKeever, immediately

Special notes for the retreat: 
* Be sure to arrive on Sat. morning in time for the breakfast – you paid for it and there won’t be a coffee break service.
* Good idea to wear any Harmo gear you have.  And comfortable shoes for standing!!
* There is a full kitchen in your suite so plan ahead!!!
* GPS address to use is 203 Pennsylvania Ave, Westminster MD 21157.
* Registration Fri. begins at 3 pm – 6:30 pm and Sat. 7 am to 8:15 am – look for the Harmo truck parked just off Pennsylvania Ave. Follow directions Chuck sent out.
* Class of 2018 – don’t forget your scarves. And know that we are all eager to see/hear your skit on Sat. nite.

During the time in Westminster, the chapter strategic planning committee will conduct focus groups to get member feedback for their work.  The first one is Fri eve at 7:30.  Dave Kohls is conducting these sessions.

In other news, this coming weekend while we are at retreat, the Alexandria Singers is performing at the GW Masonic Memorial Theater! Our own Bill Colosimo is their director.  Performances are Friday June 8 at 7:30, Saturday June 9 at 2:00, and Sunday June 10 at 7:30.  Tickets are $20 and $25, available at the door.
“American Pops!” is a terrific selection of pops favorites from the 1950’s to today, performed with full choreography and without a conductor.  Special solo and small ensemble acts are featured among the exciting full ensemble tunes.  This show is our preview presentation of the three concerts we’ll perform during our Ireland tour in July!

Also there is a call for wedding singers. Ninamarie Maragiolglio's daughter Joia (Kellen Hertz's sister), is getting married in September.  Ninamarie has asked if there are enough Harmonizer volunteers who would be willing to attend and sing Ave Marie for the service as we did sister Brielle's wedding in 2015.    The wedding is Saturday, September 29, at 2PM in Burke VA.   If enough volunteer, we will have a couple rehearsals early or late on Tuesdays in September and  meet at the church at 12:30 the day of the wedding.
 President Shawn Tallant announced that Bob Wachter is in Mt. Vernon Hospital for at least this week. He can have visitors.
Chorus manager Mark Klostermeyer did a “bandana check” with the Class of 2018.  Everyone present was in compliance!!
It was great having all the guests and former members at rehearsal last night.  There is a lot of interest in individuals wanting to move forward with auditions.  All potential candidates are being told this is a good window of opportunity for membership and to prepare for the Fall Show so prepare for numerous learning quartets and auditions. (Speaking of auditions, transfer candidate Dale Bird passed his audition Tues. night and will be put forward for Chapter membership).  Jack Pitzer welcomed the guests including former members Dave Vernon and Dave Ermlick, Other singing guests were Peter, Jordan, and Hunter,

After a break, it was back on the risers for contest work.  The guests worked on their audition piece in another room.

Until next time – editorjack! 

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week during the 70th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd

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