Looking Back on the May 8th Chapter Meeting
The Harmonizer meeting and rehearsal started with a brief listening
session (our av team plays something chosen by the music team) which also serves
as a welcome to the risers and a reminder for members to put paperwork away and
to join the guys on the risers.
This week we heard the 2001 performance by our own chapter at the
International contest in Nashville, singing “Alexandria’s Ragtime Band.”
Associate director Tony Colosimo did a terrific warm up session and
there was some teasing by director Joe Cerutti that Tony and
assistant director Will Cox are in competition for the best warm up
routines in the nation!
Joe announced
that new member Doug White and his wife were likely at the hospital for
birth of a new baby.
Joe also
shared that he was invited to judge this year’s World Choir Games in Cincinnati,
OH. It is a major event in the music
world. The barbershop contestants
compete the week after Portland convention.
Congrats Joe!
Before we got to serious work on our music, all the new members since
last July’s contest went with chapter admin and music leaders for new-guy-boot-camp.
First song we worked on was “I’m The Music Man” and Joe was very pleased
with the progress on this new show opener.
The rest of the first half of the evening was used on the contest
package. In the end, stage left sang for
stage right. Two weeks left before we compete in Roanoke.
Klostermeyer filled in for ops vp Scott Kahler who is out
of town. First up was secretary Chris
Buechler, who reminded several guys that they need to have paid their dues
before the contest. He presented a 25-year renewal card and lapel pin to Paul
Grimes. Renewal membership cards were presented to the following: Chris
Buechler for 27 years; Bob Eckman for 28 years; Al Herman for
29 years; and Dick Hall for 48 years.
Show producer Nick Leiserson reminded guys to use the pending
coffee break time to speak with Tom Kern for uniform needs for contest
as Tom will on travel for two weeks. And Nick suggested guys stop
and speak with him or shows vp Brian Ammerman about getting consignment
tickets for the June 9 show.
Membership vp Phil Ashford welcome our guests – all are applicants.
There was a 10 minute break.
Then back to our meeting session. Brad Jones, our China trip
coordinator, alerted guys about departure plans and to watch for an important
email about passports.
Nick spoke
more about plans for this important spring show on June 9th. Sell tickets, and sell ads or
sponsorships. Director Joe held
up a stack of 350 tickets. He suggested
that we must sell all of them to at least break even. He offered again that if a member buys some
tickets and gives them to Joe, Joe will give them to youth who
have not heard barbershop. Nick
also reminded guys to mark their calendar for a show on Sun, June 10th
Chapter president Steve Murane reminded the board of their next
meeting on May16th at 7 pm. He also
announced that the draw for appearance of quartets in Portland was this
afternoon. Four of the seven M-AD quartets have Harmonizers in them! TOP SHELF with Andrew Havens sings 8th;
DA CAPO with Tony Colosimo, Joe Sawyer, and Wayne Adams sings 15th; MAYHEM with Mike Pinto and Ken
White sings 46th; and MAD
HATTERS with Rick Taylor and Steve White sings 52nd
Next on the agenda was the weekly barbershop craft session conducted by Tony.
He repeated an axiom “breath the vowel” again, but this time he developed
several new points.
After Tony’s strong session, Craig Kujawa began instruction
of the visual plan for “I’m The Music Man” which the guys were excited about.
Pretty much then, the rest of the nite was working on “Jersey Boy” with
emphasis on the stage presence including Chuck McKeever teaching us the
rest of the moves we had not learned before.
The risers were full all nite and everyone at the afterglow agreed it was
hardworking but successful nite. And
warm! The hall was also full with all
the FRIENDS of HARMONY who were having their regular meeting.
next time – editorjack!
message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if
you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each
week at an Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter meeting. —YeEd.)