Friday, August 5, 2022

Looking Back on the August 2nd 2022 Harmonizer Hybrid Chapter Meeting

 Looking Back on the August 2nd 2022 Harmonizer Hybrid Chapter Meeting


The energy was high for this week’s chapter meeting with artistic director Joe Cerutti, and associate director Tony Colosimo, and Terry Reynolds, assistant director all back and fired up with barbershop news, and successes from Harmony University.


They along with Tessa Walker, our chapter’s assistant lead section leader,  were in New Orleans for the Barbershop Harmony Society’s  Harmony University (HU). 


Each of them taught in a different segment of the school – Joe in directing, Tony in coaching, Tessa in music educator programs, and Terry in leadership and administration.  Besides their individual classes, they were a panel presenting a special topic– “So You Are Thinking of Starting a Treble Chorus in Your Chapter.” We can expect to hear more about those plans soon!


First off, Joe thanked Turner ArndtJason LeeBen Watsky, Lance Fisher, Randy Lazear and Ryan Mextorf for their leadership last week in staffing a great chapter meeting while the leaders were at HU.   


Getting back into our normal Tuesday night routine, Tony did a warm up session for the singers this week. Dennis Ritchey was back on top of providing the sound tech support for the hybrid Zoom meeting. (There were actually a large number of our members on the Zoom link this week.  Hope they are not all fighting Covid!)


Joe went over some details for the Aug. 10th outdoor concert at Lee District Park at 6601 Telegraph Road, (just north of Hayfield High School where we have done shows).  It is an open-air stage with plenty of bench seating, lots of convenient parking, and even picnic tables for those who might want to come early with family and friends. (Some of my friends suggested we bring insect repellant for ourselves and guests.) This concert is part of the Fairfax County summer series – each of the county supervisors hosts a concert series in their District. 


Joe’s notes for the show included – no choreo for this show, call time is 6:15 pm, uniform is black camp shirts with jeans and black shoes and no t-shirt showing. 


For the fall show on September 10th, take note that we are honoring First Responders – they will receive free tickets to the show and be recognized.  If you know of any folks who should be so honored, get their names to shows chairman, Doug White, ASAP. That show will be at Schlesinger Hall and will include some performing guests to join us.


Two other big events have come up for the Harmonizer calendar this fall!


First, the Harmonizers Chorus has been invited to sing in the evening on Sept. 18th at Wolf Trap with other major choral groups from the DC area. A Wolf Trap promotional brochure calls it a “community powered singing celebration.” We will sing two songs from a list we submitted at the time of being invited.  Then all the singers will perform two numbers as a group – stay tuned for details. The organizers expect a crowd of over 8,000 in the audience.  It has been a number of years since we sang at Wolf Trap National Park for the Performing Arts.  Next time you are at the afterglow, ask some of the guys to share stories of those times!


Second, the Mid Atlantic District leadership has invited the Harmonizers to participate at the fall district contest and convention in Lancaster, PA, Oct 7 and 8. Ånd the chapter’s musical and administrative leadership have accepted. Details are still being worked out. Though we were not planning to compete, we will likely sing a time or two during the convention, and help in other ways such as hosting a masters’ class, or coaching, or maybe volunteering in other ways.  Harmonizers can now indicate their participation via Groupanizer. 


No doubt we will have several quartets from the chapter in the quartet contest on Friday night, Oct. 7th. (YeEd has heard of a couple that have been practicing all during the recent months! Hopefully we will get to hear them prior to the contest at one of our meetings!)


Finally Joe announced that there would be a BirthdayGlow at this week’s afterglow to celebrate the July birthdays. (First chance we have had since Charlotte and then the outbreak of Covid.) As Joe read off the list of birthday celebrants. each guy got one clap from his buddies on the risers:  Bob Blair, Tyler Carpenter, Ike Evans, Kellen Hertz, Jerry Jayjohn, Ross Johnson, Mike Kelly, Reed Livergood, Gary Mankin, Sam McFarland, Kevin McKenzie, Ryan Mextorf, John Santora, John Sifuentes, Dylan Smith, Gene Swartz, Eric Wallen, and Cy Wood


Then it was time to work on some show songs.  First out of the box was “Circle of Life.” Then it was “Chorus Line Medley.”  Joe used an exercise to help the singers manage the dynamics of the song – they formed two large circles on the floor and walked in and out as the dynamics changed.


The chapter’s business meeting was conducted by communications director, Sam Whiteoak.  Tickets are on sale now for the Sept. 10th fall show.


Steve White welcomed guests this week. Nic Petersen and David Hillinck and Craig Odell returned from last week and were on the risers as were Mike Schwartz and Mario SengcoGreg Tepe is back in the USA and was in the hall this week as was Dave Kohls, who is a member of the chapter board.   Terry directed the “Harmonizer Welcome Song.”


Ike Evans continued to collect the new chorus medals during the evening from members who wanted to get their medal engraved. 


When it was back to singing for the second half of the night, Tony directed “A Little Help from My Friends.” Joedirected “Somethings Comin” (arranged by David Wright). Tony directed “Sing.”  The musical work period ended with some extra time spent on “Remember Me.”  Joe suggested the guys look at Coco to get a feel for the many meanings the song has.


The BirthdayGlow with banana cake and pizza and cold beverages was fun. There was a chance to get a “behind the scenes” report from Harmony U too.  And of course the usual session of tag singing. Great to have some of the guests join us at Harmo House.


Until next time – editorjack!


(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record for the great things going on each week during the 74th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. - YeEd)