Friday, September 13, 2019

Looking Back on the Sept. 10th Chapter Meeting

This was the last chapter meeting before our fall show and a good crowd was early on the risers for a warm up session with associate director Tony Colosimo.  Again, the chorus was assembled on diagrams on the floor that represents the platforms they will stand on at Schlesinger.

Uniform chair Robyn Murane was handing each singer a sheet of details about the uniforms the chapter wears for shows and events.

After a quick chat with the vocal soloists for the show, director Joe Cerutti launched the first run-through of the show songs with emcees, solos, percussion and staging.  Joe took notes and was able to offer advice and good suggestions to make the second run after the break even better.

Joe explained there will be an afterglow after the show too!  Our show sponsor, Chadwicks, will open their top floor for our show afterglow.  Those who wish dinner should consider eating on the first floor where there will be table service (and you can use the back of your show ticket for a special deal). Those upstairs can order drinks or food items from the bar and take it to their tables. Chadwicks is at 203 The Strand in Old Town Alexandria.

The chapter meeting period was conducted by communications chairman Steve Murane.  

Lots of details were mentioned regarding the show weekend.   First of all – TICKETS!  Keep selling!  All consignment tickets or the money were to be turned in to Dean Sherick at this meeting! Tell your customers we are performing at the Rachel Schlesinger Concert Hall on the campus of NoVA Community College in Alexandria, just off of Beauregard Street. There is plenty of free parking and no bad seats in the hall! We are selling $35 general admission seats and some $100 premium seats who get into the show early and get to meet the quartets and show principals.

It is exciting to have such terrific guest quartets to sing with us that weekend.  – INSTANT CLASSIC is the Barbershop Harmony Society’s 2015 International Quartet Champion.   The quartet is comprised of  David Zimmerman (tenor), Theo Hicks (lead), Kohl Kitzmiller (baritone), and Kyle Kitzmiller (bass). 

Plus GQ from the Baltimore area who were the 2013 First Place Rising Star Quartet  from Sweet Adelines.  The quartet members are Amanda Sandroni (tenor), Ali Hauger (lead), Katie Gillis (baritone), and Katie Macdonald (bass).

“The Circle of Life” is the theme for our presentation of Broadway show songs and it will be great fun for all ages. Some special production numbers in true Harmonizer tradition will be a treat too.

The schedule for the weekend – a tech rehearsal will be held on Wed. Sept 11th for those who are required to be there at 5 pm at Schlesinger. There is, however,  a need for a few able bodied members to be there at 5 to help with some set up and then they will be finished early.

Then all singers should attend the “dress” rehearsal at 7 pm on Thurs. Sept. 12th (from 7-10 pm) but they are not required to wear their blue suits that nite.
On Saturday Sept. 14th, the chorus call is at 11 am and that includes volunteers who will be working with Robyn Murane in the lobby or where ever else she assigns folks.  Any Harmonizer family members are welcome to volunteer (and earn a free show ticket!), so contact Robyn (

Reminder: the uniform is the new blue suit with vest, orange tie and pocket stuffer, black shoes etc., and hidden button white shirt.

Chapter members should bring some food for themselves as there won’t be time for the singers to be released to go get food.  There will be waters and cookies in the dressing room.

Alan Wile prepared this list of the Broadway shows which featured the songs we are singing in the show:
Songs to be sung on the ‘Circle of Life” concert (and Broadway musical sources):
Circle Of Life/Heart and Music – from Lion King and New Brain
The Impossible Dream – from Man From La Mancha
Brotherhood Of Man – from How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying
We Kiss In A Shadow – from The King and I
If You Were Gay – from Avenue Q
Anything Goes – from Anything Goes
Empty Chairs At Empty Tables – from Les Misérables
Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life – from Monty Python / Spamalot
Blow, Gabriel, Blow – from Anything Goes
For Good – from Wicked
Circle Of Life – from Lion King

 There was some explanation about the small chorus groups that will sing at three events this fall/winter such as Arts on the Avenue on Oct. 5, a sing for the Manassas Chorale on Oct. 12,  a Veteran’s Day event on Nov. 11,  and a holiday party for a group in mid Dec. 

Another major business item this week was going over details about our chapter’s visit and participation in the Seneca Land District fall contest and convention in Rochester, NY. Those who have not paid for the bus or the hotel room should make contact with Craig Kujawa ASAP. 

In short, follow the instructions sent out by Craig in his newsletters to all.

President Shawn Tallant extended an invite from the Harmony Heritage Singers (Mount Vernon Chapter) to join them is celebrating Bob Wachter’s 90th birthday.  The social event will be from 12-1 pm on Wed. Sept. 25th at the Sherwood Hall Regional Library, 2501 Sherwood Hall Lane, Alexandria 22306. Please let Jack Pitzer know if you will attend so we can inform the host chapter how many of us will attend. (Text Jack at 703-627-9424.)

Shawn alerted the membership that our annual election will be Tuesday Oct. 1st – a quorum is expected to attend to vote. 

Shawn reported that Clyde Crusenberry is recovering and is really sorry to miss the show.
Secretary Chris Buechler reported the recent change by BHS to reduce the grace period for late dues payments to 30 days. 

Chris presented membership renewal cards to Jim Kirkland for 10 years; Dick Dangel for 27 years; Don Thompson for 27 years; Chuck McKeever for 33 years; Terry Reynolds for 36 years; Alan Wile for 38 years; and  Mike Kelly for 39 years. 

Ben Watsky welcomed our guests this week – Travis Page, Walt’s son; and Tim Carolan from London, (and a barbershopper from Sidney Australia in DC for work for this week).

Carl Kauffmann won the double 50/50 with this week and last week monies combined!

Until next time – editorjack! 

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week during the 70th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd