Saturday, August 20, 2011

Looking Back on the Aug 12th Market Square Show and Aug 16th Chapter Meeting

A good sized audience was at Alexandria’s Market Square to hear the Harmonizers free concert. It is another of our shows to repay the City of Alexandria for its support of our chapter.

Directors were Joe Cerutti, Tony Colosimo, Will Cox and Mike Kelly.

The HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES (a quartet composed of our musical section leaders) sang for us on this show.

Great to have our coach, Cindy Hansen Ellis, in the audience.

Don Dillingham and Scipio Garling did the emcee work for the gig and Scott Kahler helped make sure the sound was right for barbershop singers.

“That’s Amore” with Terry Reynolds as soloist went well again.

After the show, there was some effort to recruit singers; and a crew of guys passed out flyers for the fall show. (YeEd was in Illinois on the 12th, so thanks to those who answered phone calls for details for this reporter. Hope they “remembered” everyone!)

(On Tuesday nite, August 16th, Jacob George, took notes and prepared this report on the chapter rehearsal and meeting. Many thanks to Jacob from YeEd.)

Volunteers put up the risers and meeting equipment for yet another evening of rehearsal and chapter meeting on this Tuesday night. Tony Colosimo led the voice-brain tune up time.

Director Joe Cerutti was received with applause after summer camp and the long break after the international. Joe started with comments about our performance at the international contest including inputs he gleaned from coaches and judges at Harmony University.

Former Harmonizer, Mike Louque, and one of the presentation judges in Kansas City, was with us on the risers this week, and he was invited to make his personal remarks about the Harmonizer’s performance.

It was most exciting to see many new faces (new comers, applicants) on the risers with us.

When the singing started, Joe began a review of the choreo for “Hello My Baby” with the help from Chuck McKeever.

Operations vp, Mark Klostermeyer, conducted the chapter meeting starting with announcement of birthdays of several Harmonizers coming up next week. He also reminded all that orders for engraving the recently earned 5th place medals will be accepted for 2 more weeks – see Bruce Lauther.

Shows vp, Ken White, plugged participation at the Dog Days singout in Manassas next Tuesday, August 23rd. All are expected to attend. Please look for an email from Greg Tepe regarding the revised dress code – Harmo teal shirt with khaki pants.

Everyone was reminded of the planning meeting for the China trip with the travel agent on Tuesday nite, Aug. 3oth.

Scott Kahler announced news from the chapter IT committee that we are about to launch an improved website and membership portal. Certainly more details are to come, but Scott wanted folks to know the work is underway.

Brian Ammerman made a power-point presentation about the fall show with major emphasis on ticket sales. His major point was that each member needs to sell some tickets. And we all need to expand our contact lists of possible ticket buyers by calling or contacting friends, co-workers, neighbors, church members or Metro riders. Each Harmonizer was given a special pin “2011 campaign” as a reminder.

Membership vp, Phil Ashford, introduced nine guest – three are applicants. Will Cox conducted music evaluations of the new prospects during the break.

After the break, the 1995 gold medal ballad from our contest package, “I’ll Be Seeing You” was rehearsed. We will be singing it for our next contest appearance at Southern Division.

Joe gave a brief taste of the new holiday songs with a quick run-through of two new charts. Music vp, Terry Reynolds, indicated that there are several other fun, new holiday pieces in the works.

Since this was the last week for our summer guest, Josh Ehrlich from the Voices of Gotham, he was invited to direct “Keep the Whole World Singing” to wrap up the evening. After putting everything away or onto the truck for next week’s show, the gang adjourned to the Hilton for our weekly afterglow.

YeEd extends congrats (or maybe our sympathies) to Alan Wile who was recently named to the BHS search committee for a new chief executive officer. Society President Alan Lamson appointed the five-member Task Force created to assist the Board of Directors in the search.

Until next time – editorjack!

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week at an Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter meeting. —YeEd.)