Friday, August 4, 2023

Looking Back on the August 1, 2023 Alexandria Hybrid Chapter Meeting

 Looking Back on the August 1, 2023 Alexandria Hybrid Chapter Meeting 

The music team was due back in town and members were enjoying some cooler weather and preparing for a good musical workout this week. Assistant director of Metro Voices, Maggie McAlexander, directed a warm up session for both ensembles.  The whole chorus filled the risers and had fun learning a new tag – “Back in My Hometown.”


Artistic director Joe Cerutti welcomed everyone and joked some about his being gone for a couple weeks. And of course the folks on the risers dished it right back to him.


He was fresh back from Harmony College in New Orleans and the category school where the Barbershop Harmony Society (BHS) certifies official judges.  Joe was recertified as a musicality judge (note the new title for that category); associate director Tony Colosimo was recertified as a singing judge; and chapter secretary emeritus, Chris Buechler, was recertified as an administrative judge. Chris has now spent ten years on the Society Contest and Judging Committee. 


Joe proudly reported that our newest Harmonizer member, Kevin Mendez, was newly certified as a singing judge. Our coach Cy Wood was also newly certified as a performance judge; and Erin Odell Cook, daughter of Craig, was newly certified as a musicality judge.


Three former members were also recertified at the category school – Jay Butterfield, Alan Lamson and Sean DevineJohn Santora retired as an administrative judge after 22 years.


Congratulations to all of our judges!


Joe had some other announcements for the whole chorus. First, he reminded everyone about next week’s performance at Franconia Park on Telegraph Rd.  Call time is 6 pm for all singers. Attire is black camp shirts and jeans for Harmonizers, black tops and jeans for Metro Voices. 


(Here is some other background about the location of the show: Franconia Park(formerly Lee District Park) is at 6601 Telegraph Rd., Alexandria.  When you turn off Telegraph, you will take the first right turn and park in that area of the large lot.  The stage is outside in an amphitheater.  There are picnic tables for those who might come early with family and friends. There are benches facing the stage, but your own camp chairs would be a good idea.  Maybe some bug control if you wish. This concert is part of the weekly summer concert series in the Franconia District of Fairfax County hosted by County Supervisor Rodney Lusk. The concert starts at 7:30 pm.)


Second, Joe alerted everyone that with the fall show just six weeks away, the Tuesday night rehearsals will likely go until 10 pm.


Third, he announced that there will be a celebration of life for Brian Miller, a Harmonizer who died due to COVID in the early stages of the epidemic. It will be on Sunday, August 13 at the Dubliner in DC.  Joe asked for a show of hands and determined there were enough singers to accommodate the request from the family for a song or two,  Stay tuned for messages about singing on the 13th.


This week’s  singing began with 20-minute sectionals to work more on the newest song for the anniversary show, “Defying Gravity.”    Sectional leaders for the work sessions were Maggie and Sheryl Berlin for tenors; Sophie Clarke for leads; Lance Fisher for baritones; and Jason Lee for basses. 


All sections returned to risers with Joe to work on the combined chorus for the song. The combined ensembles worked next on “Why We Sing.” 


Music team administrator, Terry Reynolds, conducted the chapter business meeting.  Operations director, and therefore uniform chairman, Gary Cregan, asked for names of any Harmonizers who would not be singing at the Mid Atlantic District (M-AD) contest in the fall – the chapter may need to borrow a blue suit.  And any men who don’t have a blue suit, should get with Gary ASAP.  Perhaps check with Rick Savage to determine your correct sizes too. He will be able to measure and report to Gary


Zak Sandler reported on the work he and Lenna Jawdat are doing to create a musical “Inside My Heart.”  There are possibilities for members to try out, to provide support, or participate in a reading at the Kennedy Center on Sept. 2.  See Zak for complete information.


Terry also reported the recently announced Mid Atlantic District (M-AD) Seniors Chorus. All gender. Must be 55 or over. They will sing at the fall contest in York, PA, and then sing at the BHS MidWinter convention in New York City in January. Directors are Keith Harris and Rick Taylor. There is a $10 fee to cover the cost of learning tracks and music.  Seniors are encouraged to sign up since we will be York anyway.  And this may be a great time for many Harmonizers to attend their first MidWinter since it is in NYC, Jan. 9-14. 2024. 


President Noah Van Gilder gave an update on the chapter’s policy about COVID issues with the concern that it is still around with numbers increasing in some areas. In short, be vigilant.  If you are sick, don’t attend a chapter event. Wear a mask if you wish. If you are exposed, alert the chapter via


Chapter secretary David DesPortes presented a membership renewal card to Mike Fasano for his 29 years. Dave also won the 50/50 drawing this week.


Membership director Jacob Broude welcomed several guests (Marsha Ansel, Dana Richardson, Ashley Merryman, EJ Herold, James McCament, Mert Tramack) and assistant director emeritus, Will Cox, directed the chapter “Welcome Song.”  


There was a brief break so folks could move off the risers and then the two ensembles worked separately on their music.  The Harmonizers did a quick review of  “Calling Dreams” and then concentrated on stage presence reviews for “New York, New York” with Joe and Turner Arndt, “Sit Down You’re Rockin the Boat” with Turner.  They rounded out the singing by doing a quick run of all the songs for the Aug. 9th show in the Park. (Joe joked that with his record of being rained out most years for the summer concerts since he has been our director, chapter members should be alert for any possible cancellation notices about 5 pm on show day.)


Metro Voices adjourned at 9:30 and got a head start to the afterglow at the Harmo House.  The Harmonizers worked until 10.


Until next time – editorjack!


(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record for the great things going on each week during the 75th year of the Alexandria Chapter. - YeEd)


The Chapter Mission Statement Enriching lives through vocal harmony in the greater DC area.