Looking Back on the Jan. 8th Chapter Meeting
It was great to get back into Durant and kick off another great Harmonizer
year. The crowd gathered early and was on the risers ready to sing when the
listening session began. This time we
heard current International quartet champs, RINGMASTERS.
That brings us right to the big news. The champs will be at our
chapter meeting next week for a couple songs and to meet the guys. This is a sneak preview of their fundraiser
concert on Wed. nite at 7:30 pm at the George Washington Masonic Temple.
The black-tie fundraiser for the
Harmonizers on January 16 will be preceded by a formal dinner in the Grand
Masonic Hall, limited to an audience of 150. The proceeds will support the
Harmonizers as they prepare to serve as the U.S. choral representatives to the
70th Anniversary of D-Day Celebrations in Normandy, France.
for this wonderful nite are only $125 each from the EventBrite
Producer Ken Rub can answer
to our weekly session, assistant director Will
Cox was up front for the vocal and visual warm up session. Then our
director, Joe Cerutti, stepped up to
welcome the guys back after the holidays and to welcome the many members on the
risers we have not seen for a while. He
also acknowledged that a good number of Alexandria men are already enroute to
the BHS midwinter convention in FL.
Joe introduced his fiancée, Bridgette Winter, and told us all how
the proposal from the Carnegie Hall stage went off with family and friends all
as witnesses from the audience area.
started the nite’s singing with a couple repertoire songs such as “I’m The
Music Man” and “Armed Forces Medley” which we will be singing in France.
the music and performance team presented a lengthy but newsy report and summary
of plans for 2013. Brad Jones is M&P vice president. A summary statements might be, “We will work
on excellence and innovation to be the premier a cappella men’s chorus on the
East Coast.”
Brad also announced
the opportunity for Harmonizers to apply for scholarships to the BHS Harmony
University in the summer in MO; a new program to develop director interns with
local students; and a plan to present the Jack Shields Scholarship for guys to
attend our M-AD Harmony College East.
Noah Van Gilder reported on the
Jan. 7th Open Auditions nite and reminded all of the next open
audition on Jan. 30th.
Greg Tepe is working with
producers for a major chorus appearance for the Jefferson Awards, June 19th
starting at 9 am at Arena Stage.
Calvin Schnure plugged the
plans for Singing Valentines. All singers, especially new guys, should mark
their calendars and plan to take time off to sing that day. The chorus will deliver the Valentines any time on Thursday, Feb. 14th. We are selling Singing
Valentine sent by telephone or SKYPE for only $30 or a Singing Valentine delivered
by a quartet in person with a personalized card and a single rose for only $60.
The music team next previewed plans for the trip to France and
Germany in 2014 and hinted at the musical preparations we will be doing for
that trip including some ideas about the new songs we will be adding. Mick
Stamps and Ken Fess are heading
up this trip in this early stage.
Finally Joe was proud
to talk about our plans for our contest appearance at the 75th
anniversary convention for the BHS in Toronto in July 2013. Carl Kauffmann is the chair at this
point, tho Bob Rhome and Craig Kujawa
are helping us all with convention registrations and room reservations. Ian
Poulin is chairman for selling scrip cards for all Harmonizers to use in
paying for their rooms at the hotel where the chorus will stay – The Fairmont
Royal York. Every member is encouraged (expected)
to use scrip cards to pay for their hotel room, as it will yield a handsome
fund back to the chapter.
Joe reports over 100 singers already have
registered and that we will have a Special
Forces program again this year to allow men connected with the chapter to sing with us on the contest stage.
Forces program again this year to allow men connected with the chapter to sing with us on the contest stage.
Assistant director Terry
Reynolds reported on evaluation processes that will be used to help us be
ready both musically and visually. There will be vocal and visual studios this
spring. The all-important retreat
weekend is set for May 31-June 2. Our
coach will be friend David Wright
from the Ambassadors of Harmony. Joe noted that guys need to plan to get
to McDaniel College on Friday evening for the opening work session with the
coach. This is a change from past years.
McKeever is retreat coordinator.
Finally, associate director Tony
Colosimo announced chapter plans to launch a Master Singer program next
year. More details to come on this
exciting idea to be launched in the same way “barbershop craft” was launched in
Alexandria by Bud Auberg our
director 1951-62.
Wrapping up the first half of the nite, Jeremy Richardson filled in for membership vp Mark Klostermeyer and introduced 5 guests – some who are applicants
and some who were at the audition event on Monday.
After break, the chapter meeting session continued with operations
vp Bob Rhome in charge.
Immediate past president Steve
Murane reminded all of the Chapter Awards Banquet Jan. 26th from
6-10 pm at Durant. It is the nite we honor those who worked hard all during
2012 and we present several long-standing chapter awards. There will also be
installation of the 2013 officers and board.
It is a potluck event – the main course will be provided by the
chapter and then everyone brings food to share: leads and basses bring sides,
baris bring salads and tenors and Friends in Harmony bring desserts.
The chapter will provide wine/beer/sodas/mixed drinks and
coffee. Dress is casual. Everyone is
welcome – especially former members and chapter friends. Please RSVP with numbers of attendees
directly to Steve Murane NLT Jan. 11th
– sdmurane@yahoo.com.
Then back to singing – Tony
continued his craft sessions and used the tag of the new uptune for teaching us
how to put ideas into practice.
We sang more repertoire songs and closed the hall. After tag singing and other business matters,
many guys went to afterglow at the nearby Hilton.
The Friends in Harmony group met Tuesday nite too and went to
dinner off site.
YeEd has reporters in place to cover the mid-winter who
will report news of Harmonizers in action there. We know too that some folks are going on a
cruise after the convention with Joe
Cercutti and Cindy Hansen as coordinators.
YeEd also hears reports of several quartets from the
chapter at work preparing for the spring contest they will compete in order to
get to go to Toronto as a quartet. The
spring contest is in Parsippany NJ, March 15 and 16. Let’s get a good crowd there to cheer for
next time – editorjack!
(This message is prepared for your review if
you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical
record of the great things going on each week at an Alexandria Harmonizer
Chapter meeting. —YeEd.)