Thursday, May 2, 2019

Looking Back on the April 30th Chapter Meeting and Spring M-AD Contest

A riser crew had to unload our truck and get things reset for this week’s meeting, since our risers were taken to the Mid Atlantic District for the contest this past weekend in Allentown, PA.

Reporting on that contest: there were the usual Harmonizer leaders present including Bob Eckman who is current district president and board members Dennis Ritchey, and David Welter.  There are also several of our guys on the district events team including, Welter, Ritchey, Mike and Kritin Kelly, Mike Fasano, and Matt Doniger.

Our own SILVER ALERT (Rick Savage, Mike Edison, Will Cox, and Steve Murane) competed in the quartet contest that selects our district reps for the International contest in Salt Lake City (SLC) this summer. They also returned the District Senior Quartet Champion traveling trophy they earned last year.

Also two of our members, Pookie Dingle and Mike Pinto, sang in a new quartet called THE UNION.  The four quartets from the weekend that earned the required 1,824 points needed to go to SLC from our district were ‘ROUND MIDNIGHT, STUDIO 4, PRATT STREET POWER, GIMME FOUR, and PRIME TIME.  Other quartets will likely earn the required points at other contests this spring by singing “out of district.” 

This weekend’s event was a multiple quartet contest session with senior, youth, mixed, and women quartet contests.  One of our new members, Dale Bird, sang in a mixed quartet called FANTASTIC 4 with Susan Shields, Chris Susalka and Heidi Brown, and they were named MAD Mixed Harmony Quartet Champion.  Susan is the daughter of former Harmonizer Dave Ermlick.

The weekend was also the Northern Division contest including a chorus contest to qualify groups to go to the fall district chorus contest in Reading, PA.  Some of our guys sang in the mic-warmer chorus Saturday morning including Sam McFarland, Bob Eckman, Jack Pitzer, Carl Kauffman, Rick Taylor, and John Santora.

Rick Taylor spoke briefly as the official rep for Harmony Foundation International.  

Back to a report on the April 30th chapter meeting:  it was a hard work session for all singers and musical leaders as the chorus prepares for shows in 2019 including an appearance at the US Supreme Court on June 3rd. Before the 7 pm start, the front row worked on their routines, and Chuck McKeever worked with guys who came early to learn more of their moves for the uptunes.

Associate director Tony Colosimo did warm ups for this week and then turned the chorus over to director Joe Cerutti. Joe was also eager to welcome Chuck Hunter’s parents, Pat and Chuck Sr. from California.  Chuck Sr. sings with the Voices in Harmony in San Jose and is a 51 year barbershopper. 

Joe was excited to report that he has contacted a professional percussionist to appear with the chorus when they do the “Circle of Life” piece at the Supreme Court and at our fall show.
He also reported that when Cindy Hansen is here to coach the chorus in two weeks, she will work with the chorus on the whole package for June 3rd

The chapter meeting time was short as president Shawn Tallant had no more health matters to report; secretary Chris Buechler was not present to give out membership renewals; and the next few weeks are all work on the shows.  Uniform chairman Robyn Murane spoke briefly to ask each singer to check his tux coat being sure all buttons on front, side and on the tail are not missing – if they are, see her next week.

Membership director Calvin Schnure welcomed Luqman Fulmer, Nick Fredrick, and Pat and Chuck Hunter, Sr. 

After break, it was solid work on new music and visual performance plans right up until 10 pm. Luckily the risers did not need to be moved or stored this week!!  Everyone was exhausted.

Until next time – editorjack! 

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week during the 70th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd