Saturday, May 13, 2023

Looking Back on the May 6, 2023 Alexandria Crawfish Boil, May 9 Hybrid Chapter Meeting

 Looking Back on the May 6, 2023 Alexandria Crawfish Boil, May 9 Hybrid Chapter Meeting

The Alexandria Chapter had a busy week starting with the crawfish boil on May 6 and then a full night of singing on Tuesday May 9 at Scottish Rite Temple (SRT). Both ensembles participated 

Ken Rub, chapter development coordinator, organized the Boil at the Harmo House.  All members were invited.  Those members that  raised at least $250 during S2A, were free.  If not, it was just $10 per person. The weather was great, the patio and deck were a great place to visit and enjoy the goodies. Hosts Joe and our intern Kaj had games out front.  Joegrilled burgers, brats and sausages for those who wanted the alternative protein.  The cold drinks were great on a warm Saturday afternoon. Scott Kahler came from New Orleans to be the chef for the crawfish boil. The chapter members consumed about 60 pounds of crawfish that was flown to Alexandria that morning.  It was boiled with celery, onions, mushrooms, potatoes, corn, garlics, sausage and lots of spices.  When the pot was ready, it was drained and the goodies poured out onto a paper-covered table for folks to gather round and feast!  It was also Kentucky Derby day, so at 7 pm folks gathered round the TVs to watch. 

For Tuesday night’s meeting on May 9, Maggie McAlexander did the vocal warm up session for the combined ensembles on the risers in the auditorium at SRT.  One exercise she used was “pizza is great – I can’t believe how many pieces that I ate!”

When artistic director Joe Cerutti took over, he apologized for needing to talk so much but there are many chapter events on the calendar for the next few weeks.

First event – Tuesday, May 16, the chapter will meet at Market Square at 7 pm.  Then sing on the steps there before strolling down King Street ending in the Torpedo Factory area for another sing on the steps there.  No doubt there will be impromptu sings along the way.  We will pass out contact cards to listeners about joining the chapter or coming to hear us sing, or to hire us to perform. The evening will end with an informal gathering is an Old Town ‘watering hole’ nearby. There will not be any meeting at SRT that night. Harmonizers will wear their black camp shirts.

Second event – on Sunday, May 28, singers are invited to gather at The Bike Club in Old Town for a 3-5 pm session to enjoy Beatles-a-Day with Mo and Amelia. The chapter will also welcome Veterans for this Memorial Day Weekend and an ensemble of Harmonizers will sing the “Armed Forces Medley.” 

Third event – the annual chorus retreat is June 9-11 at McDaniel College in Westminster, MD. Both ensembles will attend. Housing will be in campus space and the retreat will be in the student building where the meals will be served and where the Saturday night party will be held. The registration deadline was Tuesday – although there is likely a way to attend if a singer missed a deadline. There are options to commute too.  Craig Kujawa, contest director, is coordinator. Coaches for this year’s retreat will be David McEachern from Toronto, and Rick Spencer from Nashville. Arrival is Friday evening and departure is Sunday noon.  

Fourth event – interment of Royal Geis at Arlington Cemetery at 1 pm.  The Harmonizers will sing “I’ll Walk With God’ and “I’ll Be Seeing You.” 

Fifth event – the chapter meeting on Tuesday, June 13, will begin at Alexandria City Hall with the choruses singing for the City Council at 7 pm in their chamber. The mayor will recognize the chapter’s 75th anniversary. Following that performance, the chapter will reconvene at SRT.

Sixth event – the chapter’s 75th anniversary celebration on Tuesday night at SRT. This special evening will include  some singing by the chapter; remarks from several special guests from the BHS; displays created by the chapter’s history team; special Diamond Honor Awards presented to just a few members who have provided exceptional services to the chapter over the years; a video history to enjoy; plus refreshments and an anniversary cake cutting ceremony and entertainment from BETTER TOGETHER. Carl and Cathy Kauffmann have organized the event on behalf of the 75thanniversary committee. 

Seventh event – July 1, there will be a chorus sing with the HEAVY MEDAL chorus, our Barbershop in Germany (BinG) guests. Their members will stay in the homes of our chapter members. The performance will be at the George Washington Masonic Memorial. The BinG chorus in on its way to the International BHS convention in Louisville the next week. 

Eighth event – May 20 is a work day for the chapter.  Operations director Gary Cregan has found a more convenient and less expensive storage unit for the chapter’s ‘things.’  The move day is Saturday May 20.  A good-sized crew is needed for this effort. Please let Gary know if you can help – Starting crews will meet at 14123 Jefferson Davis Highway in Woodbridge at 8 am. The new unit work will done at 880 South Picket St. in Alexandria, VA 22304.

Nineth event – the annual Put Together Quartet contest will be Tuesday night, May 30, at SRT.  Quartets are encouraged to form and prepare a traditional song, a comedy number or even a tag or two. Guest judges will choose winners that will be given trophies! Registered quartet singers can compete but have to sing a different part in this contest.  Tyler Carpenter is coordinator and he offers to “put together” a quartet for anyone who wants to sing but does not have a quartet yet. Singers from both ensembles are encouraged to enter this fun chapter contest.

Singing started with both ensembles working on “Why We Sing.” Some of this rehearsal time was for ‘riser ready’ singers with others observing and listening to Joe coach them.  Then he invited everyone back onto the risers. 

The chapter business session was coordinated by communications director Steve Murane. He extended an invite from chapter education director, Sheryl Berlin, for barbershoppers to attend the M-AD Harmony College East on June 15-18 at McDaniel College. Sign up at

Michael Berkson encouraged members to “sing on” to the new communications platform the chapter is using – SLAK.

Membership director Jacob Broude welcome this week’s guests: returnees Edgar Blancas, Todd Minners, John Taber, Jamie Patricia and Lenna Jawdat; and first time guest James McCament.  Terry Reynolds directed the “Harmonizer Welcome Song.”

After a ten-minute break, Metro Voices adjourned to the steps in front of SRT to begin their session. They worked on “It Don’t Mean a Thing,” “If I Were a Bell,” and “I Can See the Light.” 

The Harmonizers worked on “Calling Dreams.”  After sectional work, the guys returned to the risers where Joe worked with the chorus on this challenging new song.  He expressed his pleasure with the way the chorus was doing already on the song.

In other Harmonizer family news, Lew Klinge’s mother, Naomi, died in her sleep on May 6, in Iowa.  She was 97.  Our thoughts go to Lew and his family. 

The Harmonizers met with Metro Voices for the closing events – a reminder of some important deadlines, the 50/50 drawing won by Devin Gerzof, and “Keep the Whole World Singing” with Drew Fuller as director.

There was a good crowd at the afterglow from both ensembles.

Until next time – editorjack!

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record for the great things going on each week during the 74th year of the Alexandria Chapter. - YeEd)


The Chapter Mission Statement Enriching lives through vocal harmony in the greater DC area.