Looking Back on the Aug 21st Chapter Meeting
The main hall in Durant was filling up fast by as
early as 6:30 his week. Chuck McKeever had a good sized class
on stage – many guys working to get ready for the contest package. All the new members recently demands that all
of us be on the ball to help them, coach them, offer to answer questions, and welcome
The set up crew worked hard and got out the fans
too. Bob Rhome was at his new station to let folks in the back door when
they knock, since we can’t prop it open any longer.
Assistant director Will Cox did the vocal warm ups.
Before director Joe Cerutti
took over, he asked assistant director Terry
Reynolds to call out the new contest line up. So we all got off the risers and returned to
the rows where we were assigned. This was needed to add all the new members and
returning members. It also shifts
location of the tenor section and dispersed the bari section somewhat.
And also before we started actually singing, Mike Kelly drilled us in the corrected
pronunciation of lyrics for “Rainbow Sister” which we will sing in Chinese on
the trip – and after we return to the USA.
So everyone needs to learn it.
One major goal of the evening was to get in some
solid work on the contest package. Joe welcomed Geri and Royall Geis
back. She explained the power of our
package, especially the ballad. And then
Geri talked thru the scenario and
that lead us into a closed-eye drill. It
was a powerful performance, tho we were all seated on the risers.
So she and Joe
had us work to bring that game to our stand up performance. We made terrific progress and will need to
repeat those steps each time we meet.
There was also some hard work on the songs the
chorus with sing with Toronto in China.
Before break, Joe
welcome Carolyn Hall who celebrated
her birthday last week and we all sang to her.
He also welcomed back Roger Day,
Paul Grimes, Dick Dangel, and announced that Chuck Hunter would be back soon for another year with us.
The chapter meeting was conducted by Mark Klostermeyer (K12). Brad
Jones made last minute announcements regarding the China trip and paperwork
Anne Cleaveland did a quick plug for the Pride of
Baltimore SAI show on Sat Sept 15th featuring MAIN SREET quartet.
Chapter secretary Chris Buechler presented Man of Note pin to Steve Murane for bringing in a new member in NV. It was Steve’s
second. Ross Felker got a MoN pin for helping Peter Hubbard find us. Martin Banks earned a MoN for
sponsoring Stan Quick. These new members and Steve Szyszka also got name tags and lots of supplies as new
presented a 40 year membership pin and renewal card to Carl Kauffmann. Bob Ulibarri
received a 30 year lapel pin and membership renewal card. Other renewals that we cheered for were Don Thompson for 20 years; Troy Hillier for 21 years; and Joe Wagovich and Alan Wile for 31 years each.
announced photo ops for new guys for their Harmo Hero forms.
began distributing a new red tie to be worn by the chorus in China when they
sing of the Great Wall.
Membership vp Phil
Ashford introduced another big group of guests – some first timers; some
guys from other chapters in town for work, visiting or checking us out; family
members of our members; and an applicant or two.
After break, Bob
Mattes spoke about the bus transportation taking guys to New York airport
departures for China.
Producer Greg
Tepe gave some last minute reminders for the Dog Days show next week in
Manassas at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, 12975 Purcell Rd., Manassas 20112.
Event starts at 7:30. Come early for snacks and fellowship – and to hear our
neighboring choruses. They will all be
eager to hear our songs. New black shirt
outfit with jeans.
Kujawa reviewed details for tickets and housing for the
Ocean City contest weekend, Oct. 12 and 13.
Important that all take care of these two matters. Sounds like we will have about 100 singers on
Roots, one of the Holiday Show producers, warned us that
tickets for those shows are selling pretty well already. So don’t delay if you want a table (of ten)
for family, church choir, neighbors, barbershop pals from other chapters,
co-workers. Order online!!
Grimes, bari in ACME CHORD COMPANY, told us about the
Arlington, VA, Arlingtones show on Sept 15 and 16. Quartet is on their show.
Reynolds gave us a sneak preview of some upcoming
rehearsals, reminded us that after about Sept 11th, rehearsals are
mandatory for contest singers (there will be a form to submit if work or major
travel causes you to miss – this helps musical leaders to know where we are and
what our plans are).
There will not be a rehearsal on Sept 4th
at Durant – many will be in China and Durant is being used for an election
polling place. But Sept 11th
is a go – most of the guys will be back from China – particularly the
musical directors. Fantastic coach, David Wright, will be with us for the
Sept 18th meeting. And
finally, mark your calendars for special/extra rehearsals on Sat Sept 29th
at Jeff Houston school during the day, and Wed eve Oct 10th at
Shriner’s Temple on Rte. 50. Mark your calendars
and alert your family!!!
President Steve
Murane recognized TOP SHELF bass Andrew
Havens and his quartet, presenting them the check of financial support from
the chapter for their representing us in Portland.
also announced plans for the chorus in 2014 including the confirmation of our
trip to France to Normandy. First registration will be collected early in Oct
of 2012. We will represent the USA there for this important 70th
anniversary of D-DAY. We are honored by
that and our chance to also represent the Barbershop Harmony Society there. We
will not compete, then, in the contest cycle that leads up to the Las Vegas
International convention.
Director Joe
stressed that everyone should plan to go. Don’t just say you can’t make it
cause it might be tight for money or something.
Speak with Joe privately. We
will work as a chapter to get some funding. In fact, Joe asked for guys with contacts in the government contract world
to work with him in getting some sponsorships.
Joe also confirmed that other
singers will be invited to join us for this event.
Then it was back to work in sectionals (this is the
way the section leaders can know who needs help or coaching to do a better performance)
versus submitting tapes for the contest package. Fun to see so many of the new members and
guests working on it too. Tho time is short, it is possible for a new guy to
make it.
The singing and hard work continued right up til 10
pm, then there was a crush to get all the equipment put away and the room back
in order.
A good crowd made it to the Hilton for the afterglow
next time – editorjack!
(This message is prepared for your review if
you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical
record of the great things going on each week at an Alexandria Harmonizer
Chapter meeting. —YeEd.)