Looking Back on the Jan. 24, 2023 Alexandria Hybrid Chapter Meeting
The Alexandria Chapter meeting for the Harmonizers and Metro Voices was at Scottish Rite Temple (SRT) and started with a warm-up session for both ensembles with associate director of the Harmonizers, Tony Colosimo, and concluding with more warm-up work with assistant director of Metro Voices, Maggie McAlexander. Because of an up-tick in COVID cases, masks were worn by all attendees.
When artistic director Joe Cerutti took over, he welcomed several folks back on the risers including Zak Sandler andChris Buechler. And he welcomed the Metro Voices singers and their friends in the auditorium. Joe also congratulated Ryan Mextorf, a new dad in recent weeks, who was back to sing.
Joe also announced the memorial service for Linda Odell, wife of Craig, that will be held at 1 pm at the Fairfax Memorial Funeral Home on Sat. Jan. 28 at 1 pm. The Harmonizers will not sing but will join other barbershoppers in singing “Irish Blessing.”
Joe also announced that word had been received that 1986 past president Royal Geis died on Tuesday. No other details have been received as of this time. He was 85. His wife, Geri, remains in FL. She was the stage presence coach, choreographer and teacher for the Harmonizer “gold medal years.”
As announced last week, an ensemble of the Harmonizers will sing at the SRT in DC on Feb. 4 to thank them for the use of their hall for one of our holiday performances. Joe invites a few more singers to join this group and encourages those volunteers to speak with Terry Reynolds.
Great news that David Breen will be the new bass section leader for the Harmonizers.
Joe announced there would be a birthday celebration at this week’s afterglow for those Harmonizers who celebrate a Dec. or Jan. birthday. (He also acknowledged the Metro Voices members who celebrate in those two months and had raised their hands at his request.)
The December celebrants are Martin Banks, Bob Bates, Bede Bender, Clyde Crusenberry, David DesPortes, Troy Hillier, Ian Poulin, Frank Shipp, and Samantha Whiteoak. January celebrants are Clark Chesser, Gary Cregan, Dave Cureton, TJ Donahue, Randall Eliason, JJ Jackson, Matt Kahn, Lou Manfre, Chuck Powell, Mike Pugh, Antony Takahashi, Noah Van Gilder, and Mike Wallen.
Chapter secretary David DesPortes congratulated the following Harmonizers who have renewed their membership recently. When he announced how many years the singers have been members there was group 1 clap for every year! For 4 years, Devin Gerzof; for 7 years, Michael Berkson; for 11 years, Tessa Walker; for 12 years, Reed Livergood; for 20 years, Antony Takahashi; for 21 years, Frank Fedarko; for 29 years, Brian Ammerman; for 39 years, Terry Reynolds; for 43 years, Don Harrington; and for 49 years, Rick Savage.
The chapter will be sending out quartets to do Singing Valentines as public thank you messages to organizations and friends of the chapter. Singers from both ensembles were invited to sign up for one of three quartets to make appearances on Feb. 14 in the Alexandria Metro area. There were small Valentine candy boxes on a table and volunteers could choose one of those boxes marked with the voice part needed, eat the candy and write their name on the bottom and leave the box. That is how they signed up to participate.
Membership director Jacob Broude welcomed the guests for both ensembles and Terry directed the chapter welcome song. There were 11 or 12 Metro Voices attendees and four singers guests for the Harmonizers – Norman Barth, AJ Singletary, Todd Minners and Matt Ambler.
At this point in the evening the Metro Voices moved to another room in SRT to work on vocal placements with Tessa, Maggie and Tony. The Harmonizers worked with Joe in the auditorium on “I’m the Music Man.” Then after that they worked on a new arrangement of “Sit Down You’re Rockin the Boat” by David Wright. This new song with be taught and learned using the 7-Step process as outlined and discussed by Joe. A part of the evening was devoted to sectionals on this new arrangement.
At the end of the meeting, the two ensembles of the chapter reconvened in the auditorium for the business meeting, monitored by communication director Steve Murane. Chapter development director Ken Rub made a plea for anyone with experiences at running a silent auction event to speak with him. The 75th anniversary gala will be in Oct. and it will include a silent auction and a live auction for major items like a cruise or condo time share, for example. Ken’s appeal was for anyone in the chapter family – significant others, relatives, co-workers or fellow musicians.
Joe took a count for pizza for the afterglow at the Harmo House, 3916 N Stevens, Alexandria 22311, following the meeting. A good crowd made it to the house and enjoyed the birthday cake. Frank Shippe won the 50/50 this week.
Until next time – editorjack!
(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record for the great things going on each week during the 74th year of the Alexandria Chapter. - YeEd)
The Chapter Mission Statement Enriching lives through vocal harmony in the greater DC area.