Looking Back on the May 30, 2023 Alexandria Chapter 2022 Distinguished Service Awards Ceremony
The Alexandria Chapter has seven Distinguished Service Awards to present each year. In addition, some Meritorious Service Awards are often presented by the president. The 2022 chapter president, Noah Van Gilder, conducted the annual awards ceremony as part of the May 30, 2023 chapter meeting at Scottish Rite Temple.
Traditionally the awards were at the start of the new year. These awards recognize the service and dedication of the awardees for 2022. Award candidates are nominated by any member of the chapter, and are voted on by the chapter Board of Directors.
Noah chose to award these four Meritorious Service Awards:
Our first award is given to a new member – although not a new barbershopper – he has been exceptionally generous with his time and energy in his time with us so far. He has been unfailingly warm, supportive, and willing to help however needed. His spirit of dedication has even extended to service as secretary of the chapter. board of directors, where he is an unfailingly active and engaged presence. I present this Meritorious Service Award to Cy Shuster.
The next award is given jointly to two members who've made a big impact in their time with us. They have done outstanding work as soloists on our shows and as members of the music team. They have also reinvigorated the culture of tag-singing in the chapter, reliably staying up late at afterglows and conventions to keep the spirit of extemporaneous barbershop singing alive. I am pleased to present this Meritorious Service Award to Lance Fisher and David Breen.
The fourth award is given to a stalwart member of the chapter who has been key to our successes for over 40 years. He served as long-time tenor section leader, guiding that section to new heights. He also served as uniform chair, helping to refine our visual style and polish our image. He has been a successful competitive quartet singer and dedicated, reliable member of the chorus. It is my distinct honor to present this Meritorious Service Award to Rick Savage.
Next Noah announced the seven Distinguished Service Awards:
New Note of the Year Award: given to a member who has contributed outstanding service to the Chapter in their first year of membership.
This new member jumped in with both feet. He began leaving an impression almost immediately, joining our front row dancers shortly after he joined the chorus, making a big contribution to the successful visual package for "42nd Street" that won a medal at the convention in Charlotte. He was 2022 Class President at that convention too. He also gave a memorable performance as "The Grinch" at our recent holiday show. Perhaps most importantly, he has been a dedicated performer and a warm, ebullient presence on the risers. Unfortunately, his time with us was cut short as work and family obligations took him to Atlanta, but in that time he served as a model for enthusiasm, commitment and the joy of performance. This year's New Note of the Year Award is presented to Michael Pugh.
Harmonizer Honor Award: Given for service above and beyond the usual service expected during the past year.
This award is given to a member who rose to a major challenge. Last year, as we prepared for the International convention in Charlotte, he stepped in to serve as our visual coach and provided other support to the contest effort. He mastered the visual plans, provided support and feedback in rehearsals, and led additional sessions for those who needed extra work. This effort contributed to one of our highest contest scores in history, and more importantly, made an extraordinary impact on the audience. He has brought his signature brand of focus and dedication to everything he does, and we hope he will continue to do so for years to come. This year's Harmonizer Honor Award is presented to Turner Arndt.
Dick Hall Spirit of Harmony Award: Presented to the member who during the past year best exemplified the qualities of congeniality and good character, and worked hardest to encourage participation in vocal harmony.
Our next awardee has worked extremely hard--perhaps harder than anyone in recent memory--to build community within our chapter. He has striven relentlessly to make new singers feel welcome, encourage their participation, and to prepare them for both the commitment and the fun of being a member. This has been especially important given our recent influx of new members, the launch of Metro Voices last year, and the upcoming launch of our youth and seniors choruses. This work has been essential to making our chapter experience fun and rewarding for everyone, and to creating the relationships that keep members coming back for years to come. I am pleased to present this year's Dick Hall Spirit of Harmony Award to Jacob Broude.
Ibbianne and Wilbur Sparks Award: Given to a family team of two or more people, to recognize their contributions to the success and well-being of the chapter.
Our next awardees exemplify what it means to be dedicated teammates, both for the chapter and for each other. One has performed years of service as our audio-visual technician and a key member of our IT team, ensuring our voices are heard far and wide. The other has lent extensive support to our shows on the day-of-event, and coordinated our holiday silent auction fundraiser. Both have been generous with their time and effort, and many a show would not have been possible without their help. This year's Ibbianne and Wilbur Sparks Award is presented to Kristin and Mike Kelly.
Oz Newgard Award: Given to the member who has made a significant contribution to the musical program of the chapter during the past year. The contribution need not be highly visible or of a technical musical character, but it must be related directly to the musical program.
Our next awardee has been a key member of our music team for almost his entire time with us. He distinguished himself as bass section leader, ensuring that our largest section has remained the rock-solid foundation on which our sound is built. He has also been a stalwart presence at music team meetings, and a friendly, accessible source of musical support and leadership. While his growing family has led him to step down as section leader, I have every confidence that he will continue to make important contributions to our sound and musical direction. This year's Oz Newgard Memorial Award is presented to Ryan Mextorf.
Sandy Stamps "Open Arms" Award: Recognizes an individual who promoted the value of a welcoming and inclusive environment for all singers.
Our next awardee has been a welcoming presence at just about every Harmonizer rehearsal and other event I can remember. While much has been said about his long and distinguished history of service, not nearly enough has been said about his equally extensive efforts to build community in our chapter. For example, he has hosted our annual winter "Heat Glow" social event at his home for many years. He convened an informal "brain trust" of our most experienced members to make sure their voices are heard by chapter leadership. He has added a birthday recognition event to the chapter program and bakes a cake to celebrate members’ birthdays. He never hesitates to introduce himself to a new member and helps to make certain all are welcome into the Harmonizer community. For all these reasons, and many more, I proudly present the Sandy Stamps "Open Arms" Award to Jack Pitzer.
Memorial Award: Given to the member who, during their entire period of membership, has devoted themself most unselfishly in rendering outstanding service to the chapter. It is the highest recognition which the chapter can bestow on a member.
I've said a lot this evening about leadership, dedication, service, and hard work. Everyone we've honored here today has exhibited those qualities, as have many others we were not able to honor. But this member has exemplified those values, to such a great degree and over such an extended period of time, that we would simply not be where we are without him. As chapter president, he provided steady, thoughtful, and decisive leadership. As executive director, he shepherded our operations team through more accomplishments than I can count: meeting the challenges of COVID-19, the hiring of our first paid executive staff, and enormous increases in our charitable fundraising, to name just a few. So many of our recent successes would simply not have been possible without his dedicated efforts. Between his service as chapter president and executive director, he has been in a leadership position continuously for more than seven years. I can say without hesitation that we are immeasurably better for his extraordinary service. It is my great pleasure to present the chapter's highest honor, the Memorial Award, to Randall Eliason.
Each award recipient was presented a plaque or a silver tray as recognition and the chapter members present for the ceremony gave each one a standing ovation in tribute.
Noah thanked Alan Wile for his help in ordering the awards and for helping make the presentations.
Until next time – editorjack
(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record for the great things going on each week during the 74th year of the Alexandria Chapter. - YeEd)
The Chapter Mission Statement Enriching lives through vocal harmony in the greater DC area.