Looking Back on the October
1st Chapter Meeting
Tuesday’s work session before district contest was fueled by a fantastic extra
Thursday nite rehearsal on Sept. 26th at First Baptist Church. Director Joe
Cerutti was working in Nashville, so associate director Tony Colosimo was in charge. He teamed up with choreographer Carlos Barillo to make it a profitable
work session. Assistant director Terry Reynolds and riser coach Chuck McKeever were up front too as
helpers and to keep the evening rolling.
director Will Cox did the warm ups,
assistant director Mike Kelly with
help from Doug White had the sound
and mics ready, and operations vp Bob
Rhome coordinated the move in,
truck unload and reloading, and announcements.
was great to have special forces guys, Mike
Wallen and Sean Devine, present
with us. We all used our black coats and gold scarves and the front row
practiced with the props.
announcement were about Ocean City:
chorus call time is 6:30 pm Friday, Oct. 4th at the
Convention Center, Rooms 206 and 206.
Bring uniform and make up kits to dress after warm ups and some drills.
Thanks to music vp Brad Jones and librarian Bob Mattes for extra efforts to get
together some special holiday music so our many guests can sing with us on
Tuesday nites. (But YeEd also suggests all of us need to be aware of helping guests
that are invited to stand next to us on the risers. Help them with the warm up words, help’em
find the music, help’em know about coffee break and where the restrooms
are. Introduce them to other guys at
Kudos to producer Greg Tepe for coordinating the Harmonizer “Let Us Entertain You” performances
for about 120 guests at three retirement communities on Sept. 29th. Assistant director Terry Reynolds directed the performances of the mini-chorus.
Thank you
to: Drew Fuller, Troy Hillier, Ken Fess,
Bruce Lauther, Steve Murane,Bob Blair, Chris Yates, Chris Buechler, Carl
Kauffmann, Dick Dangel, Brian Ammerman, John Oswald Greene, Dave Welter, Gerry
Fuller, Bob Rhome, Mike Schwartz, Brad Jones, Chuck Powell, Clyde Crusenberry, Dean Rust, Alan Wile, Randy
Lazear, Don Dillingham and Frank
This series of shows is part of a chapter
outreach in Alexandria to provide entertainment for seniors. They were funded by a gift from the Alexandria Performing Arts Association
when they closed their doors – money
that was provided for this very purpose. Joe Cerutti Sr. is coordinator for the
On Tuesday nite, Oct. 1st, director Joe Cerutti was on tap to do the warm
ups and kick off the important rehearsal prior to the fall district chorus
contest appearance. We spent a little
time on some holiday music first thing, and then got our coats and scarves and
back on the risers to refresh and ignite the excitement of the package. There are 100 guys planning to be on stage in
Ocean City Friday nite Oct. 4th.
As mentioned above, chorus call is at 6:30 pm.
Mid evening, ops vp Bob Rhome conducted the chapter meeting beginning with reminders of
tasks to accomplish during break.
President Alan Wile
congratulated Joe on the review of
his book “Visions of Excellence: A Dialog
with the Finest Directors from the Barbershop Harmony Society” was reviewed by
Dr. Scott Dorsey (ACDA's Director of Education) in the November issue of the Choral
Journal (ACDA's monthly publication). If you want a copy, let Joe know.
Alan also reported that Jon
Abel and Burt Steuve are doing
better with their health issues.
Finally, Alan offered encouragement for the
dozen or more members who have been hit by the government shutdown today.
Assistant director Terry Reynolds repeated the chorus call
time on Friday nite in OC – 6:30 pm at the convention center. Bring uniform and makeup to change after we
do some warm up and reviews.
Quartet promotion chair Calvin Schnure called up the 10
Harmonizers singing in quartets this weekend – first round on Fri. nite at 5:30
pm. President Wile assisted and presented each quartet with a card and financial
support from the chapter. A Harmo salute
to all!
MAYHEM - Matt Fellows, Pookie Dingle, Mike Pinto, Ken White
YOUTH RECLAMATION PROJECT – Mike Wallen, Roger Tarpy, Hardman Jones,
Vic Owen
ACME CHORD COMPANY – Dan O’Brien, Chris Susalka, Paul Grimes, Eric Wallen
THE MONORAIL FOUR – Kellen Hertz, Phil Ferguson, Bobby Seay
VI, Andrew Havens
Ken Fess, chair of Normandy trip in 2014, spoke about latest details
with promise to publish an email to all.
Chris Buecher presented member
renewal materials to Dave Kohls and
his 3 year membership card, and a 32 year renewal card to Joe Wagovich.
vp Mark Klostermeyer with help from Ken White welcomed a long line of
guests including first timers, friends of members and prospective members, and
singers visiting from other chapters.
coffee break, we were treated to a demo set from THE MONORAIL FOUR.
then back to work on the cost set. Joe invited the guys who are singing
with us this coming weekend and who did not sing in Toronto to come up front
for a round of applause – Tom Griffith,
Ken Fess, Bob Wachter, Rusty Orvik and
Todd Ryktarsyk.
Joe also thanked the chorus men and their families for the
extra efforts to make this coming Friday nite’s appearance work so well. He was excited about the chorus enthusiasm
and dedication.
ended the extra warm evening with the usual KTWWS and then a push to get sound
equipment and props into the Harmo truck for the trip to OC. Risers and rest to
storage in Durante.
good crowd of guys made it over to the afterglow.
other news, Cuevas Adamson, “house
mother” for the Harmonizers at Durant years ago, died on Sept. 25th
in Texas. She helped us make Durant our
home and welcomed the chorus guys, attended our events and family gatherings
and stood up for us when needed.
Until next time –
(This message is
prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to
miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week during
the 65th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd.)