Looking Back on the March 28, 2023 Alexandria Hybrid Chapter Meeting
The Alexandria Chapter meeting this week was for the Harmonizers and Metro Voices at Scottish Rite Temple (SRT). Assistant director of Metro Voices Maggie McAlexander did the warm up session for all singers on the risers. She taught a round that they enjoyed singing – Pizza is Great, I Can’t Believe How Many Slices That I Ate” and finished the exercise with the “Danny My Boy” tag.
Associate director Tony Colosimo was maestro for this week since Joe Cerutti was stranded in Germany because of the transportation strikes in Europe.
Tony reminded all singers to check the emails about the changes in schedule as to when ensembles will and will not meet in April.
He extended congrats to the singers who participated in the contests the past weekend in York, PA.
While both ensembles were in the auditorium, membership director Jacob Broude welcomed guests for both groups. Casey, Megan and Lenna were present to sing with Metro Voices. Two new members have been welcomed to this group – Jeanne Hillinck and Allissa Fernandez.
Five recent Harmonizer guests were back on the risers – Sean O’Brien, Matt Gordon, Chad Ross, John Tabor, andEdgar Blancas. They are in various stages of preparing to audition for the chorus.
At this point, Tony welcomed some members we have missed for a long while – Ken White and Calvin Schnure; And a couple guys who were back after a few weeks – Scott Beach and Nic Petersen. Assistant director emeritus Will Coxdirected the “Harmonizer Welcome Song.”
Tony introduced a new song that both ensembles will perform together – “Why We Sing.” It is an original piece by prolific song writer Greg Gilpin and arranged for mixed voices by David Wright. The message of this beautiful song is perfect for our chapter. Music team admin staffer, Terry Reynolds, projected the music and played a quartet performance of it for all to experience the future number both ensembles will be working on in the weeks ahead.
At this point, Metro Voices moved to the cafeteria to work on their risers with Maggie and interim director Tessa Walker.
The Harmonizers worked on “Something’s Comin” and “Sit Down You’re Rockin the Boat.” Part of that time was for ‘riser ready singers.’
When Tony moved to work with Metro Voices, Terry took directed the Harmonizers sing through the songs for the April 22nd show in Newport News including “Bridge Over Troubled Water,” “Impossible Dream,” “A Little Help from My Friends,” “Never Fully Dressed,” “I’m the Music Man,” “New York, New York,” and “Wee Small Hours.”
Tony rejoined the chorus to work more on the last song.
When Metro Voices returned to the auditorium, communications director Steve Murane moderated the business meeting period.
Chapter president Noah Van Gilder congratulated the quartets who competed at the recent Southern Division contest. There were cheers for PRAXIS, with David Breen and Lance Fisher, who earned a high enough score to qualify their participation in the International quartet contest in Louisville in July, 2023. There were also cheers for BREAKTHROUGH with Mike Fasano, Jordon Zimmerman, Jason Lee and Ken White that was second place in the division. BETTER TOGETHER with Elizabeth Colosimo, Heather Havens, Tony Colosimo and Andrew Havens that was first place.
Noah also thanked the members who worked as volunteers at the convention and those who went to represent our chapter. (See the Looking Back report issued earlier with all the details.)
There will be another contest on April 14-15 in PA for the Northern Division contest and there are a couple quartets competing there with Harmonizer singers. Also some of our members will be volunteering to operate that contest.
Steve asked members to share on Facebook that the chapter will be singing on the Newport News show so that patrons and chapter supporters will know about the concert. BETTER TOGETHER will be appearing with the chorus.
Be on the lookout for details about how each member needs to participate in the Spring2ACTion fundraising event on April 26. Each member will be expected to solicit contributions from friends, co-workers, neighbors, family, other barbershoppers, and other singing friends. The last few years we earned a significant payment for having the most donors during a particular hour. Ken Rub will be alerting members of both ensembles of how it will all work.
Chapter historian Don Harrington put out extra pictures of past chorus appearances that anyone could pick up from the lobby.
Chapter education director Sheryl Berlin gave a plug for Harmony College East, June 15-18, at McDaniel College in Westminster, MD. This great weekend of learning about barbershop and personal music skills is operated by our Mid Atlantic District. There are also classes for quartets, for music educators, or for students. Sheryl and Bill Colosimo from our chapter manage this weekend event. Watch for messages from the district to register.
As a reminder, the Heavy Medal chorus from Germany will be coming to the DC area en route to the 2023 International in Louisville. (They visited with us before prior to the Nashville International.) This Barbershop in Germany (BinG!) chorus will be in our area June 30-July2 and leaders have asked the Harmonizers to help host the guests in homes. There will likely be a few events while Heavy Medal is in the area such as singing together and maybe a social at the Harmo House. Chapter members that have not volunteered to host should email Terry ReynoldsASAP.
As our 75th anniversary year activities start up, take note of this new Harmo shirt you can get to wear during this special year for the chapter. Tyler Carpenter will begin taking orders starting next Tuesday (4/4) for a light blue camp shirt with the new 75th anniversary logo embroidered on the left side above the pocket. These are the identical short-sleeved light-weight camp shirts that he has provided before in black that many of you already have. He has sizes S to 6XL. The blue shirt is not required and will not be used for performances, but it is a beautiful commemoration of our anniversary year and great advertising for the chorus when you are out-n-about. The Steve White will be wearing one of the new shirts next Tuesday if you would like a closer look.
Also, if you would like to order other items (T-shirts, coffee mugs, water bottles, pens, phone cases, hats, and much more), please go to the Café Press at https://harmonizers.org/. Hit the About tab at the top, go to Shop on the pull-down menu where you will find The Harmonizers Gift Shop. Note: These items are silk-screened.
There was no formal afterglow this week, but some folks got in some tag singing before they left SRT. Devin Gerzof won the 50/50 this week.
Until next time – editorjack!
(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record for the great things going on each week during the 74th year of the Alexandria Chapter. - YeEd)
The Chapter Mission Statement Enriching lives through vocal harmony in the greater DC area.