Looking Back on the Dec.
22nd Chapter Meeting
Yes, the Harmonizers met on the Tuesday of Christmas week and a big crowd of singers were on hand for the introduction of our work on the “I Am Harvey Milk” music which we will perform in April 2016.
We sat in chairs facing the stage with director Joe Cerutti on stage and Tom Jackson playing the piano accompaniment for us as we embarked on the learning process. We were divided earlier in the month by associate director Tony Colosimo and got our assignments as to Tenor 1 or Tenor 2 or Bass 1 or Bass 2. We stopped about 9:15 after some announcements. (That meant a big crowd went to afterglow at LaPortas including a bunch of avid tag singers.)
We will also meet next Tuesday nite, Dec. 29th in the same format to let as many guys as can make it during the holidays get a head start on the music. Each member planning to sing this special event should have signed for and gotten a notebook of the music – if not gotten yours yet – see assistant director Terry Reynolds. (Hint – put your name on the cover sheet.) (And also bring a pencil and maybe a highlighter to use as Joe and Tony give us clues and suggestions.)
The rehearsal format will be a little different in future sessions with the piano and chairs facing the stage on one end of the hall for “Milk” music; and risers on the other end of the hall for working on our new contest package. According to Joe, we generally will start contest work at 78 pm and then at 8:30 switch to the “Milk” music.
The announcement period before we left Durant included greetings from Bob Wachter who stopped in to see everyone. He reported on his wife Jean’s health improvements. Dick and Carolyn Hall sang “Santa Claus is Coming to Town” to all their Harmo “kids” - since they claim to be older than almost everyone in the chorus!
Chris Huber reported on a recent phone conversation with our friend Peggy Harris who we honored in France.
And president Terry Reynolds pointed out the date and place for the Presidents’ Banquet – Jan. 9th, Spates Club at Fort Myer, VA from 7-9:30ish. The banquet is a great time to socialize with fellow Harmonizer family members, install our 2016 officers and board, and to honor those fellow members receiving Distinguished Service Awards. The cost is $40 per person for the delicious buffet. Cash or check payments in advance should be made to Howard Nestlerode.
In other news, our modern a cappella group, TBD, participated
in the annual White House Christmas tree lighting ceremony on December 3.
Despite some challenging acoustic circumstances, the group strolled around the
Ellipse and sang for crowds bundled up waiting for the start of the program. According
to Jeremy Richardson, “We also got
to remain onsite to watch the program (which included Michelle Obama and Miss
Piggy reading “The Night Before Christmas”). We were cold and hungry by the end
but had a blast!”
Until next time – editorjack!
(This message is prepared for your review if you
were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record
of the great things going on each week during the 67th year of the
Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd