Thursday, November 15, 2018

Looking Back on the Nov. 13th Chapter Meeting
As you would expect, this week’s meeting was all about preparing for the holiday show that’s on Dec. 8th at 7:30 pm at TC Williams High School on King St.

Reed Livergood did the vocal warm ups this week and then turned the chorus over to associate director Tony Colosimo for the nite.  Assistant director Chuck Hunter worked on a couple of the show songs as director.

For the chapter meeting, communications team leader Steve Murane was in charge.  He stressed show ticket sales – see Dean Sherick.  Consignment tickets must be paid for or turned in on Nov. 27th.

There is a need for many more silent auction items – give them to Randall Ellison. Shows chairman Joe Cerutti Sr. reminded all that show program ad copy is due on Fri. to Casey Belzer.

The Wilbur Sparks Memorial Put Together Quartet Contest is all set for Dec. 11th and a good number of quartets are signed up.  But more quartets are welcome.  See chairman Matt Doniger.  Trophies for regular quartets and comedy quartets.  And there will be cake after the contest!!

Chapter secretary Chris Buechler presented membership renewal cards to Ben Roberts for six years, Jacob Broude for 1 year (he got all the new member materials), Aaron Simoneau for five years, Bob Blair for nineteen years, Mick Stamps for 39 years, and Rick Taylor for 50 years (to be presented this weekend).

Mark Klostermeyer welcomed guests this week – Dylan Smith, Seth Speaks and Duncan Goss.  And president Shaw Tallant welcomed our newest member, Tyler Carpenter.

The second half of the nite was all work on our music for the show.
To all current and past members.  Please take some time to check through your electronic and analog stuff (computers, attics, garages, storage lockers, closets, etc.) for any and we mean any “Harmonizer” things/stuff/items/photos/documents/stage props, etc., that can be added to our history collection.  Anything is good. You needn't take the time to decide if we’d want it, nor should you sort files.  Let the history team do that.
Contact any one of us if you wanna bring stuff on a Tues nite, or if we need to come get it .  We’ll be happy to help. Martin Banks:, Bob, Bob, Jack, Howard Nestlerode:

Craig Kujawa reminds members that there is a contest going on to encourage more of us to participate in the scrip program – a virtual way to earn free money for the chapter.  Speak with Craig if you are not “in” the program. To that end, there’s a promotion going on.  Chapter members/supporters who purchase their first $50 worth of Scrip (or more) by noon on Tuesday, November 27th, will be entered into a prize drawing for one $50 gift card of their choice.
Until next time – editorjack!
(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week during the 70th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd

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