Thursday, June 30, 2022

Looking Back on the June 28th 2022 Harmonizer International Send Off

 Looking Back on the June 28th 2022 Harmonizer International Send Off 

The chapter reestablished the tradition of performing the Harmonizer contest package just before departing for the International chorus contest.

The chorus arrived at the SRT meeting place dressed or ready to dress in the blue suit/vest and orange tie/pocket stuffer. Uniform coordinator Robyn Murane was on hand to help as needed. In the end, the chorus did not wear the coats. 

Artistic director Joe Cerutti did some warm up and then worked with the chorus on several spots in the two songs. There were a number of men absent – a few with COVID issues.

Executive director Randall Eliason spoke to the chorus about the chapter’s latest COVID rules for the convention. YeEd attempts here to report what Randall announced.  First – everyone will be asked to take a self-test before leaving for NC and send in the results to For the rehearsals on Tues 7/5 and Wed 7/6 – chorus and guests will wear masks. On Thurs 7/7 every member of the chorus will test before the 1:00 rehearsal and email the results. Rehearsal on Thursday will be closed. Thursday rehearsal and all events on Friday (including the contest performance) will be mask optional. Everyone is strongly encouraged to wear masks as much as possible during non-Harmonizer events during the week to avoid getting sick.

Joe did announce a bandana check for the Class of 2022 – one member was without his but Joe didn’t want to embarrass the guilty class member in front of so many guests. (We can expect something to happen about this at the Thursday June 30 extra rehearsal at SRT.

The Class of 2022 includes: Turner Arndt, Scott Beach, Michael Berkson, Jacob Broude, Tyler Carpenter, Gary Cregan, Lance Fisher, Devin Gerzof, Ryan Mextorf, Josh Myers, Duncan Peacock, Tessa Walker, David Breen, Michael Pugh, Cy Shuster, Frank Shipp, John Sifuentes, Dylan Smith, Tony Amante Schepers, Zak Sandler and Ben Watsky. 

In addition to this list, the seven members of 17th Street Dance group of the Washington DC Gay Men’s Chorus who will appear with us in Charlotte are considered members of the class as well:  Danny Aldous, Seam Cator, Craig Cipollini, James Elzy, Jeffrey Holland, Cole Jaconski and Darryl Pilate.

At 7:45 a large crowd of guests were allowed to enter the auditorium from the lobby.  They all had provided proof of vaccination and wore masks. It was great to have so many come hear the chorus – family member and significant others; former members; fellow barberhoppers from other chapters; members of Georgetown Chimes; members of the Washington DC Gay Men’s Chorus; general manager of the chorus Susan Fitzpatrick; and community members of the chapter board.

Terry Reynolds was emcee and gave the usual “Harmonizers on the Risers” call at 8 pm. He explained the traditional of our send off and expressed the chapter’s joy of singing for a live audience. Joe directed “Never Dressed Without a Smile.”

Then Terry did a build-up explaining how Friday, July 8th will go and increased the excitement so that the audience began their applause and cheers to welcome the Alexandria Harmonizers.

Both songs were performed just as they will be in Charlotte. Between songs, Randall spoke to the audience just as he will do on the contest stage. 

After the cheering calmed down, Joe did some coaching of the chorus, with his mic on so the guests could hear his comments.

Joe did take some time to thank the chorus for their dedication during the COVID months as well as their families for supporting the members during those difficult months. His remarks included thanks to former members, for community support from the 17th Street Dance group from the Washington DC Gay Men’s Chorus, a special shout out to our front row guys (including Steve White who has retired from the front row and sings up on the risers now), a quick listing of the music team, and appreciation to the chapter’s administrative and operations team. 

President Noah Van Gilder made remarks and announced up-coming shows for the audience to add to their calendars. Then he paid tribute to some of the Harmonizer quartet men who will also be singing in the contests in Charlotte – Andrew Havens and Tony Colosimo in FIRST TAKE; Lance Fisher in JEFFERSON PLAID TIE; and Michael Berkson in NEW SOCKS.

The chorus repeated their contest performance to more cheers and a standing ovation! For this run-through the dancers wore their tap shoes! 

The chorus sang “Bridge Over Troubled Water” to wind up a great evening. 

A good sized crowd of members and guests made it over to the Harmo House for the afterglow.   The weather was great so the many folks spent the evening outside on the deck, the tag singers pumped out the chords in the basement, and everyone enjoyed the pizza and extra goodies this week.

Until next time – editorjack!

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record for the great things going on each week during the 74th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. - YeEd)