Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Looking Back on the Aug 28th Dog Days Chapter Meeting

The whole chapter traveled to Manassas for the annual Dog Days event when all the local Northern VA chapters get together to sing and visit and share goodies.  (It was started years ago to help chapters fill some of the slow August time period.) The Prince William County Chapter, Bull Run Troubadours, was our host at Sacred Heart Catholic Church.

There was a good crowd of family members and friends in the hall.  The Mt. Vernon Chapter, Harmony Heritage Singers, was first up on the program. They were followed by Loudon County Chapter, Chorus of the Old Dominion; Fairfax Jubilaires; Bull Run; and then the Harmonizers.

We had 65 singers and crowded the risers for a great show.  The Harmonizer crew helped with logistics for the event too.  Bob Blair drove the Harmo truck with risers for the evening, and sound equipment which Scott Kahler and others managed.  Dick Dangel played accordion to warm up the audience as folks arrived with Bob Blair leading the group singing. Terry Jordan was runner to get each chorus on stage.

There were lots of Harmo family members there too including a bunch of former members who sing with other chapters these days. Some of our new guys got to bring family to hear us for the first time. Some really new guys were in the audience proudly wearing their new black casual outfits and soaking up the fun and watching the stage presence in anticipation of their first time on the risers for a show.

The audience liked our package and we got great responses.  Our musical leaders, front row guys, emcees, chorus manager and soloists made our package flow.  Uniform coordinator Tom Kern had casual shirts for a number of guys who have been on travel lately. Greg Tepe was our show producer. Always great to have the song boards up front thanks to John Pence. Austin Cotton brought Harmo CDs and word is that we sold a good number of them.

ACME CHORD COMPANY took the stage during our package too.

As is the case every year, our hosts had a lot of snack foods and drinks and our guys appreciated that since many came right from work.  Nobody can clear off a buffet table like the Harmonizers!

This was kinda our sendoff for the trip to China.  Guys will leave end of the week.  There will be no rehearsal or meeting on Sept. 4th.  But we will be back in action on Sept. 11th as most everyone will be back from China by then.  It will be fun to continue the good singing from this week when we gather next in Alexandria and prepare for the contest in Ocean City. 

Until next time – editorjack!

 (This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week at an Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter meeting. —YeEd.)