Friday, September 13, 2024

Looking Back on the Sept. 10 , 2024 Alexandria Hybrid Chapter Meeting

 Looking Back on the Sept. 10 , 2024 Alexandria Hybrid Chapter Meeting

(Thanks to Mark Oswald for taking notes this week.  YeEd)

The Alexandria A Capella Collective meeting on Tuesday, September 10 was at AlexRenew. Even with the election debate that night, there was good attendance of singers and guests.  


The Harmonizers and Metro Voices ensembles each warmed up separately this week and both rehearsed until the business meeting and announcements at the end of the night. Directors were excited about how well the show songs are being performed.

Artistic director, Joe Cerutti, made some general announcements: There is just one more rehearsal (after this week) until we start doing only the holiday songs in rehearsals. After the fall show, the first song the Harmonizers will rehearse will be “El Yivneh Hagalil” (the one in Hebrew). The learning schedule for all of the holiday songs will be shared soon.

Next week's rehearsal will be at Beth El. Call time for the fall show will be 1:30 pm at Bishop Ireton High School. The following week (after the show) we will be singing in Old Town.

The two ensembles met together for the 50/50 drawing, then executive director, Stan Quick, conducted the business meeting. He reports that ticket sales for the fall show are going strong and the chapter team will be expanding new channels for selling tickets.

The deadline to sign up for Ireland is Friday, September 13, 2025 as the tour operator will be making the flight arrangements shortly.  Information on the main trip and the optional extension to include Northern Ireland have been sent out to the performing chorus on slack and via email.  Please contact Brad Jones via slack or at if you have any questions. The link to sign up for the trip is Alexandria Harmonizers & Metro Voices in Ireland.

Chapter secretary, Heidi 
Krukowski, presented membership renewals to the following: Mary Cooper - 2 years; Jeanne Hillinck - 2 years; Elisabeth Cosh - 2 years; Leah Musico - 2 years; and Carl Kauffmann - 52 years.

Membership director, Jacob Broude, welcomed our guests this week.  Seven were returning guests: Annie Ermlick, Jim Wallace, Lynne Benedict, Trudi Gelfand,  Neal Connors, Katie Raimondo, and Ian Trent. First-time guests were Chris, Don and Rob. Maggie McAlexander directed the “Welcome Song” for guests.


President Noah Van Gilder presented the second round of the chapter Distinguished Service Awards for 2023.  The Oz Newgard Award for significant contributions to the music program was awarded to Samantha Tramack The Chapter Honor Award - for continuous service above and beyond what is expected was awarded to Tessa Walker.  The Chapter Memorial Award given for years of exemplary service to the chapter during his 20 plus years, and the highest award given by the chapter, was awarded to Ken Rub.


Catherine LaValley, fall show producer, offered these announcements about the fall show: 


1. We are in serious need of volunteers. Please consider asking family members to come help during the show. Guests too!

2. Make sure family and friends are buying tickets

3. The afterglow will be informal and held at Astro Brewing Co. in Shirlington. If you are bringing anyone under 21 they must get a wristband. Children (those under ~16 ) are not allowed in the building's basement.

4. We are promoting the show on all of our social media. 

5. Costumes for the fall show will be the same as what each ensemble wore in Cleveland.

Chapter leaders had a last minute plea for help to get more sign-ups for the launch of the Capital Force ensemble. Any help in getting it off the ground is very much appreciated!


Kevin Mendez directed “Keep the Whole World Singing” to end the meeting before folks headed over to the afterglow at the Harmo House


Until next time – editorjack


(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record for the great things going on each week during the 76th year of the Alexandria Chapter. - YeEd)


The Chapter Mission Statement Enriching lives through vocal harmony in the greater DC area.