Friday, May 18, 2018

Looking Back on the May 15th Chapter Meeting 

This week’s meeting concentrated on contest preparation.  We were at Durant so we could use the risers.  We welcomed our coach Cindy Hansen Ellis.  It was a workout session in a hot hall without air conditioning!!

Director Joe Cerutti was just back from Germany and had stories about animals that had gotten onto the Audubon and delayed his trip to the airport in order to get home.

There was a new riser line up for the contest in use this week.  Non-contest guests and members will be invited onto the risers for some sessions.

Joe welcomed Cindy and she worked hard with the chorus to bring the new ballad into focus and helped the men “own” this wonderful song.

For the chapter meeting, Steve Murane was in charge.  The big news is that for our meeting on Tues. May 22nd we will try out a possible new meeting space at the Scottish Rite Temple, 1430 Braddock Rd., Alexandria 22302, with risers. Many members will recognize that location as the place where we have often parked when going on extended bus trips.

On Tues May 29th we are back at Durant to work on contest and also welcome the Kingsmen from BABS.

There was another reminder about the chorus retreat. Terry reminded guys to turn in their payment for the chorus retreat to Howard Nestlerode. The retreat will be June 8-9-10 at McDaniel College in Westminster, MD, (about 70 miles from Springfield).  Friday June 8th will be mandatory for front row and optional for all others with special sessions for the small groups to be coached. There are many good restaurants in town and it is a good social time on Friday nite. Fees include lodging; three meals on Saturday and breakfast on Sunday; plus linens and a Saturday evening party. There are three price levels – Friday-Sunday attendees ($114); Saturday-Sunday attendees ($83); and commuters who won’t be staying any nite ($78). Non-competing members are welcome to attend. Many members are behind in getting in their payments.  All requests for roommate assignments are due to retreat master, Chuck McKeever, immediately.

Uniform chairman Robyn Murane presented information about the distribution plan for the new chorus uniform and about the collection of the black chorus suits.  She passed out specific instructions which included the word to bring your payment of $100 on May 29th.  She also asks for members to have the black suits cleaned before bringing them in; plus there were instructions on how to mark the sizes and such with tags she provided. (There is an option to buy your suit for quartet uses or such for $50.) We will be selling the suits. BTW – it will help the uniform folks if you arrange for payment and pick up by another member on your behalf if you won’t be at the May 29th meeting.

Ian Poulin asked for helpers to set up stage and signage at the Southern Division contest this weekend.

The M-AD "combined" Southern & Central Division contest is this weekend at the Mark Center in Alexandria VA.  While the Harmonizers’ chorus is not competing/performing, we do have several Alexandria Harmonizers’ competing in quartets.  The Friday night quartet competition actually starts at 2:57 pm on Friday.  The chorus contest starts at 8.57 am on Saturday morning, and the finals/Show of Champions starts at 7 pm.

There are eleven Alexandria Harmonizers’ competing in the Southern Division Quartet competition this Friday: 
·         YOUTH RECLAMATION PROJECT -  singing 8th - Mike Wallen
·         SILVER ALERT -  singing 16th - Rick Savage, Mike Edison, Will Cox, Steve Murane
·         POTOMAC SOUND– singing 23rd - Mike Pinto
·         CAPITAL CITY CLOSE HARMONY CLUB– singing 25th - Mario Sengco, Jordan Haedtler, Chuck Hunter, Ken White
·         VOICES IN MY HEAD– singing 28th - Tim Buell

Ian also is ticket chair for the fall anniversary show on Sept 8th.  He announced that he is issuing consignment tickets ($35 ea – open seating). Tickets are also on sale online.  Ian will also sell you or friends a $100 VIP seat – speak to him in person. 

President Shawn Tallant read a thank you note from the Dick Hall family for the chorus singing at the services for Dick.

Secretary Chris Buechler presented quartet registration credentials to members of THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES (our section leaders every year form this quartet) – Brian Ammerman, Reed Livergood, Chuck Hunter, Andrew Havens.

Chris also presented membership renewals to Dean Sherick for 6 years; Kellen Hertz for 10 years; Steve Murane for 16 years; and Tom Frederick for 25 years.

Announcements of other events included the Loudon County show, and the contest organized by Casey Belzer’s school music department at 7 pm on May 31st for 16 self-directed student ensembles seeking audience votes to choose the winner.  Related to this – the fall show team is asking for volunteers to go visit other barbershop singing groups in our area and promote ticket sales.

After the break, it was a long work session on the contest uptune. The chorus cheered and thanked our coach for a good session.

After the meeting, crews loaded all the risers onto the Harmo truck – in the rain!!!!

There was a good crowd at the afterglow too.

Until next time – editorjack! 

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week during the 70th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd