Hate to miss chapter meeting. But when my flight from IL to DC was canceled Tuesday morning, I checked as to when and where the Bloomington, IL, chapter meeting was held. Lucky for me it was Tuesday nite, so I went out to their chapter. They are also working on music for Philly. While there I had someone ask me about the Westminster show in June, and another guy told me how much he enjoys the PodCasts done by Dean Martin. This chorus also has Geri Geis as their visual coach. As usual I was warmly welcomed as a Harmonizer!
So thanks again to Alan Wile for writing the following report of this week’s rehearsal and meeting. – YeEd.
Chuck McKeever held his usual choreo training session on the Durant stage shortly after 6 pm with 20 or so Harmonizers. Most of the drills were on the contest uptune but he also refreshed the men on “There’s A Meetin’ Here Tonight.” The front row worked first in the Durant lobby and then practiced their moves in front of the risers. Meanwhile the room was readied for the chapter meeting by a number of guys, including Tom Berkey, Bob Eckman, John Pence, Mark Klostermeyer (K-12), Bob Rhome, Bob Blair, Carl Kauffmann, Ken Fess, Dan O’Brien, Don Thompson, Gerry Levine, Mick Stamps, and Ian Poulin. And coffee was prepared and sweets set out by Dick Hall and Terry Jordan.
At 6:59 p.m. Ops-VP K-12 called everyone to the risers with the vocal warm-up conducted by Assistant Director Will Cox. Master Director Joe Cerutti and Assistant Director Tony Colosimo huddled around the riser chart together with K-12, while Dixie Kennett busied herself taking attendance … which she does religiously every week.
Joe worked sections of three repertoire songs (“Meeting Here Tonight,” “You Tell Me Your Dream,” and “Great Day”) before concentrating on our contest ballad, “I Get Along Without You.” In the process, he singled out Steve White, Chuck Powell, Tom Kraus, and Don Thompson as those who are always in the emotional/visual game. After working specific passages with each voice part and in various combinations, a recording run-through of the contest set preceded the break.
Chapter Secretary Chris Buechler passed out several membership cards to those who recently renewed. Years in the Society ranged from 9 years for Cerutti and Rhome to 32 years for Cox. Others recognized were Gerry Levine, Tom Kern and Kevin Roth. Thanks for renewing, guys!
VP-Membership Dan O’Brien first noted that the number on the risers has effectively doubled in the last three years … but repeated his challenge that we continue to recruit, keeping the number 120 as our immediate goal. Next he introduced our one guest – Chris Harrison – before we welcomed him in song (directed by Will Cox, of course).
Back on the risers after a short break, Alan Wile passed on an invitation from the president of the Mount Vernon Chapter (former Harmonizer Mike Everard) to join his chapter for “Dee Paris Day” on Friday, March 5th, which will feature two outstanding presentations by Dee (a long time barbershopper and member of the DC Chapter).
VP-Ops K-12 reminded all who have not done so to get their uniform measurements to Tom Kern for new uniforms planned to be worn at the international contest in Philly. Also mentioned was the opportunity offered by Chris Buechler to order Harmonizer logo shirts. Bob Rhome stated, in essence, that any member planning on going to Philly needs to have a room – either obtained by/with the Harmonizers or on one’s own.
Jeremy Knobel reminded the membership that the first vocal and visual self-evaluations are due NOW. Those who anticipate not meeting this requirement need to make their circumstances known No Later Than Thursday! Each of the contest songs requires a vocal recording and self-evaluation forms covering the individual’s vocal and visual performance.
Immediate Past President Brad Jones presented awards to two Harmonizers who were not at Sunday’s President’s Award Banquet: a “You Made The Difference” acrylic star (in keeping with the theme adopted during his presidential year) to Terry Jordan and the Harmonizer Honor Award to Jeremy Knobel. He also announced the Harmonizers’ highest award (Memorial Award) would be given to the 2009 winner, John Hohl, at some future occasion (as John is now a permanent resident of Florida). His prepared introduction to each award winner will be sent to all.
Standing back up on the risers, Chuck McKeever identified those who make the “hand chuck” during the hat passing in the uptune. Then he and Director Joe directed a number of repetitions of various moves. The rest of the evening was devoted to drilling the uptune with emphasis on flow and connectivity, volume changes, emotion, etc., etc., etc.
The 50-50 was won by Phil Ashford, who then “took us out” with “Keep The Whole World Singing!”
Until next time – editorjack!
(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week at an Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter meeting. —Ye Ed.)
Thursday, March 4, 2010
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