Looking Back on the Oct 2nd Chapter Meeting
First off, the chorus worked hard on Saturday, Sept 29th
for an all-day retreat at the Jeff Houston School next to Durant. Director Joe
Cerutti and his staff of directors (Tony
Colosimo, Will Cox, Terry Reynolds, Mike Kelly) worked hard to make it a
profitable day for all. Former assistant
director Chuck Hunter wrapped up the
day with a special session helping us combine our efforts of head and heart to
make the performance complete.
As usual the chapter admin team make it work well too. Thanks to
community service vp Clyde Crusenberry,
we were well prepared to cope with the city-wide event using all parking
spaces. And Clyde with help from Steve
Lingo, the original pizza guy, managed a huge order and fed the gang! Thanks also go to the truck driver and riser
helpers plus Bob Rhome who made
arrangements for the facility. (We were
happy to learn that we could avoid the rental fee if we cleaned up after the
day, so everyone pitched in and made it just like we found it.)
Special fun during the noon hour: performance of MAYHEM who were
in the building practicing for district; review of the 1995 contest performance
video; and some time to review performances in China.
Speaking of the district quartet contest, we are proud
of our 7 District qualifiers. Be sure to cheer these guys on and
wish them the very best.
Kenny White and Mike Pinto),
CHORD COMPANY (w/ Dan O’Brien, Paul
Grimes, and Chris Yates),
CONDITION(w/ Drew Fuller and Arthur
STOP (w/ Dan O’Brien, Randy
Eliason, Phil Ashford, and Calvin
WORX (w/ Doug White, Tim Buell,
Don Thompson, and Edris Qarghah),
TOWN SOUND (seniors) (w/ Alan Kousen,
Bob Caldwell, Bob Mattes, and Dave
RECLAMATION PROJECT (seniors ) (w/ Mike Wallen).
HATTERS (w/ Steve White and Rick Taylor) are the outgoing District
Champs and mic-testers.
The rehearsal this week on Oct. 2nd was another hard
working nite for the chorus in preparation for the district contest weekend,
and a big show this Friday nite for the US Law group.
Chuck McKeever worked with new guys on stage before the
meeting. Will Cox did vocal warm ups.
Tony Colosimo reminded
everyone about the five or so basic “craft maxims” we are using. He also reminded us of the 5 points each guy
needs to touch to be ready to sing – listening, posture, get in character,
audiate with pitch, and do an awesome breath.
Reminder – your voice matters.
Geri and Royall
Geis were with us and Geri added
a layer of professional visual and emotional presentation to our recent hard
work in musical presentation. Associate
director Tony was in charge of the
singing as director Joe Cerutti was
coaching in Germany.
Mark Klostermeyer conducted the chapter meeting.
He plugged the sales of Entertainment books being sold for $30
this year by Chuck Harner. The chapter earns $5 for each book sold.
Jack Cameron worked on distributing and collecting payment
for photos from the spring southern division chorus contest.
Secretary Chris Buechler
presented membership renewal cards: Steve
Lingo for 5 years; Ken Henderson
for 9 years; Terry Reynolds for 29
years; Phil Ashford for 35 years (he
also got his 35 year pin from the chapter); and Jack Cameron for 43 years.
Membership vp Phil Ashford
introduced the guests for the nite.
We had a good long break to get some refreshments and make
purchases and sign up for things. Many guys were working with fellow chorus
members in planning transportation for Ocean City.
Show producer Greg Tepe
announced some important details for the Fri., Oct. 5 show including which
entrance to use for the chorus to get into the gallery – we use the G Street
entrance. Call time is 8 pm.
Brad Jones promoted the silent auction for the holiday
show. There is a need to get good items
to put on the block. Brad is working to add an online
component for this auction too.
YeEd offers some out-of-the-box ideas:
1. an appearance by TBD
2. an appearance by
Capital Force
3. tax preparation
4. personal trainer
5. hand crafted items
made by members or their families
6. top quality decorated
cakes or cheese cake
7. Cerutti coaching
8. Harmonizer 2-hour
9. Gourmet Dinner for
four prepared by Cerutti and served by the Harmonizer front row
12. Some of the
autographed quartet pictures in our archives we no longer need
12. Piano tuning
13. Piece of the Great
Wall or something from China
14. Sell a Harmonizer
show script from the past that was good -- ask Steve
15. Coaching session by
Tony Colosimo
17. Appearance by any
18. Auction a chance for
a chorus to come visit DC, stay in homes of Harmonizers and we will sing
someplace in the Metro area of note like at a Monument or famous church or
19. Sound team for a
chapter show. Or sound and stage team/crew.
20. MC job for another
chapter or a choir group
21. Any antique
barberpoles guys have and don't have room for any more
Assistant director Terry
Reynolds reminded all of the schedule coming up – next Tues regular time
and place; Wed Oct 10th at 7 at Kena Temple, 9001 Arlington Blvd,
Rte. 50. New guys ask for a ride from
others. And Metro riders should be sure to line up a ride too – no Metro
stations anywhere near that location.
Then it was back to work on the contest package. We did many things to help build our
confidence and success in presentation.
At the end of the nite, we also ran thru three of the songs for
the Friday nite show.
The chapter leaders also plugged the Oct. 16th ALUMNI
NITE at Durant – usual time. All former members are urged to attend and
join in the fun and hear the contest chorus.
Conveniently, we are
also holding our legally required annual meeting. Your votes are
important, so please come and support the selection of our next team. If you
are interested in running for an office, but are not on the slate, please
notify chapter secretary Chris Buechler
no later than October 9 so that ballots can be prepared per the chapter
bylaws. There can be no nominations from the floor on the 16th. Anyone running
the board must agree to serve and to participate in board meetings and chapter
activities. If you have questions, please speak with the chapter secretary.
Proposed 2013 slate:
President - Alan Wile
Treasurer - Dave Welter
Secretary - Chris Buechler
VP - Operations - Bob Rhome
VP - Shows - Ken Rub
VP - Music & Performance - Brad Jones
VP - Marketing & PR - Scipio Garling
VP - Chapter Development - Mark Klostermeyer
Member at Large (two positions) - Josh Roots, Greg Tepe (Nick Leiserson and Troy Hillier will continue on from this year)
Immediate Past President
- Steve Murane
We ended the nite after 10 and Geri directed KTWWS. The
whole chapter worked to get the risers put away and load the truck for the show
and such. A good crowd also went to the
Hilton for an afterglow session. The
tag-singing-guys managed to get in a few tags too.
next time – editorjack!
(This message is prepared for your review if
you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical
record of the great things going on each week at an Alexandria Harmonizer
Chapter meeting. —YeEd.)