Looking Back on the June 7th and June 14th 2022 Harmonizer Hybrid Chapter Meetings.
First – the report on the June 7th meeting. (Thanks for Jerry Jayjohn for taking notes that week.)
The evening started off with Turner Arndt doing a choreo review starting at 6:45 until 7:00. Then artistic director Joe Cerutti did a warm up for about 20 minutes.
Starting at 7:30, we adjourned into sectionals to review points that retreat coach Jim Henry had suggested the section leaders work on at this first meeting after the retreat weekend in Westminster.
The first item in this week’s business meeting was the celebration of membership renewal when secretary Dave DesPortes recognized Andrew Haven's 14 years. Then president Noah Van Gilder congratulated all for a wonderful retreat weekend. He also announced the passing of Susan Williams. She was the wife of longtime Harmonizer Ross Johnson. Susan did the chapter’s annual financial review for many years pro bono.
Membership director Jacob Broude welcomed back new member Cy Shuster, who had been out with emergency dental surgery.
After business, the chorus concentrated their work on the ballad.
Members went to the Harmo House for that week’s afterglow, as usual.
Second – here is the report of a busy June 14th meeting with special emphasis on the uptune and the choreo for it. Before the meeting started, there was choreo review in one room with Turner again; riser set up in the auditorium; music team preparations to help any singers that needed some help; Alan and Walt selling 50/50 tickets in the foyer; uniform chairman Robyn Murane meeting with many individuals to confirm the fit of their contest uniform or making certain the singers had all the parts they needed; and associate director Tony Colosimo conducted a vocal and physical warm up session.
Our choreographer and coach, Cy Wood, was back with us this week to fine-tune and to add the dancers to the front row for the uptune. Seven members of 17th Street Dance from the Washington DC Gay Men’s Chorus will perform with us in Charlotte. This was the first time the chorus members had met them and they cheered and applauded the dancers for their addition to the contest package. The dancers are Danny Aldous, Seam Cator, Craig Cipollini, James Elzy, Jeffrey Holland, Cole Jaconski and Darryl Pilate.
Our front row captain, Bruce Reahm, made them official name tags and Joe gave them a Class of 2022 bandana to welcome them to the Harmonizer family.
Chapter contest director, Craig Kujawa, provides information that Harmonizers need to know for the convention in Charlotte via the Queen City Countdown newsletters he sends to all members . There have been nine issues so far, providing important deadlines and details which every convention attendee from Alexandria should note. For example, here are the times for the Harmonizer rehearsals during convention in Charlotte – Tues. July 5 – 8:30 pm-9:30 pm; Wed. July 6th – 2:45 pm-4:45 pm; Thurs. July 7 – 1 pm-3:30 PM; and Fri. July 8th starting at 9 am before going to the stage. All of these rehearsals will take place at the Charlotte Marriott City Center Hotel in Charlotte Ballroom A-B-C.
President Noah Van Gilder seconded the need for all members to read and study the Queen City Countdown Newsletter
Before the chorus work began, Joe thanked the music team for the Daily Tidbits from the team to singers – one for each of the 30 days leading up to being on stage at the International chorus contest. He thanked Jason Lee for making the idea happen.
Joe called for this week’s bandana check which revealed class president Michael Pugh had forgotten his bandana, He was brave enough to perform a solo to atone for his forgetfulness. He was a great sport and performed well!!
The Class of 2022 includes: Turner Arndt, Scott Beach, Michael Berkson, Jacob Broude, Tyler Carpenter, Gary Cregan, Lance Fisher, Devin Gerzof, Ryan Mextorf, Josh Myers, Duncan Peacock, Tessa Walker, David Breen, Michael Pugh, Cy Shuster, Frank Shipp, John Sifuentes, Dylan Smith, Tony Amante Schepers, Zak Sandler and Ben Watsky.
An early part of this week’s meeting was working on choreo for the uptune and the addition of the dance segments. Then the chorus went outdoors to work on the songs more and the Harmo front row and the 17th Street Dance front row worked with Cy in the auditorium.
As a reminder, here is a quick look at the calendar for the chorus. Chuck Hunter is coach for June 21. Our traditional sendoff is on June 28th at SRT – a chance for family and friends to hear and see the Harmonizer package and give a cheer as the chorus heads to NC for the International contest. The sendoff will be all masked while indoors and guests will show proof of vaccination. There will be extra rehearsals on June 23 and 30 – continuing the Harmonizer policy of wearing masking while inside.
At the afterglow this week, there was a good crowd that appreciated a chance to chat and relax outside in the screened deck with Joe and Cy – especially after working til 10 pm this week (and part of that time outside in the heat!). The tag singers of course continued their weekly quest in the Harmo House basement.
Until next time – editorjack!
(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record for the great things going on each week during the 74th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. - YeEd)