Thursday, August 25, 2022

Looking Back on the August 23rd 2022 Harmonizer Hybrid Chapter Meeting

 Looking Back on the August 23rd  2022 Harmonizer Hybrid Chapter Meeting


This week’s meeting was a continuation of preparations for the fall show on  Saturday, Sept. 10th at Schlesinger Hall on the Alexandria campus of the Northern Virginia Community College. 


The evening started with a  warm up session conducted by assistant director emeritus Will Cox.  


Associate director Tony Colosimo was at the helm for the music work this week as artistic director Joe Cerutti was on vacation. He will be back next week, but Terry Reynolds will be on vacation.  Chuck Hunter will be with us again for a coaching session next week 


Tony set the stage for the music work this week. The rehearsal process instituted by the chapter will continue on our music but sometimes there will be some adjustments such as for “Chorus Line Medley.”  The goal is to have singers get their feedback by singing in octets next week, or submitting recordings to their section leader.


If members want to sing the two contest songs on the fall show, they should speak to music leadership to confirm their readiness.


Masks were optional this week, and music team admin guy Terry announced that “we will use Facebook live for a few more weeks.” 


Tony was happy to confirm that the Harmonizers will attend the Mid Atlantic District (M-AD) contest and convention in Lancaster, PA, Oct 7 and 8. Although we will not be competing in the contest, we will sing on the Saturday night show and will be hosting a masters’ class. If any more Harmonizers can indicate their participation via Groupanizer ASAP, that would be great.  


The chorus will basically only need to be at the convention early Saturday afternoon and evening. For anyone staying overnight, the convention is at the Lancaster Marriott at Penn Square. If a member is planning to attend the Friday night or Saturday contest session, they will need a ticket.  Both housing and ticket purchasing info is on the M-AD website – Go to ‘upcoming events,’ then ‘conventions,’ then ‘Fall 2022.’ You will see a purchase ticket link and a housing link.  The deadline to get into that housing block is Sept. 16th.


No doubt we will have several quartets from the chapter in the quartet contest on Friday night, Oct. 7th. Plus, some of the great quartets from our M-AD that were in Charlotte will be singing.  Some of them are eager to take a shot at being named district champ!


For the fall show on September 10th, take note that we are honoring First Responders/Front Line Workers who served early in the COVID outbreak. They will receive free tickets to the show and be recognized.  If you know of any folks who should be so honored, get their names to Dean Rust or Randall Eliason ASAP. 


It is important for members to push ticket sales for this show now and not wait.  Folks will get busy in September and so now is the time to alert them about the show.  Randall announced his plan to send out a suggested email message which members can send to patrons. 


YeEd also learned that patrons can buy tickets at the door for the fall show.  They are $20.  The show starts at 7 pm at Schlesinger Hall.  There is plenty of free parking too. 


There was a reminder that there will be a show program for the fall show, with advertisements.  Frank Shipp is collecting the ad materials and the payments. This program will be digital. 


In a recent message sent out by chorus general manager, Susan Fitzpatrick, the theme for the show will be “A Beautiful Morning.” Our special performers for the show will include our own FIRST TAKE quartet that placed fifth at the International this summer, and Drew Tepe – a premier piano and vocal artist who has appeared with us before.


Tony started this week’s vocal work with “Sing a Song” and “Somethings Comin.”  Next was “Little Help from My Friends” with choreo review provided by Turner Arndt


Then the chorus was divided into four small ensembles to work on “Remember Me” with Ben Watsky, Tessa Walker, Jason Lee and Turner Arndt as leaders. When the chorus came back into the auditorium, work continued on the same song. 


The chapter’s business meeting was conducted by communications director, Sam Whiteoak.  


Jack Pitzer welcomed guests this week.  Visiting us from the Voices of Gotham was Louis Ades who sang lead with us.  He also sings in GREENLIGHT quartet in the Northeastern District. We welcomed back Clyde Crusenberry who has been away for many weeks.  And we welcomed our newest member, Nic Petersen, who passed his audition last week.  He was given his new Harmonizer shirt that he proudly wore.  Will directed the Harmonizer “Welcome Song.”

Randall Eliason reminded members about the campaign to “pay back what you would have paid in chapter dues.” You can donate by giving a check to Randall or Carl Kauffmann at rehearsal, or by PayPal to If donating by PayPal, please add a note that it is for the "Replace my Dues" campaign. The goal is to collect these pay back donations by the end of the fiscal year Aug. 31st.

Chapter secretary David DesPortes presented membership renewal cards (and lead the clapping with one clap for every year) to Turner Arndt for 9 years; Bob Blair for 22 years; Troy Hillier for 31 years; Mike Kelly for 42 years; and Jack Pitzer for 57 years. That was a lot of clapping!

Back to singing then on “Circle of Life” and “42nd Street” combined with choreo review; plus “Chorus Line Medley.” 


The afterglow was at Rampart’s this week.


As was announced recently, that our chorus has been invited to sing in the evening on Sept. 18th at Wolf Trap with other major choral groups from the DC area. A Wolf Trap promotional brochure calls it a “community powered singing celebration.” The show organizers have asked us to sing “Circle of Life” and “Bridge Over Troubled Water” from our repertoire  The organizers expect a crowd of over 8,000 in the audience.  

The Harmonizers will share the program with seven other groups:  Children’s Chorus of 

Washington, Duke Ellington School of the Arts Concert Chorale, Gay Men’s Chorus of Washington and GenOUT, The Heritage Signature Chorale, Towson University Singers, The Washington Chorus, and the Washington Performing Arts Gospel Chorus. All of these singers will perform two numbers as a group – “We Are Love” and “United in Purpose” that are both available on the chapter’s  Groupanizer space.


The chorus call at Wolf Trap will be about 12 noon, Harmonizer stage time will be about 2 pm, and the performance is at 5 pm.


According to Joe last week, each singer will not need to buy a ticket, and will receive two free tickets that will be delivered via email to addresses the members submit.  Singers from 29 other choral groups in the DC area will be invited to be in the audience and will be encouraged to join in group singing during the concert. 


Until next time – editorjack!


(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record for the great things going on each week during the 74th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. - YeEd)