Saturday, September 26, 2015

Looking Back on the Sept 22nd Chapter Meeting

Tonite was a great celebration after a successful fall show.  There were many folks to thank and details to wrap up after the American Icon production. Then it was time to launch some important shows for the next year including our holiday show back at Schlesinger December 12th.  It had been great to be back at this great performance venue.

Greg Tepe announced details for the important show on Sat Sept 26th.  We have a one hour paid performance this Saturday at the Asbury Methodist Village. Please try to carpool as much as possible. We will need more men than usual for the riser crew this time please. There is no loading dock at the community center. We'll have to wheel the risers in from the front door, and carry or hand truck all our gear. Chorus call is at 6:00. There will be a room to change and warm up. UNIFORM will be black suit, white hidden button shirt, red/white/blue tie, black shoes, black socks, black belt, bronze medals. Jackets will be buttoned until we sing "America".

TBD will sing too.  Also note that singers can enter and leave between any songs they know or don't know.  Both director Joe Cerutti and associate director Tony Colosimo will be judging fall BHS contests this weekend, so assistant directors Mike Kelly and Terry Reynolds will be up front.


Tonite we followed the usual warm up routine with Tony and then with director Joe, who  thanked the chorus for their work in preparation as well as for their great performances. Joe invited chorus members to report on show patrons responses and personal experiences. Joe felt proud of every song we did in the show!


Joe went into much detail to share the plans for this year’s holiday shows at 2 pm and 7:30 pm on Dec. 12th again at Schlesinger. Next week we start on the music. We will be repeating some songs plus a half dozen brand new arrangements with special talent to join us such as operatic soprano Marilyn Moore, from Catholic University faculty; Positive Vibrations, youth steel orchestra of 8-18 year old youth; and members of the Pride of Baltimore SAI chorus. Will Cox will reprise his popular “Twas the Night Before Christmas.”  Plus TBS will sing on those shows.  The show will be about 90 minutes in two acts.  We will wear the Pittsburgh contest uniforms and our black suits. Mark your calendars that there will be a rehearsal at Schlesinger on Tuesday before the show vs. the usual Thursday nite – which may be held someplace else. The tech rehearsal will be on Monday of show week. The music is posted for members, with a couple more new songs to be added soon.


Joe followed all these details with more details for us to use in marking our 2016 calendars so we can prepare for a large performance in April next year.  Members will be asked to indicate their availability in the next couple weeks!!


Also Joe reports that the 2016 contest musical arrangements have been received and will be rolled out soon.


Operations vp Todd Ryktarsyk conducted the chapter meeting.  Shawn Tallant reminded last minute registrations and room reservations are running out of time.  Three or four guys reported finding lost items at the show. Mike Kelly reported that sales of our new CDs went well.  Get your supply right away – just $10 each.


Ike Evans has renewed his efforts to update the chapter member photo board.  See Ike if your picture is not current.


Sandy Stamps launched sales of the 2015 White House Holiday Ornaments.  They are great. We sell them for $20.  Start selling right away.  We need to increase our total sales this year.


Todd requested helpers to move chapter materials from one storage unit to another on Friday morning at 10 am.  Call him or Bob Blair to volunteer.


President Terry Reynolds announced plans for the memorial service for John Pence.  It will be Sunday, Nov. 22nd, at 3pm, at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Fairfax, 2709 Hunter Mill Rd., Oakton, VA 22124.  We will sing a couple songs.


Terry thanked Mike Kelly for his work in getting our CD produced in time for sale at the show.  Kudos to Mike.

Terry R also reports that Terry Jordan is still coping with some discomfort and issues with the ankle he injured last January in a fall on the ice.  He is hoping to avoid any surgery, but is awaiting doctor info.

Membership vp Rich Hewitt welcomed our guests and reminded everyone about the open audition nite on Wed this week.

In other news, Bruce Lauther reports that his quartet, FOUR FROM THE HEART, sang again for the folks at the Senior Center of the Charles Houston Community Recreation Center on Sept 16th.  Great job men.

Pookie and Stephanie Dingle reports that her dad, Bob Demmler (formerly the M-AD photographer that many of us know from so many chorus contest photo shots) died recently.   Services are Thurs Sept 24 in PA. Tributes in lieu of flowers may be sent to The Harmony Foundation's Keep a Melody Ringing Memorial in Memory of Bob Demmler, 110 Seventh Ave North, Nashville, TN 37203. He will be cremated after the viewing and then there will be a burial at a later date.  Most Importantly: Crabs & Barbershop, A Memorial for Bob Demmler - Sunday October 25, 2015 in Ocean City, MD at Noon. (Stephanie Dingle, 9063 Joyce Lane, Hummelstown, PA 17036. Phone 484-432-2747

Until next time – editorjack!

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week during the 67th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd.


Monday, September 21, 2015

Looking Back on the Sept. 15th Chapter Meeting

This week was our dress rehearsal combined with a tech rehearsal and stage blocking for the Icon Show on the 19th  at Schlesinger Hall.


Greg Tepe was making things flow.  Show creator and choreographer Carlos Barillo worked with the chorus and the small groups to know the flow and understand their time on stage.  He also worked with individual characters for the show.


Our sound, lights and stage crews combined with the theater crew and worked on those aspects as it relates to the huge stage.  This was the first time the Harmonizers have been back to Schlesinger for years.  We used the hall for our major shows starting in 2002 for a few years – we were one of the first groups to use the facility. 


Musically director Joe Cerutti and associate director Tony Colosimo did warm ups for the chorus.  Tony worked out in the audience to check sound and delivery of our music to all parts of the hall. He also worked with the smaller ensembles. At one point the uniform team did a check for the outfits for the third act and offered suggestions to a few guys to add more variety to the overall look. Robyn Murane helped with this too.


Before rehearsal started on stage, Chuck McKeever met with a few guys to help brush up on visuals for a couple songs like “Thriller.”


Joe was so pleased with the singing (and with the patience and good riser discipline) that he canceled the Thursday nite rehearsal.  He did point out a couple spots for folks to work on before Saturday.  The bass section leader Tom Jackson asked the bass singers to come at 10:30 Sat morning for some spot checking.


The new call time for Saturday is 11 am on stage to practice - not dressed in uniform. We are not wearing make up for this show.  We will wear the tux for the first act, the black suit and tie and hidden button shirt for the second act, and the picnic outfits for the third act.  We will wear our bronze medals. We will wear pocket stuffers.


President Terry Reynolds promised a detailed email to come with uniform info, report times, parking details, and other jobs that need help on Saturday.  The FRIENDS IN HARMONY are providing coordination for pre-show and intermission sales of merchandise and refreshments.  Many volunteers are need for this project. 


After rehearsal, we moved our risers to back part of the stage as well as our props so the theater can be used on Thursday nite for a concert.


Until next time – editorjack!

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week during the 67th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd.