Friday, October 6, 2023

Looking Back on the Oct. 3, 2023 Alexandria Hybrid Chapter Meeting

 Looking Back on the Oct. 3, 2023 Alexandria Hybrid Chapter Meeting 

This week’s chapter meeting was all about celebrating successes and fun at the recent Mid-Atlantic District (M-AD) contest and to launch plans for the upcoming holiday season.


Maggie McAlexander, assistant director of Metro Voices, did the warm up sessions for both ensembles to kick off this week’s gathering.  


Since there was a lot to talk about, news to share and announcements for members of both ensembles, all singers started the evening in the auditorium seats.


Artistic director Joe Cerutti started off the evening with praise and congratulations to the quartets that represented the chapter in the fall contest in York – BREAKTHROUGH, LEGACY, REVERB, and BETTER TOGETHER. All of them did really well and the chapter is proud for them to carry the chapter’s name. And he led the cheers for the great performance by Metro Voices as mic testers at that convention. (They would have placed sixth in the chorus contest with the scores they earned from the judges).


He thanked associate director, Tony Colosimo, for stepping up to direct the chorus ballad in the contest; and shared his pride of the Harmonizer chorus in their tribute performance during the contest for our 75th anniversary and especially a salute to former artistic director, Geri Geis. At this week’s meeting, Joe and several members shared their memories of Geri and her impact on them individually as well as the Harmonizers and BHS. Joe started it all off, We can't overstate the impact Geri had on this organization and on barbershop as a whole.”


Joe also confirmed that the chapter DID accept the invitation for Metro Voices and the Harmonizers to sing at the Barbershop Harmony Society (BHS) midwinter convention on Thursday, January 11 in New York City. Members should make plans to be there and are encouraged to register and attend the convention.  Stay tuned for details on how to use a discount code for $50 off the registration coming to members next week.


The MAD all-voice seniors chorus, which included several Harmonizers at the contest in York, did qualify to sing at Midwinter.  So, if any chapter member who is over 55 is interested in participating in that group, chapter music leaders can help you join. In addition, BHS is offering the “Seniors Dream Experience” to sing at Midwinter under the direction of Joe Cerutti.


Joe launched holiday plans for the chapter.  We have been hired to sing as part of the Frederick, MD, Catactones barbershop chapter holiday show, Saturday, December 16 at 3:30 pm.  Details to come, but Joe and the music team are encouraging all to participate on this major show in the DC area for barbershop harmony.


Our own chapter holiday show will be Sunday afternoon, December 17 in a local area church that will be chosen soon. There will be two combined numbers this year for the holiday shows – “Do You Hear What I Hear?” with an updated part for Metro Voices, and an eight-part arrangement of “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas” by Clay Hine.  The two ensembles will both have other songs on the schedule for the holidays.


Joe recognized the tremendous service Randall Eliason gave the chapter during his time as executive director. He retired recently and passed that task on to Stan Quick


The Capital Force launch will not be held in October and in fact, we will not add that new ensemble until next year - giving time for musical leaders of the chapter (including the many school music educators we have) to focus on building relationships in Virginia schools next year.


In that regard, DC Public Schools (DCPS) reached out to BHS for ideas about how to support vocal music programs in Washington, DC.  BHS of course passed it to us.   Joe, Tessa Walker and Tony Colosimo have had several meetings with the head of music programs for DCPS and they have asked us to run a Youth Festival for them in spring of 2024. This is huge for us, for BHS, and for DCPS


The Alexandria Chapter is proud to have so many members that have been inducted into the 

M-AD Hall of Honor. Members are named to that group in recognition for major service to the district.  Of the 103 members, 29 are from the Alexandria Chapter including our newest representative, Sheryl Berlin. She was recognized for her work with Harmony College East, as our chapter music education director, and as a chorus director in the district.  She competed in one of the first mixed voice quartet in the contest system. And she is a founding member of Metro Voices.


She joins the following fellow active chapter members who have been previously named to the Hall of Honor: Scott Werner, Jack Pitzer, Alan Wile, Mike Wallen, Steve White, Bill Colosimo, Rick Taylor, Keith Jones, Terry Reynolds, Mike Kelly, John Santora, Bob Eckman, Dennis Ritchey, and Joe Cerutti. 


Joe also paid tribute to Carl Kauffmann for being a 50 year (actually 51 year) member of BHS!


There was a business meeting coordinated by communications director, Steve MuraneSophie Clarke prompted members of both ensembles to invite a guest for the Oct. 10th guest night.  It is a rehearsal designed for interested new singers and it is best if they RSVP so the team knows who is coming.  More prospects are needed for this event. It is easy to do from


Craig Kujawa reported on the Scrip fundraising program he manages for the chapter, and announced that the top fundraiser was Randall Eliason for the third year in a row.  Thanks Randall.


Chapter secretary David DesPortes distributed new member packets to a group of recently added chapter members in both ensembles. 


President Noah Van Gilder sent out word about the annual meeting of the chapter and election of the 2024 chapter board to be held on Tuesday, Oct. 17 at 7 pm at Scottish Rite Temple.

The nominating committee has selected three new members to fill at-large seats on the board: Mary Cooper, from Metro Voices; Charlyne “Chuck” Miller from Metro Voices; and Michael Berkson from the Harmonizers. 

The slate will be comprised of the three new at-large candidates identified above, plus the following members who will be nominated for re-election: Noah Van Gilder, from the Harmonizers – President; Carolyn Griffin, from the community - Vice President; Terry Reynolds, from the Harmonizers – Treasurer; Cy Shuster, from the Harmonizers – Secretary; Turner Arndt, from the Harmonizers - Member At-Large; and Dave Kohls, from the community - Member At-Large

Devin Gerzof and John Greene will be retiring as member-at-large board members. The members of the nominating committee are Brad Jones, Ken Rub, and Sheryl Berlin.

Chapter members should make every effort to attend the meeting on October 17 to ensure that   we have a quorum.

Membership director, Jacob Broude, welcomed two first-time singers this week – Shalini Verma for Metro Voices and Bob Gudauskas for the Harmonizers. Bob is Stephen’s brother.  Assistant director emeritus, Will Cox, directed the chapter “Welcome Song.”


When the it was time to sing, both ensembles launched work on holiday songs.  This is the first season for Metro Voices, so all of the holiday tunes will be new for them. They have begun work on “Sing We Noel” and “Winter Wonderland.” 


The Harmonizers will repeat some holiday songs each year, but they added “Believe” from “The Polar Express” – which is another arrangement by Jim Clancy who seems to have done lots of great holiday songs for choruses to sing. This week the work time included “J-IN-G-L-E Bells,” “Silent Night: - another Clancy arrangement, and “Mr. Grinch.”


Associate director Tony Ă‡olosimo, directed “Keep the Whole World Singing” to end the evening before a good crowd headed over to the Harmo House for the afterglow this week.


Until next time – editorjack!


(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record for the great things going on each week during the 75th year of the Alexandria Chapter. - YeEd)


The Chapter Mission Statement Enriching lives through vocal harmony in the greater DC area.





Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Looking Back on the Sept. 29-30, 2023 M-AD Contest and Convention with the Alexandria Chapter

 Looking Back on the Sept. 29-30, 2023 M-AD Contest and Convention with the Alexandria Chapter 

It was a great weekend of barbershop harmony and fun for the members of the chapter who sang on stage in the two choruses and in the four quartets that represented our chapter. The drive to York, PA, was just a couple hours or so and not bad on Friday.  Some members actually drove up Saturday morning and went home that night. We were staying in hotels all along Rte. 30 which seemed be like a parking lot some times. Our members got to mix and mingle with members from throughout the Mid Atlantic District (MAD). 


After the chorus contest, some members ventured out to explore York and found a local brewery. Some found the nearby diner for chow.  Others were free to sit in on some special program events: a roundtable discussion on how to improve membership in chapters in MAD; a Q and A session with the chief financial officer of the Barbershop Harmony Society (BHS), Erik Dove, from Nashville (he was the official BHS representative to our M-AD convention); and a Gold Medal Hour with MIDTOWN quartet who took the gold last summer in Louisville.


Friday night’s quartet contest saw four quartets with Harmonizers in the semifinal round: REVERB with Dennis Ritchey, Reed Livergood, Paul Grimes and Steve White; LEGACY with Rick Taylor; BREAKTHROUGH with Mike Fasano, Jordan Zimmerman, Jason Lee and Ken White; and BETTER TOGETHER with Elizabeth and Tony Colosimo and Heather and Andrew Havens.


Three advanced to the finals round on Saturday night with BREAKTHROUGH as mic tester quartet having placed 12th. LEGACY ended up 8th.  BETTER TOGETHER set the standard high in their performances but came in second place with 3,048 or 84.7 per cent when a quartet from Hell’s Kitchen, NY, SMOKE RING, outscored them by six points!!  REVERB finished 18th.


The chorus contest got an early start on Saturday morning.  Metro Voices was invited to be the mic tester chorus and they were terrific! They scored 1,384 points or 76.9!  Founding-director, Tessa Walker, was director for this performance with Maggie McAlexander, Sheryl Berlin, Sophie Clarke, Lenna Jawdat, Heidi Suckow-Krukowski, Cadence Flaherty, Elisabeth Cosh, Mireille Kouagou, Elaine Cooper, Mary Coooper, Jeanne Hillinck and Sylvia Kelty


The 55 Harmonizer singers captured a score of 1,611 points or 89.5 percent. This score entitles them to compete in the 2024 International contest in Cleveland, OH. When the curtain opened, Joe spoke briefly to share that this package was a tribute for our 75th anniversary and also to honor our former artistic director, Geri Geis, who died recently.  Both of the presentation plans for the songs were designed by her.  It was a moving performance and top-notch entertainment – “Wee Small Hours of the Morning/Always” arranged by Walter Latzko, and “New York, New York” with it’s exciting front row kick-line ending. The chorus wore the pants and vest from the blue suit with orange ties.  The front row guys wore their orange sox and they were visible, for sure, during the kick line. 


Associate director Tony Colosimo stepped forward after Joe spoke to be the director for the ballad in the package.  A major honor for all he has done to teach, coach and lead the chorus.

The chorus did their warm up time outside since the meeting rooms in the school were small. This was the first contest performance for several of the newer members. 


The Harmonizers did not compete in the division contest in the spring and therefore were not eligible to compete for the district championship. The chorus was allowed to compete for score in order to qualify for Cleveland. Parkside Harmony was named chorus champion.  In the end, five choruses will go to Cleveland to represent M-AD based on their scores – Parkside Harmony, Alexandria Harmonizers, Gotham, Parkside Melody, and East Coast Sound.


As is often the case, there were a number of Harmonizers. both past and current, who sang with other choruses on stage on Saturday: The Virginians from Richmond included Mike Wallen, director, and Bob Wilson, Tom Berkey, Scott Beach, Jim McConnell, Clark Chesser and Mike Geipel; Dundalk with Rick Taylor; Loudon County with Sam McFarland, Frank Shipp, and Bob Arbetter; Parkside Harmony with Sean Devine and Chris Yates; Patapsco Valley with Kris Zinkievich as director and Biff Gaut, Bob Hirsh, and Tim Buell; East Coast Sound with Josh Meyers; and about a dozen singers from the Harmonizer family were in the new seniors chorus that was formed for this contest. 


After the chorus contest, the annual induction of new members to the M-AD Hall of Honor – members who have provided significant services to the district.  Many Harmonizers have been added over the years, and one more was added this weekend – Sheryl Berlin, our chapter director of education, a founding member of Metro Voices and a major leader for the M-AD Harmony College East.


Four of our members serve on the M-AD events team to run things back stage for the contest – Dennis Ritchey, Brian Ammerman, Ken Rub and Mike Kelly.


Steve White is coordinator of MADAQC – Mid Atlantic District Association of Quartet Champions. It was their 25thanniversary this year and as always, they welcomed the new quartet champs into their ranks at the end of the Saturday night session.  Here again, there were several from the Harmonizer family who were there to sing and welcome the new champs. 


Until next time – editorjack!


(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record for the great things going on each week during the 75th year of the Alexandria Chapter. - YeEd)




Looking Back on the Sept. 26, 2023 Alexandria Hybrid Chapter Meeting

 Looking Back on the Sept. 26, 2023 Alexandria Hybrid Chapter Meeting 

The week’s chapter meeting was all about preparing for the Mid Atlantic District (MA-D) contest and convention coming up in York, PA, Sept.29 and 30.  Several members are also competing with their quartets that week end - REVERB with Dennis Ritchey, Reed Livergood, Paul Grimes and Steve White; LEGACY with Rick Taylor; BREAKTHROUGH with Mike Fasano, Jordan Zimmerman, Jason Lee and Ken White; and BETTER TOGETHER with Elizabeth and Tony Colosimo and Heather and Andrew Havens.


Samantha Tramack, director of Metro Voices, did the warm up sessions for both ensembles on the risers.  She concluded the warm up with a new exercise with the words “I Breathe In PEACE and I Breath Out LOVE.”  


Associate director Tony Ă‡olosimo, welcomed Chuck Hunter who was the coach for the two Harmonizer contest songs this week.  Tony reported on the health status of former artistic director Geri Geis in FL – all communications with her should go to Bruce


Tony asked for a show of hands for how many first timers to sing on the district chorus contest stage.  A big number! 


Metro Voices will be mic testers for the chorus contest and will receive a score and an evaluation from the judging panel.  The Harmonizers will receive a score hoping to qualify for the International chorus contest in Cleveland in 2024.


Tony also asked about Harmonizers singing in other chorus groups and there were several hands raised including those men who will sing with the M-AD Seniors Chorus.


The chapter business session was held early before the two ensembles worked on their music. 


Music team coordinator, Terry Reynolds, alerted all singers that there will not be a meeting of the two ensembles on Friday night in York as previously announced. The first call for Metro Voices is at 8 am.  The Harmonizers will all go into the contest arena to cheer for them, then those singers will go to their meeting room.  Both groups should arrive dressed in their contest uniform/outfits. Terry assured everyone that he would be sending final word in a message to all members about the weekend.  As an advance alert, everyone should bring their casual outfit if the chapter is invited to sing on the Saturday night show.


Terry also shared that next week work will start on holiday songs including a new song that is already on Groupanizer. 


Membership director, Jacob Broude, reminded the whole chapter that there will be a guest night for the chapter on Tuesday, Oct. 10th, at the Scottish Rite Temple (SRT).  Each member is expected to bring one prospective singer for either ensemble. This week there were five returning guests – two Harmonizers and three Metro Voices.  Assistant director emeritus, Will Cox, directed the chapter “Welcome Song.”


The two ensembles then started work on their two songs for the weekend.  In working with the Harmonizers, Chuckspent his allotted time to help the men know the story and true message of the song; and to recognize the gems in the arrangement that Walter Latzko gave us for “Wee Small Hours.”  Chuck helped the men recognize contrasts, emotions, flow of the song and lessons learned by the story teller. It was an awesome work session and yielded power to the performance. 


For “New York, New York” his opening remark said it all – “it always has to be a new song!”


There were several repetitions for the benefit of all.  Then near the end of the evening, each group sang their package for the other.


Chuck directed “Keep the Whole World Singing” to end the evening. 


All hands were needed to load out all of the chapter’s equipment from the auditorium for the weekend. Operations director, Gary Cregan, helped things go to the right places. 


The afterglow was at Rampart’s this week.


Until next time – editorjack!


(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record for the great things going on each week during the 75th year of the Alexandria Chapter. - YeEd)


The Chapter Mission Statement Enriching lives through vocal harmony in the greater DC area.