Friday, August 17, 2018

Looking Back on the August 14th Chapter Meeting 

This week’s meeting and rehearsal were pretty much all work for the anniversary show.

Associate director Tony Colosimo did the warm ups and then director Joe Cerutti took over to go right to work on the big production numbers for that Sept. 8th show.

Before the meeting started the front row worked hard on all they need to do for that performance as well as some smaller groups worked who will do front row moves for “Miller Medley.”

All evening, show ticket chairman Ian Poulin was set up behind the risers to accept consignment returns, monies and issue more tickets.   Word is that we have sold half the house.

That station also was the point to get your name on the list for Platinum Affair after the show - $35 per ticket.  Ken Rub is in charge.

Bruce Roehm helped teach the rest of the presentation plan for “Steppin Out” and the chorus drilled it and worked hard to get it down.

Communications chair Steve Murane conducted the chapter meeting. The rest of the meetings in August will be at the Scottish Rite Temple – except the Tues nite Aug. 28th event in Manassas.

That is the date for the Dog Days event hosted by the Manassas Chapter for several Northern Virginia Chapters to come together to sing for each other. It will be at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, 12975 Purcell Rd. Manassas.  Show starts at 7 pm and the Harmonizers always sing last.  We will be in the hall to watch all the other choruses, so arrive warmed up and ready to perform.  Black camp shirts and jeans.  New guys and guest are welcome and so are family members. Car pool is a good idea too.

Dennis Ritchey received a request for a quartet or small ensemble to sing at a DC hospital for a recovering military veteran.  See Dennis is you can help.

See Randall Eliason to sign the sheet indicating you are covered for liability on your auto.

Reminder that the Sept 7th rehearsal the nite before the show is a tech event and for the front row. Not the chorus.

Steve sent out another explanation of how to promote the show on the “Next Door” app –for the community where you live.

Brad Jones announced latest updates on the chorus trip to England in 2019.

There was some explanation that the show on Oct 20th is an important one – even tho we will only sing one song. Many reps from other groups in the Metro area will be at that fundraiser event.  So clear your calendar for the evening show.  Maybe we will all go out afterward.

To confirm and have all Harmonizers and their families to save the date – the 2018 Holiday Show will be Sat. Dec. 8th at 7:30 pm at TC Williams High School on King Street.  One nite show.  Music is on Groupanizer already.  No new songs – but some we have not sung for a year or two. 

President Shawn Tallant pushed for all to plan to be at Dog Days to share the barbershop hobby with our fellow singers in the area.  

He also welcomed Sandy Stamps back after her surgery.  And he reported that Dave Welter’s mother passed away.  

The chapter received a nice note from Bill Winterberg in NJ encouraging us in our work for the fall show.  Bill is a charter member of our district and long time fan of the chorus.

We are wearing the black tux for part of the fall show.  All singers should be certain they have all the parts for that uniform and that they still fit.  If not, see Robyn Murane immediately.

Membership guy Calvin Schnure welcomed guests Adam and Masashi, as well as our newest members Jacob Broude and Peter Cermak.

Tony Colosimo and some guys did a FaceBook live piece and the chorus sang a tag from the show. Part of our promotional efforts.  It was already getting huge numbers of responses before we left the meeting. Chapter tech guy, Mike Kelly, did the filming.

We ended the nite singing three of the show songs without stopping and just to prove to ourselves we could do them well.

One, two, three – it’s great to be a Harmonizer!  And we were finished.

A good crowd made it over to the afterglow too.

Until next time – editorjack! 

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week during the 70th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd

Monday, August 13, 2018

Looking Back on the August 7th Chapter Meeting 

(Thanks to Gary Cregan who took the notes while YeEd Jack Pitzer was away on vacation.)

Tuesday night was another night of intense focus and preparation as the Platinum Moments70th Anniversary shows looms closer and closer. The evening started with clean-shaven Associate Director Tony Colosimo warming the men up to focus on proper alignment, breath control, and palate position.

Tony handed the reins over to director Joe Cerutti, who ran the chorus through “Steppin’ Out Medley” with no choreo. Then he asked only the men who felt they were very ready with the choreography they learned last week to go through it. Bringing everyone back onto the risers, Bruce Roehm worked the choreography for much of the rest of the song, and Joe took the rest of the time until the chapter meeting to drill those moves with everyone back on the risers.

Throughout the evening, Ian Poulin was available to take money for consignment tickets and to hand out more tickets for consignment.

Communications director Steve Murane conducted the chapter meeting, starting with the fact that all chapter meetings and extra rehearsals will be at Scottish Rite Temple in August.

Platinum Moments Promoter Krissi Folsom spent a few minutes recommending marketing suggestions for the 70th Anniversary show. Besides talking to people face-to-face, she encouraged everyone to ‘like’ or ‘follow’ the Harmonizers social media sites, and to share the Platinum Moments literature on those sites often. Krissi also asked everyone to invite their Facebook friends to the Platinum Moments event that is set up on that platform. Below are the links to the various Harmonizers social media pages; if you haven’t ‘liked’ or ‘followed’, please do so.


While you’re on Facebook, check out Tony Colosimo going live (as recorded by Mike Kelly) at rehearsal last night to talk about all the exciting special guests for the 70th Anniversary.

Uniform announcements: if you haven’t been sized for the new suit, you must do it either on August 9 or 14. Contact Robyn Murane if you can’t make either of those two to work out alternate arrangements. Also, check your tuxedo to ensure that you have the correct sizes and all the parts. See her email for more details.

Terry Reynolds took the mic to announce that men who are not prepared to sing all of the numbers on September 8 can sit out the ones they are not ready for. The only exception is “Blow Gabriel Blow” and “We Kiss in the Shadows” - if you sit out one of those, you have to sit out both. If you are going to sit out any numbers, let him know which ones. He also announced that the rehearsal on Friday, September 7 is a tech rehearsal and for front row only.

There are performances planned on August 28 in Manassas, September 16 at Strathmore, October 20 at the Washington Hilton, and TC Williams for the Holiday Show on December 8.

Tuesday was the last night to give Brad Jones money for the England portion of the England/Scotland trip; those doing the Scotland extension have until August 28 to give him the money.

A sheet went around the room for all the men to sign stating that they carry liability insurance on their car insurance. This is a requirement for the Harmonizers’ new liability insurance.

Steve wrapped up his time at the mic by asking for a count of men who want a Harmonizers saddle bag. Contact him soon if you’d like to get one.

Chapter president Shawn Tallant had several announcements. He is still looking for someone to take charge of the softball game with the men of Parkside Harmony in Hershey, PA. Contact him directly.

He had news of several chapter members, as well. Ross Johnson’s eye surgery on July 25 was successful. There is a 2-month recovery, but all is going well. Bob Wachter is back home, which is great news. Both men would appreciate hearing from other members. On a sad note, Chuck McKeever’s mother-in-law passed away. He was very close to her, so please let him know that you are sorry for his loss.

Lastly, Shawn brought Director Joe Cerutti up to present him with a framed copy of the Orlando photo in gratitude for all the hard work that he put into preparing the chorus for the International Competition last month.

Chris Buechler represented the membership committee, to announce Jeff Burkey’s fourth year of membership.

Calvin Schnure announced six visitors: Jacob, Adam, Trace, Luke, Will, and Adrian.

After the chapter meeting and a relatively short break, the men returned to the risers, and made some very minor tweaks to “Blow Gabriel Blow.” The chorus ran through “Great Day” a few times without choreography, and then put it all together under the watchful eye of choreographer Craig Kujawa (freshly tanned after his arduous month-long work trip to Hawaii). He made four recommendations for improvement, the group made the fixes, and moved on to the“Anthem/Ode to Joy” mashup. After working through the music, Joe announced that this would be the last night that men would be singing with music for this song on the risers. A run-through of “Miller Medley” finished out the night.

Until next time – editorjack!
(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week during the 70th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd

Looking Back on the July 31st Chapter Meeting
This was another busy work nite for the Harmonizers as we prepare for our fall show.
At 7:45 we were visited by members and guests of the Henry Knox Field - John Blair Lodge, No. 349, which also meets at Scottish Rite Temple on Tuesday nights. They are having a "friends and family" dinner downstairs and asked whether they could hear us perform. The chorus was asked to wear the black Harmonizer camp shirt.
Also this week there was a major effort to determine correct size for all singers for the new uniforms that are on their way to the chapter.  Uniform coordinator Robyn Murane was in charge.
Director Joe Cerutti did the warm ups and conducted the music for the nite. 
There was some review of stage presence before the meeting for the front row and special groups that will help sell a couple of the songs.
Communications director Steve Murane conducted the chapter meeting. 
He reminded all that all regular and special chapter meetings will be at the Scottish Rite Temple.
There will be a 20-page printed program for the fall show and there are still some spaces left for ads.  Members can buy one, or a quartet, or a section like the baritones could buy one.  Or the firm you work for could buy one. Contact Casey Belzer or Joe Cerutti Sr.
Ticket chairman Ian Poulin requests that all consignment tickets of the money for them be turned in no later than next Tuesday nite.
Be sure to check the email about the England trip sent by Brad Jones and note the deadline extension.
Steve talked the whole chorus thru a FaceBook effort to promote the show.
Ken Rub announced the plans for the Platinum reception after the fall show. Tickets will be $35 each and must be purchased in advance.  Bar, hors d oeuvres, meal catered by Maggiano’s, plus appearances by our guests.  At the Lee Center in Alexandria.
President Shawn Tallant reported on the recent passing of former member Rob Nutt, and reported that Bob Wachter is at Inova Fairfax Hospital.  Mike Everard is recovering at Mt. Vernon Inova Hospital following the amputation of his left foot below the knee.  Cards and emails only at this point to the home address. He is making progress.  Sandy Stamps got good news from her bone surgery and is recovering at home.
Chapter secretary Chris Buechler presented membership renewal cards to Rasmus Krigstrom for six years (Joe to deliver to him); and Edris Qarghah for ten years.
Terry Reynolds announced that the return appearance at Strathmore is a “on” for Sept. 16th; and there is a paid job for the chorus on Sat. Oct. 20th.
Until next time – editorjack!
(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week during the 70th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd