Friday, October 7, 2016

Looking Back on the Oct 4th Chapter Meeting and Sept 24th Asbury Methodist Concert

For those historians reading these columns, there was no chapter meeting on Sept. 27th, 2016, as most of our musical leadership team was out of the country coaching or judging.


We did have a concert for the Asbury Foundation benefitting the Asbury Methodist Village’s Benevolent Care Fund on Saturday evening Sept. 24th in Gaithersburg, MD. It was part of their fall concert series.


Nick Leiserson was show producer. Assistant director Terry Reynolds was director with help from assistant director Mike Kelly and bari section leader Reed Livergood. Will Cox did the vocal warm ups.  Mike and Dennis Ritchey did the sound work for the show and Bob Blair and Gerry Fuller drove the truck there with the new risers.  Thanks to all of them and to the men who help set up and take down the risers and get them back on the truck.


Soloists for this event were Edris Qarghah and Josh DesPortes. Our smaller ensemble TBD sang three songs in the show.


The large audience in the campus theater/auditorium appreciated the patriotic music and the chance to reminisce with the Beatles songs.  Front row guests were Hal and Marilyn Gaut – he a former gold medal Harmonizer and they residents at this campus.


Tuesday nite, Oct. 4th  we worked hard in preparation for the fall show.  Reed Livergood did the vocal warm ups.  Director Joe and associate director Tony were still on travel as judges. Assistant director Terry Reynolds managed the musical portion of the nite with specific help from choreographer Carlos Barillo who helped us prepare visuals for songs for the show including adding a new plan for “Ob La Di.”


Chapter executive director Terry Reynolds invited Alan Wile to report on personal matters from some members with health issues.  Dick and Caroline Hall are now in an assisted living facility – The Charleston Senior Community, 45 S. Patrick St., Waldorf MD 20603. Room 3202.  Bob Wachter continues with infection on his leg and has been in and out of the hospital again.  His wife Jean is home at this point.  Rob Nutt’s wife Carol is in the hospital for some medical investigation. Terry Jordan is making progress in recovering from his leg/foot injury. Report from Keith Jones that Jim Stockton died recently also.


In other news, Jordan Haedtler is competing this weekend with his brother and dad in the Far Western District quartet contest. Wishing them good luck. 


Other announcements included reminder of next Tuesday’s meeting at Schleshinger at 7 pm.  Riser crew at 6.  Bring your ‘70s outfit. Also mark your calendar that the extra show rehearsal is now on Friday Oct. 14th at First Baptist.  Then the next Tues nite meeting, Oct. 18th, will be at First Baptist also for another recording session.


Ticket sales for the Oct. 15th show was encouraged.  Flyers were available for all to use.


Sandy Stamps announced the start of White House Ornament sales this week.  We are selling them for $25 this year.  Members can buy and resell or take quantities on consignment.


Carlos announced that Pride of Baltimore SAI chorus has openings on their holiday show for talent acts.  See him if you are interested in making an appearance.


Rick Wagner, Immediate Past President and Chairman of BHS Board Nominating Committee, announced the annual meeting of the Alexandria Harmonizers and election of officers for the 2017 BHS Harmonizer Board will be conducted on Tuesday 18 Oct 2017. As we will be at First Baptist Church on that evening for a recording session, the annual meeting will be at First Baptist. The nominated slate for 2017 is as follows:

President- Randall Eliason

Immediate Past President- Rick Wagner

Secretary- Chris Buechler

Treasurer- Al Herman

Members-At-Large- Dave Branstetter, Don Dillingham, Art Medici

Anybody who desires to be nominated from the floor, for any position, must notify the Chapter Secretary at least one week before the election, which means they must be received by 11 Oct 2016. All members are encouraged to attend the annual meeting and participate in the election.

Membership director Rich Hewitt welcomed and introduced a long line of guys who came to sing and consider becoming members.


After the break for coffee and goodies, we worked on the fall show with producer Todd Ryktarsyk, Carlos and Terry so that we got a feel for the flow as well as other aspects of the show such as the Beatles sing-a-long.

Until next time – editorjack!

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week during the 68th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd