The extreme cold weather didn’t seem to reduce the numbers of Harmonizers at the meeting this week. Early arrivals were there for a front row drill with new front row guy Jacob Broude, and a stage presence review with Chuck McKeever behind the riser area. When things kicked off at 7 pm, associate director Tony Colosimo conducted another thorough warm up exercise.
When director Joe Cerutti took the helm, he shared some fun stories from his recent trip to the convention of the American Choral Directors Association conference. Two folks coming thru the trade show who stopped at the BHS booth asked Joe if he had heard of the Alexandria Harmonizers!! Joe had a big surprise for them when he told them he was our director! Joe also shared a wonderful note the chapter had received from Joyce Garrett who was key in our relationship with the Alfred Street Men’s Choir – and was our Award of Harmony honoree last year.
Joe reminded everyone that coach Kevin Keller will be with us next Tuesday nite.
Finally Joe suggested that guys should contact Mick Stamps now that he is doing better; and that guys should reach out to support Ken Ives at this time of the sudden loss of his wife Charlene.
When we went to work on our music for the nite, Joe started with the two songs that we will sing on the March 20th Together in Harmony show with the other singing groups – “Let There Be Music, Let There Be Love” with the Alexandria Singers directed by Bill Colosimo, and “Hallelujah” with Vocal Collective from New Zealand.
The show starts at 7 pm altho the chorus reports at 5:15, volunteers 5 pm at George Washington National Memorial in Alexandria. Harmonizers and volunteers wear black camp shirt with black pants. Songs will be “Blow Gabriel,” “There Will Be a City,” “We Kiss,” “Empty Chairs,” and “All You Need is Love.” Tickets are just $10. Help spread the word on this fun show – Dean Sherick has tickets for those who want them to sell directly.
As previously announced in the HarmoGram published each week prior to chapter (thanks Dave Branstetter), the chorus members were assigned to four different discussion groups for one hour to flesh out the short term actions needed to continue progress on our chapter’s strategic plan. The break out topics were Vocal Excellence, Community Outreach, Branding, and Fiscal Health. Group monitors were from current boards.
After that hour, it was break with guys singing tags or some of our new songs all around the meeting space.
Steve Murane conducted the weekly chapter meeting. He started with the info mentioned above about the March 20th event.
Then Rob Barnovsky reported more details about our Youth Harmony Festival on Friday, April 5th at Scottish Rite Temple. He is coordinator of many of the operational matters for that day including recruiting volunteers from the chapter and soliciting donations from the members too. Rob reports our education director Sheryl Berlin already has 75 youth signed up but any members who have family members or know prospective youth singers can still sign them up for the day-long event.
Stay tuned for how to sign up as a volunteer (volunteers will be invited to take the online BHS youth protection certification). Guys will be needed for set up; registration; food operations such as breaks, lunch and dinner; and welcoming parents and friends to the evening concert when the chorus and youth choruses will sing.
Donations will be collected on Tuesday March 26th and April 2 such as chips and snacks, cookie packets; fruit such as apples, bananas, grapes and oranges; bottled waters; and assorted sodas and juices. Rob will also need about 6 large coolers – tell him if you can offer one.
President Shawn Tallant invited Terry Reynolds to announce plans for singing at the Ives funeral (all the singer volunteers met after chapter and set the report time at 10:15 for the 11 am service at Trinity United Methodist Church in Price Frederick, MD. The ensemble will sing “I’ll Walk with God’ and will wear personal suit and tie. There is a need for more tenors and baritones. Let Terry know if you can help.)
Chapter secretary Chris Buechler presented membership renewal cards to Clyde Crusenberry for 9 years; Chris Odell for 10 years; Ian Poulin for 19 years; and Will Cox for 41 years!
Membership director Calvin Schnure welcomed guests Turner Arndt (who auditioned after the meeting and has submitted his application for membership in the bass section); and Cody Leihgeber-Carpenter who attended the marketing break-out-session.
Then Joe took over to work more on the music. When the chorus did the “Blow Gabriel” with stage presence moves, Joe paid tribute to our two blind members who work extra hard to be up to par despite the challenges! We thank Brian and Aaron!
Tim Cash was back with us after being away most of last year back in KY and directed “Keep The Whole World Singing” to close out our productive nite together.
Until next time – editorjack!
(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week during the 70th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd