Friday, February 10, 2012

Looking Back on the February 7th Chapter Meeting

The set up crew was hard at work at 6 pm tonite and Bob Blair was crawling under the stage with work tools and flashlite to fix a pesky wire that keeps coming loose and blocking the risers when we put them away – in our secret-almost-hidden storage area.

Chuck McKeever conducted a review session on top of the stage for moves in one of our songs.  Music vp Dan O’Brien and some fellows gathered in meeting room 5 for a Polecat Song session.

Meanwhile the music team was comparing notes for the final details and plans for the evening with Joe back from England just an hour before. At a minute or so before 7, the music team and sound guys played a barbershop tune and we had to guess the name of the quartet.  (gold medalists, VOCAL SPECTRUM).

Will Cox did vocal and physical warm ups.  He passed the chorus on to director Joe Cerutti who proclaimed he was glad to be back and was proud of have read about the good solid work last week.

He jumped right in to work on “Jersey Boys” – in fact without music for the first three songs of the medley. He admonished guys that didn’t know it well to at least have the printed music in their hands!  And many went running to their briefcases! He pulled out eight guys to sing it and then alternated having them sing and the chorus.

After that workout, we worked on the opera piece – La Vergine degli Angeli” -- we are singing with soprano Alessandra Marc at the show on Feb. 22nd for the George Washington history buffs convention.  She will also sing “Battle Hymn” with us.  The chorus will use music for the Verde piece and there will be piano accompaniment.  She will be with us on Tues. Feb. 14th and 21st, YeEd thinks.

Scott Kahler, chapter ops vp, conducted the chapter meeting session.  Secretary Chris Buechler presented a 23-year renewal card to Matt Kahn.  Gerry Fuller was presented his new member kit from the BHS including his framed membership certificate. YeEd just saw a report from Chris that our membership remains at 204.

Dick Newton was given his past president’s pin by current president, Steve Murane, for Dick’s service in 2010. Dick also received a past president’s gavel plaque.

Membership vp Phil Ashford welcome guests Tom Frederick, an applicant; and Niel Johnson, a frequent guest from Ft. Bragg and the Research Triangle Chorus where John Adams is tenor section leader; and Oswaldo Silio, from Brazil and a house guest with Lew Klinge.

The chorus was given a15-minute break to work on quartet formation, get some coffee and make purchases as needed.  YeEd (and coffee guru) urges anyone who can, to bring in some decaf coffee, some goodies, or at least to drop a buck or three in the kitty next week.)

Scott continued the meeting after the break. He announced that he would be taking orders for guys to reorder or replace lost nametags. Stay tuned.

Craig Kujawa encouraged guys to come cheer for our buddies in TBD who will be singing in the Harmony Sweepstakes, Feb. 25th, at the Birchmere in Alexandria.  Get your $30 to Craig next week or so and he will get you a ticket. DA CAPO, who won it all last year, will be the hosts. So should be a great time.  Go cheer and have some fun.

BTW, there will be chapter meeting on Tues., Feb. 14th at Durant.  Only a few guys will be missing for the early part of the evening delivering Valentines. 

And speaking of Singing Valentines, everyone needs to take action!!! Don’t just hope people will find it online.  Give them a flyer or card, collect the money and have them call in their order.  The time is now.

There is a chapter board meeting on Wed of this week at Durant at 7 pm. Thanks to all the board members who make the effort to attend two events this week and work behind the scenes.

Brad Jones, our coordinator for the trip to China, reminded all about the URGENT need to get him a copy of the photo page of your passport if you plan to sing in the concerts on the trip.

Steve White asked for a minute of announcement time to honor our chapter’s newest member elected to the M-AD Honor Club (DELA) – Tony Colosimo. Steve and all the fellow DELA members present were assembled up front and welcomed Tony with handshakes and cheers, as did the chorus.  Tony is the 43rd Harmonizer elected to that group in recognition of leadership contributions at chapter, district and Intl levels.

Then it was back to singing and Tony was up to conduct a barbershop craft session. This week’s topic was “proper singing demands proper posture” and he demonstrated that himself as well as had the chorus practice using good poster.  It was easy for all to see the difference.

Next, the music team formed us all into small choruses with our own assistant director in charge. Each group adjourned to a break-out room to work on “Sweet Georgia Brown” before we reconvened on the risers and sang for each other.  It was fun and seems like a good way to work on a song.

Director Joe also announced that the small chorus will be the method of qualifying for contests.

The rest of the nite the chorus worked on songs for the Feb. 22 show at the Masonic Temple including stage presence review.

Lucky winner of the 50/50 this week got $50. And Joe took us out with KTWWS and our cheer, “It’s Great to Be a Harmonizer.” The gang chipped in to get the risers down fast and put away with all of the other gear.  And then some guys made it over to the Hilton for an afterglow.

Until next time – editorjack!

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week at an Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter meeting. —YeEd.)