Looking Back on the February
18th Chapter Meeting
For the record, the chapter held sectional rehearsals for all
parts on Saturday, Feb. 15th, in the music suite at First Baptist
Church. A good crowd of 65+ eager
singers attended. Assistant director Will Cox did the warm ups. Associate
director Tony Colosimo did the
directing for combined work and gave the “assignments” for what the section
leaders needed to work on during the 9 – noon event. Bob
Blair made arrangements with the church.
Coffee and brownies were a hit too. Music and performance vp Steve White welcomed everyone to this
extra event. Based on good responses to the work day, Steve promised to plan another sectional workout in April.
Tuesday nite’s gathering at Durant was another full evening of
singing and work by the leaders and the singers, as well as fun to meet new
members, many guests and get a hot cup of coffee!
Chuck McKeever was ready early to teach the moves of “Miller
Medley” on the stage at 6 pm and a big class attended. He also announced that
he has prepared a written SP plan for that song – look for it to be published
Floor dancers were hard at work in the lobby with choreographer Carlos Barillo. They were working in teams with some of the
men teaching other men the plan for “Miller Medley.”
The previously announced sale of old uniforms and costumes was
held in the main hall, including the swap-n-shop table for getting rid of logo
shirts from years of barbershopping. It
was kinda fun seeing the look of amazement when new members saw some of the
wild uniforms we wore in the past. And
some new guys got a Harmo shirt to wear that nite. Some quartet guys snapped up
four of everything for additions to future quartet outfits. Thanks to Tom Kern for the extra work in making
the Harmo “yard sale” event happen. He
pledges to take all left-overs to Goodwill!
The Harmo history committee, headed by Martin Banks, did make sure to collect samples of former uniforms
for the chapter’s historical collection.
(We are just a few years away from our 75th anniversary
Speaking of history – if you have files or photos or materials
that help tell the Harmonizer story, offer them to Martin. And if you are not
quite ready to let go of them, be sure to mark them in some way so that your
family knows to pass them on to the chapter some day!
Assistant director Will Cox
did the warm ups with a full chorus on the risers. When director Joe Cerutti took reigns, he thanked all
those who used the weekend sectional to advantage. He then jumped right in to work on songs for
this weekend’s appearance at SingStrong including a “freshen up” for “Anything
Goes” including some revamp for the front row and a chance for about a half
dozen men who had not sung with us in Toronto to practice the stage
After working on “Music Man,” Tony
conducted another of his fantastic barbershop craft sessions!
All during the evening, show producer Greg Tepe and Carlos
auditioned a steady flow of guys who wanted to try-out as possible emcees for
chapter performances.
Operations vp Bob Blair
conducted the weekly chapter meeting and continued his push to get men to wear
their name tags!
President of the FRIENDS IN HARMONY, Sandy Stamps, announced that sales of scrip cards will resume next
Music and performance vp Steve
White confirmed plans for another all-section rehearsal later this spring.
And he announced a late-breaking request for another Youth Harmony presentation
to fill a request from the music teacher at Francis Scott Key to meet their
young men’s chorus, at 8 am on Fri. March 7. Sign up online tomorrow.
Shows vp Nick Leiserson
announced that the SingStrong folks offered comp tickets for any of our singers
who might want to attended other shows during the weekend’s a cappella
festival. Greg Tepe reviewed previously announced details for those singing
on the show – 12 Noon chorus call. Black
logo camp shirt, jeans, comfortable shows and no medal. We will meet in the Orchestra Room at South
Lakes High School in Reston.
President Terry Reynolds
reported health updates for Bede Bender
and Rick Wagner, and told us about FIH members who had fallen on ice
recently including Carolyn Hall, Connie
Lauther and Jean Wachter. Take it easy FRIENDS.
Terry asked any members willing to contribute funds
to provide Angel Support for members to make the Normandy trip to let him know
Finally he reminded us again “It’s Great to Be a Harmonizer” when
singing with guys who have earned recognition as did Jeremy Richardson when he appeared on MSNBC recently as an expert
witness regarding water quality issues in WV.
Secretary Chris Buechler
presented a 25-year membership renewal card and pin to Matt Kahn, and a third Man of Note Award to Dan O’Brien. Other membership renewals went to Frank Fedarko for 12 years; Kevin
Kaiser for 14 years; Chuck Powell
for 20 years; TJ Jones for 23 years,
and Dean Rust for 34 years.
Go to see TJ up and about and improving after his
serious fall in his home a few weeks ago.
Membership vp Jeremy
encouraged members to invite any singers they meet during the SingStrong
festival to our next open audition on Wed. April 9th. Rich
Hewitt introduced this week’s guests to the chorus and reminded those
involved of an audition tonite for an applicant. Two of tonite’s guests became applicants
before the nite ended.
YeEd notes that the membership team has added a new
approach for signing in our guests – a table next to the kiosk has two chairs
and forms and pens for the guests to register in order to collect the correct
contact info. Jeremy asked us all to help with welcoming guests – both when not
on the risers and when a guest is singing next to us where we can help him with
the guest book, or help him with the vocal warm up phrases or make sure he
knows about the break.
After coffee break, we worked on the other songs for Sunday
afternoon, and then on our new music for Normandy. Joe
displayed approval of our musical progress on the songs and lots of comments
from the chorus about these great songs.
More Harmonizer good news!
MAYHEM has been invited to participate in the 2014 Mid Atlantic Harmony
Sweeps A Cappella Festival at The
Birchmere in Alexandria on March 8th at 7:30 pm. Let’s get a good crowd there to support them
– besides it is a fun place for a Harmo social event. Birchmere is a dinner
theater atmosphere, so go early to get food and a good seat. General admission for $39.10 each. Here is a link: http://m.ticketmaster.com/event/15004B5CDC9F7C4B?brand=birchmere&SREF=SLfbk-013_15004B5CDC9F7C4B
Until next time –
(This message is
prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to
miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week during
the 66th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd.)