Saturday, February 23, 2019

Looking Back on the Feb. 16th  Presidents’ Award Banquet and Board Installation

This year’s Presidents’ Award Banquet was at the Lee Center on Saturday nite, Feb. 16th .  This was our 45th such event. Over 100 of the Harmonizer family attended the tasty buffet banquet catered Maggiano’s. 
Our 2018 chapter president Shawn Tallant served as master of ceremonies for our annual event to celebrate our achievements for the past year, honor some of those who helped make those achievements possible, and install our 2019 officers and board.  Social hour was from 6 –7 pm, then Shawn invited folks to find their seats at the tables and enjoy the buffet.  Terrific table center pieces were created by Pat Crusenberry, Janet Cerutti, Krissi Folsom, Judy Huber, and Robyn Murane. 

After the meal, Randall thanked others who had helped with the banquet event including Steve Murane and Jack Pitzer for the printed program and year in review; Alan Wile for helping get all the awards for the nite; Dave Branstetter for help with tickets and reservations, and Clyde Crusenberry for the caterer, bar set up including the fun Scotch bar tasting in recognition for our 2019 trip to Scotland.
Each year this event is hosted by the past presidents of the chapter – thus the name Presidents’ banquet.  Presidents attending this year included Randall Eliason, 2016-17;Terry Reynolds, 2014-15; Alan Wile, 2013 and 2007, Steve Murane, 2011-12; Brad Jones, 2009; Bob Wells, 1996; Terry Jordan, 1984-85; and Jack Pitzer, 1973 (the first Presidents’ Ball was during his term – some years the event has been even more formal and other years it has been a potluck).

Shawn lead a toast to those member who have been added to our Memorial Roll in 2018: Dick Hall, Rob Nutt, Jack McKendree, Alan Kousen, and Austin Cotton.

To continue a tradition begun at the first banquet, each man presented a rose to his significant other as we sang “Let Me Call You Sweetheart.”

Leaders of our sister corporation, AH Inc, were also introduced at the banquet including president Bruce Roehm, secretary Bob Faherty, board member Chuck Hunter, and past president Liz Birnbaum. Shawn thanked Liz for her dedication and efforts on behalf of the chapter during her term as president.
Shawn shared. “2018 was an exciting year with some wonderful musical and artistic achievements of which you are all aware and which are summarized in your program.”  [See the recently released Harmonizer 2017 Year in Review.]
Also he saluted the many men who step up and help move risers or load them onto our truck.  Affectionately called “Riser Rats,” a round of applause was offered for all those workers who set up the risers, refreshments, screen and av equipment, and membership sign-in kiosk

For years our friends and family have given us tremendous support through volunteer activities. It takes a lot to keep a group like the Harmonizers going.  Our volunteers help with membership, help throw parties and events, run the house and usher at our shows, selling snacks, CDs, tickets, taking donations, work on fundraisers, work on the silent auction, and sew and mend costumes to help us deal with any last-minute wardrobe issues.  It is no exaggeration to say we could not succeed in all we do without their help. Shawn expressed appreciation to all of the volunteers.

Under our new structure much of the day-to-day operation of the chapter has been moved from the duties of the BHS Chapter Board of Directors and given to an operations team composed of directors with various responsibilities.  The “Ops Team” for 2019 was recognized:
Executive Director:       Randall Eliason, Music/Artistic Director:  Joe Cerutti, Jr., Finance Director AH Inc:  Carl Kauffmann, Finance Director BHS:  Dave Welter, Volunteers Director:  Robyn Murane, Communications Director:            Steve Murane, Contest Director:  Craig Kujawa, Education Director:  Sheryl Berlin, Development Director: Johan Westberg, Membership Director:  Calvin Schnure, Shows Director:  Joe Cerutti, Sr., Operations Director:  Mike Edison, and Historian: Martin Banks.

The chapter invited Glenn Phillips, a chorus director of two neighboring chapters in MD, M-AD vice president of Music and Performance, and dean of Harmony University East, to install our 2019 board: President – Shawn Tallant, Secretary – Chris Buechler, Treasurer – Al Herman, Members at Large – Dave Branstetter, Clyde Crusenberry, Matt Doniger, and Immediate Past President – Terry Reynolds.
Shawn used his presidential prerogative to present Meritorious Service Awards for exceptional service to the chapter. 

This first recipient was Ellen Dellert. She is a long-time member of the Harmonizer family. For years she attended every chapter meeting often bringing goodies for the break time.  She served as treasurer of the former chapter auxiliary organization, and even helped as a uniform "wranger" for a contest package.  
The second recipient was Gary Cregan.  Although he is a new member, his demonstrated dedication to the chorus with lots of efforts to help where ever he was needed such as working with the risers and truck, helping with refreshments and events at chapter meetings, as well as getting his music learned and singing with the chorus.
The third recipients were Janet and Joe Cerutti, Sr., When the chorus needed a strong, experienced hand to take charge of show direction and production, he stood up but in reality, they both came in and volunteered. They have helped us develop an organized shows schedule, with events planned into future years. They made important contributions to the 70th anniversary show as well as the major holiday show.

The fourth recipient will be announced at a later event.
Next Shawn honored these recipients of the six chapter memorial awards given each year listed here with a description of the award.

New Note of the Year Award
Given to a Harmonizer who has contributed outstanding service to the Chapter in his first year of membership.  All new members for the previous 18 months prior to October 31 of the current year will be considered.  Attendance, attitude, and accomplishments of duties, both volunteer and assigned, shall be considered.

2018 recipient – Connor Goss Since coming to the chapter, this new member has jumped in to sing, work, help and entertain.  He has helped with the risers, helped keep the Harmo suite stocked in Orlando, filled in on front row parts of our anniversary show, learned the music for the  Harvey Milk repeat performance, and has signed on to sing with our a cappella group TBD.

Dick Hall Spirit of Harmony Award
Presented in memory of Dick Hall, a long time member (1965-2018)whose friendliness and encouragement inspired all who knew him. Given to a Harmonizer who during the year best exemplified Dick’s fundamental qualities of congeniality and good character and who worked hardest to encourage participation in vocal harmony by chapter visitors and members.
2018 recipient – to be presented as soon as possible.
Harmonizer Honor Award
Given to a Harmonizer for service which is above and beyond the usual service expected of members during the past year.  It is not intended as a reward for discharging a single specific duty, but for continuous service in several activities.
2018 recipient – Matt Doniger This relatively new member is dedicated and can be counted on to help and complete the tasks. Besides his singing on the risers and serving as our pitch pipe guy, he is the expert on loading the truck with risers and show and sound equipment. He has accepted leadership positions, and with his best friends, served as producer of our70th anniversary show.  He also is a member of the district operation team.  And he headed up this year’s Wilbur Sparks Put Together Chapter Quartet Contest.

A second recipient will be named later.

Ibbianne and Wilbur Sparks Award
Given to recognize the important contribution of Harmonizer family teams to the success and well-being of the Chapter.  The award will be made only to a truly outstanding team which has contributed greatly both in volume and quality of services over a period of time.  The team can be a Harmonizer and any family member or significant other.
2018 recipient –  Pat and Jack Pitzer   He is a past president and the reigning chorus patriarch. He is part of the chapter history team, and serves as a mentor to current leaders and members. She too has contributed her support by hosting quartets, hosting visiting members who need to stay overnight after meetings, and hosting chapter parties at the home.
Oz Newgard Memorial Award

 Presented in memory of Oz Newgard (Musical Director 1962-70).  It is given to the Harmonizer who has made a significant contribution to the musical program of the Chapter during the past year.  The awardee's contribution need not be highly visible or of a technical musical character, but it must be related directly to the musical program. It should show the intent to make the musical program superior and enjoyable for all members.  The awardee should be a dedicated Harmonizer who has endeavored to improve the Chapter image in the Society and in the Alexandria community through musical excellence.  Any Harmonizer who has been a chapter member for more than one year shall be eligible for the award.

2018 recipient – Chuck Hunter this year’s recipient was so honored 20 years ago, but while his work takes him out of the country for long periods of time, he always returns to offer his talent and skills. That includes being assistant director and often offering coaching help to the chorus as their strive to be better entertainers. His skills as section leader and as an aid to the director are important too.  And his is our tag singing star too.
Harmonizer Memorial Award
Presented in memory of those men who died while members of the Chapter.  It is the highest recognition which the Chapter can bestow on a member.  It is given to the Harmonizer who, during his entire period of chapter membership, has devoted himself most unselfishly in rendering outstanding service to the Chapter.  The award is made only to a truly outstanding member who has regularly attended Chapter activities and who has contributed greatly both in volume and quality of services over a long period of time.
2018 – Al Herman The Harmonizer Memorial award is our highest honor, bestowed only on a Harmonizer who has devoted himself unselfishly in rendering outstanding service to the chapter over a length of time in a variety of areas.  This year’s winner embodies selfless dedication to the needs of the Harmonizers.
He has been a Harmonizer for more than thirty years and for many years has served behind the scenes.  His special gift to the chapter has been his long-time work as finance committee chair and guru in budget development.
After the banquet, guests were invited to dance to the music of Riptide band which includes Chris Huber, Kellen Hertz, Joe Cerutti Sr., and Joel Golden. 
 Until next time – editorjack!
(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week during the 70th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd

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