Thursday, September 26, 2019

Looking Back on the Sept. 24th Chapter Meeting

With the trip to Seneca Land District  (SLD) this coming weekend, the chorus work time was used to prepare for the contest appearance at that convention. Director Joe Cerutti did the vocal warm ups.  He also explained the plan for the nite – to form four small ensemble chorus groups and four music team members would meet with each group.  Joe worked on “We Kiss In A Shadow,” Jason Lee worked on “Anything Goes,” Reed Livergood worked on “Blow Gabriel Blow,” and Terry Reynolds worked on “I’ll Be Seeing You.”  The chorus plans to offer to sing any two of these songs that the judges choose. Each instructor used different methods to make his points in helping the singers.

The brief chapter meeting held at the half-way point in the evening was conducted by communications director Steve Murane.  He made quick reference to the three upcoming events for the chorus after this weekend.  Del Ray “Arts on the Avenue” Oct. 5, 1-2 pm with a 12 noon call time, travel uniform, Mt. Vernon Rec Center on Commonwealth Ave.; Manassas Choral Oct. 12th at Hylton Performing Arts Center, call time 5 pm, blue uniform; Men’s Choral Fellowship with Alfred Street Baptist Men’s Choir, Oct. 16th at their church, travel uniform, all members encouraged to attend.

He reminded everyone that the fall M-AD contest is Oct. 5-6 in Reading, PA. We will have seven quartets in the contest and will recognize them next Tuesday.  He reminded guys about the 90th birthday party for Bob Wachter being hosted by the Mt. Vernon Chapter. (A large crowd of barbershoppers attended the event and helped celebrate with Bob.  Director Joe spoke briefly to acknowledge Bob’s great gifts to our hobby.  Mike Everard was organizer for the event.  Jim Kirkland is chapter president. Drew Fuller is their director. Many current and former Harmonizers attended and enjoyed the cake and goodies and the celebration.)

Details were announced about the SLD trip.  Bus leaves at 10am, so arrive and park at Scottish Rite Temple by 9:30. Bring your blue suit outfit and the casual outfit.  Coordinator Craig Kujawa reports that the bus headed home will likely depart from Rochester about 10 am. A full itinerary for the weekend will be issued by email for all.

President Shawn Tallant reminded all members to attend the annual chapter election and meeting on Oct. 1st. The BHS chapter nominating committee has selected the following to stand for election at the annual chapter business meeting on October 1, 2019, as chapter officers for 2020:
    President – Stan Quick
    Immediate Past President – Shawn Tallant (not subject to election)
    Secretary – Christopher Buechler
    Treasurer – Alan Herman
    Member At Large – Clyde Crusenberry
    Member At Large – Frank Shipp
    Member At Large – Ben Watsky
Each of the above has been contacted and agreed to serve in the positions indicated. The 2019 nominating committee included Terry Reynolds, chair; Gary Cregan; Steve Murane; Bob Rhome; and Steve White

Ben Watsky welcomed guests this week including Sam, JoYo, Sarah, and Susie

After a break, we watched more videos of the chorus fall show performance in comparison to other choruses singing the same songs.  We also worked on stage presence reviews for the contest songs.

In other news, Steve White sends this report:  At the Sweet Adelines International Contest this past week in New Orleans,  GQ who was a guest quartet on our recent fall show,  earned a 3rd place medal and THE LADIES (who were our clinicians at the 2018 Youth Harmony Festival) earned a 5th place medal.  Also, the Harbor City Music Company Show Chorus just up Route 95 in Sevena Park, MD, under the direction of Michael Gellert earned a 4th place medal.  Their show package featured an incredible solo by Lori Crouter (from LUSTRE quartet - the 2018 SAI Queens).  Lori sang with us in Iron & Coal and LUSTRE were clinicians at previous Youth in Harmony Festivals.

The Coronet Show (similar to our AIC Show) featured the 2019 Queens CLASS RING with our own Heather Havens (wife of Andrew). They too were clinicians at a previous Youth in Harmony Festival. Andrew sang "When There is Love at Home" with the gals and the parents who represent 3 BHS Quartet Champions and 1 SAI Quartet Champions.  Andrew was also a "Queen's Men" and sang with all of the Queens of Harmony on the show.

Top honors went to the new Queens of Harmony quartet VIVA! and to the Ronninge Show Chorus from Sweden who staged 147 women.  The baritone of VIVA! is Tony DeRosa's sister Chris DeRosa.  Tony, of course is a 4-time quartet champion and has coached the Harmonizers several times including a retreat.

Until next time – editorjack! 

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week during the 70th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd