Looking Back on the July 18, 2023 Alexandria Hybrid Chapter Meeting
First off – here are more names of Harmonizers who were on the scene at the contest in Louisville in early July: Rasmus Krigstrom directed the Northern Stars chorus from Sweden. He has arranged several songs for us over the years including the new song for our 75th anniversary, “Calling Dreams” Others friends of the chapter were on stage with the Ambassadors of Harmony including arranger David Wright and coach Jim Henry. Former coach Tony DeRosa was in the fourth-place quartet with his son Joseph. Our recent retreat coaches David McEachern and Rick Spencer were there. Johan Westberg sang with Sound of the Rockies. Chris Buechler and Keven Keller were involved with the judging panel for the contest. Thanks to Dixie Kennett and Keith Jones for serving as reporters for YeEd.
A good crowd of members made it to the Tuesday night meeting at Scottish Rite Temple (SRT) during a really hot summer spell. After associate director Tony Colosimo conducted the warm up session for the combined Metro Voices and Harmonizers on the risers, he gave an official welcome to Samantha Tramack, and her husband Mert, who have moved to Reston in recent days. She will be the new director of Metro Voices. Tony congratulated them also for their quartet success in Louisville. SWEET & SOUR was the highest scoring mixed quartet.
Then Tony welcomed Cy Wood for work session on a presentation plan for “Sit Down You’re Rockin’ the Boat.”
Artistic director Joe Cerutti was already in New Orleans for this summer’s Harmony University.
Music team admin coordinator Terry Reynolds welcomed members Ian Poulin, Chuck Powell, Rob Barnovsky, Doug Smith and Johan Westberg who were with us this week.
A major schedule change for the chapter – the meeting on July 25 will be at SRT (and not in Old Town Alexandria as previously announced).
Terry also announced the July Birthdays: Matt Ambler, Bob Blair, Jacob Broude, Tyler Carpenter, Elisabeth Cosh, Bill DePuy, Ike Evans, Kellen Hertz, Ken Ives, Jerry Jayjohn, Ross Johnson, Mike Kelly, Reed Livergood, Sam McFarland, Kevin McKenzie, John Santora, John Sifuentes, Dylan Smith, Gene Swartz, Greg Tepe and Cy Wood. Marianne Reisssig, Dennis Ritchey’s Mom who attends most of our meetings and watches from the front row of the auditorium, was also recognized for her July birthday.
Then the two ensembles went to work on their music. The Harmonizers worked on “Wee Small Hours” while Cyworked with the front row in the lobby.
All the singers gathered for the business meeting conducted by communications director Steve Murane. Chapter secretary David DesPortes presented membership renewal cards to Lance Fisher for 7 years; Troy Hillier for 32 years; and Dave Ermlick for 43 years.
Chapter executive director Randall Eliason passed out business cards with the fall show information on them for members to use in selling tickets. He also explained the importance of all members selling show ads. The deadline for sales and program copy is August 1st. See Frank Fedarko or Adam Afifi if you want help with those sales. He also suggested that the sections of the ensembles might buy ads.
There will be a need for ushers and other volunteers for the show as well, so Randall or shows director Doug Whitewill collect names of family or friends who might help in that capacity.
Tesssa Walker helped welcome several singing visitors with Metro Voices. Ben Watsky welcomed Harmonizer guests including Elaine Cozzie and Ellen Dellert. Assistant director emeritus Will Cox directed the chapter welcome song.
The ensembles worked on their music with the Harmonizers concentrating on learning the choreo plan for “Sit Down You’re Rockin’ the Boat.” It is fantastic and will be a big crowd pleaser. Cy left the plan in the hands of the chapter team, and specifically Turner Arndt, to help everyone learn it.
The meeting ended with everyone together for “Keep the Whole World Singing.” The afterglow this week was at Rampart’s.
Until next time – editorjack!
(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record for the great things going on each week during the 75th year of the Alexandria Chapter. - YeEd)
The Chapter Mission Statement Enriching lives through vocal harmony in the greater DC area.