Looking Back on July 15th Chapter Meeting
(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week at an Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter meeting. —Ye Ed.)
Wow! The risers were full before the 7 pm call to risers! And someone said at break, “this place is getting crowded.” So cool to have a full house the week we are back from International. And to see some familiar faces come out to sing along and see what is up – Yates, Berman, McFarland, Mattes, Acevedo and Rub.
Director Joe announced that our coach for the nite had flight problems and would not attend. So as usual, we pushed the “be flexible” button and a great meeting was conducted by musical and admin leaders.
Joe reminded everyone it was a nite to celebrate our 60th birthday as a chapter. He also recognized Martin Banks and extended chapter cheers for Martin’s honor as PR Officer of the Year in the BHS. The award is given by PROBE – the group for PR officers and Bulletin Editors. Congrats!! (I think it was Martin who also produced a whole single page graphic listing all the songs the Harmonizers have ever sung it its 60 years for tonite handout.)
Joe also took a couple minutes to explain plans for the next couple of contest packages, and put a bug in everyone’s ear about the ways to add new members to the riser crew!!! This is a great time to bring someone too – they can get a running start on new music along with the rest of us.
Then the chorus worked hard on their music in sectionals.
After that was the chapter meeting. District VP for Contest and Judging Chuck Harner presented Gary Plaag a plaque recognizing his 10 years as a Certified Presentation Judge in the BHS.
Chris Buechler offered free Harmonizer record albums – Autin Cotton who handles warehousing and selling CDs and the old records is eager to reduce the album storage needs. Fun to see how many guys came and picked up the albums – and looked at the pictures on the back of quartets and chorus.
Terry Jordan plugged the 60th Anniversary Potluck and Talent Show that will be Sun., August 10th from 2-5 pm at Durant. Stayed tuned for more details as to what food to bring, and how to enter the talent show.
Ken White, quartet promo chair, honored our guys who sang in quartets in Nashville so we could all give them one more big cheer.
VP Roger Day introduced several guests including a couple prospective singers and some guys visiting from other chapters.
Director Joe cut the birthday cake and as always, the Harmonizers made it all disappear in record time.
Right after the break, President Stamps and a character from “Aladdin” did a skit to get everyone’s attention regarding plans for the 2009 Spring Show. It will have a New York and Broadway theme.
More hard work followed on contest songs, and on songs for the upcoming shows this summer, including the road show in Erie, PA. And the summer evening concert at Ft. Ward Park, Thurs. July 24th. That park is at 4301 W. Braddock Rd. Parking is free. Show is in an outdoor amphitheatre. You could also bring a picnic for before or after. Chorus call is 6 pm. Show is at 7:30.
Until next time – editorjack!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
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