Looking Back on the July
18th Chapter Meeting
There was lots of
excitement in the hall as guys were talking about their travel plans or car
pools for the trip to Nashville on Sunday for 2017 Harmony University. After
warm ups by associate director Tony Colosimo
(he spoke briefly about his disappointment in having to miss HU, although he is
joyful about the arrival of their new baby during the week), director Joe Cerutti spoke about a lot of
exciting things that will happen next week.
He shared plans for our
being part of the 700 members present at Belmont University for the week, about
the various coaches we will meet with and some of the work we will be doing,
about our part in presenting a class to share with others, about the food and
ice cream, and about the many former coaches and friends of the chapter who
will be there too. It will be fun for
many guys to meet the staff members who have been so helpful in preparing us
for the week. Thanks too for the work
done by chapter chairman Craig Kujawa
for getting us there.
With that said, Joe took off right away singing our
three possible contest songs we have learned in preparation for the coaching –
with a plan to select two for the fall contest.
And we sang thru songs we will perform for fellow students.
Executive director Terry Reynolds and Joe made several
announcements about our week at HU.
1. Wednesday during the
general session we offered to be a demo chorus for the instructors.
2. After the Sunday eve
general session, we will meet outside on the patio for a few minutes just to
coordinate and confirm that everyone made it.
3, Saturday’s uniform is
the black camp shirt, jeans and black shoes.
4. Joe spoke about the variance in temperatures - outside about 100
degrees F, inside with the air conditioning you might wanna be prepared if you
get cold easily, and you might wanna bring a light extra blanket.
Terry announced and
thanked Dean Rust for his work in
obtaining a grant from the State of Virginia for our work in diversity and inclusion.
Wednesday evening Aug.
2nd, the Washington Men’s Camerata invites us to join for a social
and musical nite with other men’s choral groups from the DC area.
Yes, the Harmonizers
will do their annual summer outdoor concert at Market Square in Old Town
Alexandria, as part of the city’s summer series. Friday nite Aug. 11th.
Ian Poulin has agreed
to coordinate our chapter’s hosting duties at the fall district contest in
Reading, PA, in Sept.
As a reminder, all of
our rehearsals in August and September will be mandatory in preparation for the
contest in Sept.
President Randall Eliason reported that Dick Hall has moved back “home” with Carolyn at The Charleston Senior
Community, Room 3202, 45 S Patrick St, Waldorf MD 20603, Dick sends thank you to all who have sent cards or called.
Randall also reported
that Bob Wachter’s wife, Jean. is facing more surgery.
Terry Jordan is in
rehab for a cracked vertebrae at Potomac Falls Health & Rehab Center, 46531
Harry Byrd Highway (Rte 7), Sterling VA 20164, Rm 104.
Secretary Chris Buechler reports the new BHS member site reports
that we have 256 members at this time. This is an inflated number they are
working to correct. He presented membership renewal cards to Jeff Burkey for 3 years; Elliot Roseman for 5 years; Johan Westberg for 13 years; and Bob
Wells for 26 years.
Membership director Dave Kohls introduced some first time
guests and welcomed back some returnees!
We sang our Harmonizer welcome song for them as we do each week –
usually lead by emeritus assistant director Will Cox.
We took a break for
refreshments and then right back to work singing.
Before we left for the
nite and the afterglow (a good sized crowd got over to La Porta’s nearby on
Duke Street), we sang “There Will Always Be a Place on the Risers for You” for Greg Tepe who leaves soon for Ireland.
Until next time – editorjack!
(This message is prepared for your review if you
were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record
of the great things going on each week during the 70th year of the
Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd