Looking Back on the April
15th Chapter Meeting
The evening started like
many others, altho a lot of the guys had to fight their way to Durant thru bad
rainstorms and significant traffic backups. Coach Chuck McKeever worked on the stage to help guys with their moves
for “Soldier” with choreographer Carlos Barillo
helping him.
Assistant director Will Cox did the vocal warm ups. Good
crowd again – there were some crunch times when some rows on the risers needed
to shift so everyone could get in the right row.
He turned over the chorus to
director Joe Cerutti who welcomed
the four men accepted for membership at the Open Audition on Wed. April 9th. Membership vp Jeremy Richardson thanked Joe
and Carlos for doing the auditions,
and Rich Hewitt for coordinating the
We worked on songs for the
Normandy trip – inviting the many guests to step off the risers while we did
the visual plans a couple times. Ken Fess lead another history review to set
the mood for our work in preparation for the shows we will do.
Before the break ,the music
team did launch the “Make Me Better” program this week. Joe assured all that this is not program to eliminate any singers,
but to provide all singers with suggestions as to how well they are
implementing the current vocal standards for the Harmonizers. There were 12 or so “listeners” who had a
clip board with a form to make notes for the volunteer singers. Those volunteer singers faced the chorus so
they could see Joe, the listeners
face the volunteers. We sang a portion
of one song and did it for three batches of volunteers. After the singing, listeners had a couple
minutes to give feedback. Joe used those
minutes to review stage moves. Michael Gilmore helped coordinate the paper work
with our current printer we have in the hall.
Operations vp Bob Blair conducted the weekly chapter
meeting. Steve Murane got to wear the “Oops I Forgot My Name Badge”
sign. And Stan Quick was the 7th person to shake hands of the mystery
hand-shaker guy winning a new BHS t-shirt.
Quartet promotion chairman Calvin Schnure will have a different
tag every week to teach any taggers at break or after the meeting. Usually in the lobby at Durant. His project
mean guys can do some tag-singing during the trip to France.
Marketing vp Noah Van Gilder took a straw poll about
a possible sing out with the Ambassadors when they are here at the World War II
Memorial, on June 20th at 6 pm.
ALERT: if you need any
uniform parts you need to see uniform guru Tom
Kern BEFORE April 26th.
That is a likely date when the back-of-the-building will no longer be
usable for our uniform inventory. Also, get you new tie from Tom for the Normandy trip. $7 each.
President Terry Reynolds reported that TJ Jones is getting around after his
accident, but has also been busy with work.
Terry clarified the date for the 2014 Presidents Award Banquet – Sat.
Feb. 7th.
Finally Terry presented a framed picture from our Toronto trip – the “75”
scene with an inset of the medal. You too can have one – see K12.
Terry suggests that getting
that photo taken on the fly was another reason why “It Is Great to Be a
The membership team welcomed
a lot of guests – some family folks in town during spring break (funny since it
was freezing outside). Members Dave Reyno and Ross Johnson were in the house this week. The FRIENDS IN HARMONY met tonite too in
order to plan for their part of the WWI Tribute show May 17th at First
Baptist Church on King Street in Alexandria.
(This is the same weekend as our chorus retreat to prepare for France.
Last Saturday all four
chorus sections met at First Baptist to work on new music.
The remainder of this week’s
rehearsal was used to get the new music ready to perform. In fact we did a
two-show performance spot to get in the practice.
In other news, YeEd and Kevin Kaiser went to the Johnny Appleseed District Prelims in
Pittsburgh this past weekend. FRANK THE
DOG quartet from our M-AD sang there for score and qualified with an 81.5% to
earn a slot in the contest in Vegas this summer. Our own Darryl
Flinn sang in the winning seniors quartet – BABY GRAND. Fun to see him and fellow Harmoniser, Joe Witmer, on stage with the Canton
chorus. Chatted with both of them and
they send regards. HOT AIR BUFFOONS quartet was a riot, sang well and will be
in Vegas for the International contest too. Kevin also sang in the Joe Barbershopper Mic Tester Chorus directed
by Jim Bagby.
As part of the revision of
Durant, things have to go a new place in the weeks ahead. Coffee and refreshment supplies will fit
under the stage. Doug White has helped Jeremy
get some rolling platforms to mount under the membership kiosk so it can roll
on and off the Harmo truck each week.
Until next time –
(This message is
prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to
miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week during
the 66th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd.)