Looking Back on the May 29th Chapter Meeting
There was lots of buzz around Durant, of course, after a fun and
successful weekend at Southern Division contest and convention in Roanoke. To start things at 7 pm, we got to listen to
our Saturday performance of “I’ll Be Seeing You.”
Director Joe Cerutti was excited about it and encouraged about
where it will lead us for the district contest in the fall. Since the chorus
got to hear all the judges’ comments Saturday afternoon in Roanoke, we didn’t
spend much time in recapping the weekend.
Joe did report that he had gotten many encouraging comments.
Associate director Tony Colosimo provided the warm up session for
the chorus this week.
Then we worked on songs for the upcoming shows – “Hello My Baby, “I’m The
Music Man,’ and “Jersey Boys.” We also
worked on the special numbers we will do for the Jefferson Awards show at
Constitution Hall on June 19th such as “God Bless America,” “Climb Every Mountain” and “Battle Hymn of the Republic.” (We actually
worked on some of these special songs during our extra practice session in
Assistant director Terry Reynolds invited all new chorus members
since July 2011 to join assistant director Will Cox and other
chapter leaders for another orientation session helping them prepare for their
role as a Harmonizer on stage, at rehearsal and in the community.
Operations vp Scott Kahler conducted this week’s chapter meeting.
First reminders were from Nick Leiserson urging everyone to pick up
consignment tickets tonite from Michael Gilmore – the last chance to do
so – for the June 9th show at George Mason Center for Performing
Arts. Tickets still available online.
Chapter secretary Chris Buechler presented new member materials to
Rich Hewitt and David DesPortes.
Brian Ammerman received his Man of Note pin for bringing Rich
and Phil Ashford received his pin for bringing David.
Chris also
presented membership renewal cards to Tim Buell for 8 years; Ian
Poulin for 9 years; and Howard Nestlerode for 37 years.
Ops vp Kahler reminded all to be sure to have the uniform parts
they need for the two shows coming up.
Membership vp Phil Ashford welcomed two guests who are already
applicants, and former member Jim Gammon, who was in town from Florida.
We took a break and that let guys get show tickets, a cold drink, and congratulate
the quartet singers who did so well this past weekend.
First up on the agenda for the meeting after break was Brad Jones
who was collecting paperwork for those going on the China trip.
Next was shows vp Brian Ammerman urging guys to sell more
tickets. And to be on the lookout for
the email about the June 9th show afterglow. Cheryl Wallen is coordinating things
for us. TJ Donahue will be taking reservations of those who wish to
attend. (Speaking of TJ, YeEd
goofed in the contest weekend wrap-up in not listing TJ as one of the
men who sang in his first contest with the Harmonizers in Roanoke. Also omitted Thom Faircloth as a
member who sang with another chapter – he with Charlottesville.)
Assistant director Terry Reynolds invited all the quartet singers
from this past weekend to stand to be recognized one more time.
President Steve Murane reminded us that he is waiting for emails
from guys about their ticket sales.
There is a $250 incentive prize for the person who sells the most.
Steve also
reported that Carolyn Hall was admitted to the hospital in recent days.
And Chuck McKeever’s father-in-law passed away on Sunday.
The rest of the nite we worked on songs for the shows, and Tony
conducted another terrific barbershop craft session. This week’s lesson was all
about “breaths” – kinds, how to take them, how they fit into a song; how they
help with song flow; and more.
It was great to have Tom Kraus singing on the front row tonite;
and Terry Jordan visiting too.
A big crowd was at the Hilton again
this week for the afterglow with lots of chance to rehash the contest
weekend. The hard rains let up so
everyone could get home safely.
next time – editorjack!
message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if
you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each
week at an Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter meeting. —YeEd.)