Thursday, April 24, 2008

Looking Back on April 22nd Chapter Meeting

Looking Back on April 22nd Chapter Meeting

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week at an Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter meeting. —Ye Ed.)

The hall was a busy place on Tuesday! Big crowd of guys learning the SP for contest and show songs from Chuck on the stage at Durant. Usual set up of risers, mirrors, sound equipment, registration station, tables, guest chairs.

After the solid musical warm up with Tony out front, we worked on the three songs to be sung as the Reunion Chorus on the Spring Tonic this weekend. Terry Jordan introduced Bud Arberg as guest director for that group. Bud added some fun info as to how he came be get the nod as our third chorus director in 1951. Jack Pitzer introduced John Hohl, also a former director and medalist quartet guy, who will be the other guest director for the Reunion gang. Jack also introduced Bob Bates, who wrote the words for “A Place On The Risers for You” when John did the music.

There was a large crowd of the 30+ guys who will sing in the reunion chorus who came on Tuesday for a live rehearsal. Some stayed and used the guest books to get a barbershop music fix. I forgot the list of names, so I won’t even try to mention them all here.

Then Director Joe and his musical staff launched a rehearsal for all the songs to be sung at the gig on Wed nite, April 23rd.

During the chapter meeting period, President Stamps asked the Southern Division leadership team to meet with him. And he formally announced the funeral of Mike Gorham that was held earlier in the day. About 35 barbershoppers were there – some from other chapters and M-AD leaders plus our guys.

Bibens plugged the Wed nite singout and also asked for a work crew of guys who were not gonna do the singout to come to Bishop Ireton to help with Tonic technical things.

Pitzer substituted for the voice-less Roger Day. There were several men present who are in the process of joining including Mike Kelly. And again, the large group of guys who will sing in the reunion chorus (about half are still members, but not active singers).

It was Dick Hall’s birthday and we sang to him in special recognition of his years of dedication to call every member on that man’s birthday!! It was also Dick Dangel’s birthday and we had a great huge cake, thanks to his wife Carol, to share with the coffee.

We had to keep the break short, so the guys were pushed to eat fast, buy things, sing up for things, get t heir uniform parts from Tom Kern, etc. But we didn’t do bad in keeping it close to 5 minutes.

Then Kirk Young, our music coach, worked the chorus hard on “Clap” rhythms and solid singing skills at the same time we do the SP. He also helped Joe with ideas on what to do to make things happen. Because he is a band instructor, Kirk also offered some tips to the percussion team for “Kiss de Girl.” Ken White has a whole new take on the intro of the song which is funny and we all enjoyed a good laugh.

No winner on the 50/50 so better get a ticket next week!

We dismantled the place and headed out in record time too – which included loading the Harmo Truck for the shows this week and weekend.

Until next time – editorjack!