Friday, November 20, 2020

Looking Back on the Nov 17th 2020 Virtual Chapter Meeting

 Looking Back on the Nov. 17th 2020 Virtual Chapter Meeting


This week’s virtual session for the Harmonizers was used to go back to work on show music that had been started before the covid shut down. 

Associate director Tony Colosimo took the lead for this week’s meeting. He brought us all up to date on plans for the virtual holiday show.  


Like last week he was extremely thankful to members for their successful efforts in making recordings for the virtual show.  He confirmed that the show will be at 6:30 pm Eastern time – there will not be two showings. Also he reminded everyone that the show is FREE and we should invite friends, family, co-workers, neighbors and the like to enjoy a great show.  The number of other groups appearing on the show in addition to the Harmonizers and the Northwest Sound is exciting.  In addition to groups from our chapter such as SILVER ALERT, TBD, and Riptide band, some folks we have had as guests on our Zoom calls will be on the show as well as some quartets from around the nation such as MIDTOWN, HALO, PRATT STREET POWER, GQ, and  SIGNATURE.


Will Cox will do his amazing and funny “The Night Before Christmas…” routine on the show too.


Tony also explained that the show will support TAPS – Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors.  The organization provides support, care and resources to all those grieving the death of a military loved one.


Assistant director Terry Reynolds reported that the Harmonizers performance of  “Gloria” will be part of the WETA PBS station’s “Songs of the Season.” 


Tony conducted a simplified  warm up session starting with stretching and moving the body – legs, arms, shoulders, ankles, toes, and fingers. 


Next the attendees were in small groups to work on their music.  Each small group had a music team rep to keep things going on specific spots in “Never Fully Dress Without a Smile.” Individuals volunteered to sing the spots and others offered positive feedback. 


That was followed by work on “Chorus Line Medley” with Tony leading the work and singers volunteering to demo.


This week’s small group discussion topic was “What’s the best sports movie of all time ?” “Field of Dreams’ and “Rudy” were multiple top choices from the 10 breakout groups. Some others were “Remember the Titans,” “Caddyshack,” “Ice Castles,” and “Mighty Ducks.”


Next week the topic will be “Who is your favorite Harmonizer coach and why?” Plus who else should we have as a coach for the chapter.



During the brief business meeting, executive director Randall Eliason reminded everyone that it's time to start gathering donations for the Silent Auction, which this year will be held online in the days leading up to our virtual holiday show. If there is a merchant you have received a donation from in the past, please be sure to reach out to them again this year. In addition, if you have provided a gift certificate for a personal service in the past, or have an item you believe would be appropriate that you would like to donate, please reach out to Kristin Kellyat to discuss it with her.


Chris Buechler, chapter secretary, thanked all the members for their renewals in recent months. Membership director Jacob Broude welcomed Clyde Crusenberry back to the fold.  It was good to have Phil Ashford on the call too. 


Bruce Roehm, president of AH, Inc., presented an overview of the fundraising efforts of the AH, Inc. chapter for 2021.  It is clear we can’t rely on dues income nor even ticket sales (especially now during this covid crisis). He reported that only 18% of the membership donated to the chapter last year.


There was a lot of discussion about how to give and why to give and of course some questions as to the current situation between BHS and HFI. 


In the near future, chapter giving levels will be acknowledged and a Harmonizer Heritage Society will be created for members who designate the chapter as a beneficiary of a gift.


Bruce’s briefing will be posted on Groupanizer for those want to clarify, get more detail and/or for those members who were not able to be on the call Tuesday nite. 


Next week’s Tuesday meeting will be via Zoom again at 7 pm. Watch for email details.  Volunteers to do electives for future meetings should contact Terry Reynolds if they’d like to present a half hour elective.


Until next time – editorjack!

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record for the great things going on each week during the 72nd year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. - YeEd)