Thursday, May 23, 2024

Looking Back on the May 21, 2024 Alexandria Hybrid Chapter Meeting

 Looking Back on the May 21, 2024 Alexandria Hybrid Chapter Meeting 

This week’s rehearsal for the Alexandria A Cappella Collective (AACC) was at another new location – the Beth El Hebrew Congregation synagogue at 3830 Seminary Road in Alexandria. A riser crew arrived at 6:15 pm to unload the truck and set up.  We began the evening in a large function room much like a hotel ballroom. The risers fit there nicely.

There was enough room for the front row to hold their early bird practice in the room too, but when the risers were full, they adjourned to the front lobby of the building.

Associate director of the Harmonizers, Tony Colosimo, conducted the warm up exercise for the combined ensembles and included work on “Down Our Way.”

Artistic director, Joe Cerutti, thanked chapter general manager, Susan Fitzpatrick, for helping arrange for this meeting space. There is some chance the chapter will meet at the synagogue on Tuesdays in June – stay tuned.  The decision for a place for June 18 is complicated because some of our meeting spaces are also polling places that night.  There has not been word announced yet for the June 25 sendoff event either – a performance for family members and patrons to showcase the packages the ensembles will present in Cleveland at the Barbershop Harmony Society (BHS) convention. 

Joe shared some details about the retreat weekend plans for May 31 – June 2.  The ensembles will meet at AlexRenew on Friday, May 31, from 7-10 pm and on Sunday, June 2, from 9-3.  Joe is working with the Wolf Trap staff to find a place on their campus for a Saturday, June 1, 9 am – 2 pm session with the coaches – Cy Wood and Renee and Steve Tramack. That might also include some plans for meals. 

As part of the Wolf Trap gig, the singers will join all of the other performers for three songs.  Sheet music for those songs is on Groupanizer and labeled for Wolf Trap. Joe expects to run a quick review of those songs at the end of the Tuesday, May 28, rehearsal at AlexRenew.

The AACC will sing three songs for the 7 pm show – “Hey Jude,’ “I’m Still Standing,” and “Defying Gravity.” The Alexandria chorus will lead off the six groups chosen to appear on the Wolf Trap stage for this community event promoting choral music in DC. Speaking of that show – singers do not need tickets. Other chapter members and family and friends can get free tickets using the code and link on Slack.  The singers and chapter member will have a new t-shirt to wear for that day.  Terry Reynolds and Tessa Walker have collected t-shirt sizes.  Any member who didn’t turn in their size, should contact one of those two ASAP.  Jeans will be complete the casual uniform for Wolf Trap.

Special guest, Sean Fagan, was on hand to share the plans for the proposed trip to Ireland in 2025. He organized the Alexandria chorus trip to Scotland. After his visual presentation about the Ireland trip planned for our chapter, he offered to answer any questions and suggested that future questions could go to Brad Jones.  Sean did suggest the possibility of an extension to Northern Ireland. 

President Noah Van Gilder spoke about the chapter’s angel fund that is used to help members who need financial assistance for things like the Ireland trip and for the contest in Cleveland.  Members can speak to Noah about their possible need. Similarly, any other members who can make a donation to the angel fund can also speak to Noah. Those conversations remain anonymous.

Samantha Tramack, director of Metro Voices, shared that she has been named the new bass in the GQ quartet.  Congrats to Samantha!

Terry Reynolds was seeking member availability for a special request for a chorus on June 8 to sing for donors to spring2ACTion. 

Jacob Broude, membership director, welcomed returning guest Carl Parkin, and first time guest, Carey Graven.  He also welcomed Dixie and Chris Buechler, Greg Tepe and Ellen Dellert.  Maggie McAlexander directed the chapter “Welcome Song.”

At this point in the meeting, the two ensembles moved to separate rooms.  Metro Voices used the sanctuary to work on their music including their new audition song.

The Harmonizers continued singing on the risers. Joe distributed printed copies of the recently annotated music for the contest package.  He walked the singers through the document to include the abbreviation codes and how to use the information to perform the package at top capacity.  He also invited the singers to record themselves for submission to musical leadership, and he reminded them of the requirement to submit a video of themselves performing the package.

As the evening ended, Joe invited guests and members of both ensembles to come to the Harmo House for the afterglow before Jason Lee directed “Keep the Whole World Singing.”


There is other barbershop news in our metro area. Harbor City Music Company Chorus from Severna Park, MD, won their Region 19 Sweet Adeline International (SAI) contest last weekend and qualified to go to the SAI International next year.  The chorus has several partners of Harmonizers as members and is directed by Michael Gellert


Bella Nova chorus in Herndon, VA, took second place in the Area 3 chorus contest of Harmony, Inc.  They are directed by former Harmonizer director, Richard Lewellen.  They were also named most improved and qualified to go to their International contest. 

Until next time – editorjack!

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record for the great things going on each week during the 75th year of the Alexandria Chapter. - YeEd)


The Chapter Mission Statement Enriching lives through vocal harmony in the greater DC area.