As you can imagine, this week we
worked hard on the holiday show music; plus we got a sneak preview of the
script for the first half with Jack-in-the-Box (Terry Reynolds will reprise that role) and Boris as in “Rocky and
Bullwinkle” (Troy Hillier will
return with his humorous accent). We even got a look at the “box” from past
shows – still ready for another Harmo holiday show. Thanks Dennis Ritchey.
Warm ups were conducted by associate
director Tony Colosimo and then
director Joe Cerutti worked with the
chorus to clean up some spots in all the songs.
A couple times he had Tony
take a section out to the lobby to concentrate on a portion of the song.
Reynolds conducted the chapter meeting this
week. He of course stressed the holiday
show that is Dec. 8th at 7:30 pm at TC Williams Hi School on King
Street. Member need to sell tickets. Any
consignment sales must be turned in on Tues Nov. 27th to Dean Sherick. Members were also asked to gather more gift
cards or prizes or the silent auction.
Those items can go to Mike Kelly.
Other upcoming dates:
Dec. 11th – The Put
Together Quartet Contest is at Scottish Rite Temple. There will be guest judges, refreshments and
lots of laughs. Matt Doniger is still taking quartet entries – there are already
quite a few. Terry stressed that it is called a Put Together contest – so if a
member wants to sing in a quartet, chairman Matt will help find other singers.
Dec. 15th – watch for details on this Saturday sing out
at local Alexandria area nursing and senior homes.
Dec. 18th – our annual
Carol Crawl – singing in restaurants in Old Town, ending with an informal
Jan 5th – another
Harmonizer Heat Glow for the whole
chapter and their significant others, Saturday evening, at 7 pm at Jack and Pat
Pitzer’s home - 7801 Suffolk Ct., Alexandria, VA 22315. Casual dress. Everyone bring finger-food hors d' oeuvres
or holiday goodies to share. Wine if you wish. (Jack promises to make the
traditional Heat Glow Grog recipe that has been served at a similar Harmonizer
event for over 50 years!! The recipe has been passed down from previous
generations of the Harmo family.)
Shawn Tallant is still eager to get
ideas from members for the chapter honor awards.
Chris Buechler presented membership
renewal cards to Jon Frank for 3
years, Jim Kirkland for 9 years, Nick Murane for 12 years, and Don Harrington for 39 years. Chris
also presented Rick Taylor his 50
year renewal card this past weekend at the annual meeting of the district honor
chapter at their meeting in Ocean City.
chairman Calvin Schnure welcomed Dylan, Frank, and Matthew. Both Dylan Smith and Frank Shipp passed their audition after the formal chapter meeting
and will thus become members soon.
break, it was back to work on the songs.
Prior to the meeting, there was a rehearsal for the “monks” that will do
the comedy routine in the show.
In other news, the chapter has
received a check for $3984.48 from the Harmony Foundation as a result of our
chapter members designating the chapter in a Donor Choice program.
Donors have the option to designate up to 30 percent of their contributions to
be returned to the chapter or district (or both) of their choice. Thanks to the
very generous support provided by many Harmonizers and their families, the
check represents our Donor Choice proceeds for the first six months of
2018. As you can see, in addition to supporting the good work of the
Harmony Foundation, this program provides an important source of revenue for
our chapter.
Until next time – editorjack! (This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week during the 70th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd