Looking Back on the October 18th 2022 Harmonizer Hybrid Chapter Meeting
This week’s meeting was a busy one for the chorus as they prepared songs for the Dec. 9th holiday show – “Comfort and Joy.” Because of the election this week, the meeting was shared via Zoom too.
Associate director Tony Colosimo started off the Harmonizer evening in the auditorium with a great warm up session and taught the chorus the tag “I’d Give a Million Tomorrows for Just One Yesterday.”
Artistic director Joe Cerutti was happy about our fellowship and singing event last week with Alfred Street Men and the singers from local area barbershop choruses. He thanked Dean Rust and Clyde Crusenberry for their hard work in making in happen. And he thanked the chorus members for coming out on a second night that week.
Joe was also pleased with the number of volunteers who offered to serve on a restarted repertoire committee. This week he asked for volunteers to serve on an artistic show group that meets only a few times a year. Interested members should speak to Joe or Terry Reynolds.
He reported that WETA chose our recording of “Joy to the World” to use on their holiday special features.
President Noah Van Gilder was presiding officer for the annual chapter meeting to elect officers and a board. Executive director Randall Eliason confirmed that a quorum was present. A. motion to elect was passed and the following member were elected: President: Noah Van Gilder; Treasurer: Terry Reynolds; Secretary: Cy Shuster; Members At Large: Dave Kohls, Turner (TJ) Arndt, John Greene, Devin Gerzof and Carolyn Griffin (who will serve as Vice President of the board).
Thanks to Dave Kohls and Bruce Roehm for their work in serving on the committee with Stan Quick, nominating committee chair.
The first song to work on this week was “Mary Had a Baby” with Joe directing and Tony coaching. Then the chorus worked on “Joy to the World” before adjourning for sectionals for 25 minutes.
When the singers returned to the risers, they worked on “Grinch,” “JINGLE BELLS,” and “Gloria.”
Additional business matters this week included an appeal from president Van Gilder for members to strongly consider getting their flu shot.
Randall announced that holiday show tickets are on sale now on the website - $35 each with some reduced prices for students and youth. This show will be at Schlesinger.
He also announced there are two vacancies on the operations team – a webmaster and a communications director for internal and external messages. Randall stressed that the chapter is interested in anyone who might want to volunteer – a singer, a former singer, a family member or partner, a neighbor and Harmo fan or supporter.
Joe announced that the chorus has been invited to do a holiday show at the DC Scottish Rite Temple on Sat. Dec. 17th. Members will be asked about their availability and willingness to do this paid show.
Dean Rust reminded the chorus of the Veteran’s Day sing on Nov. 11th in Alexandria.
The chorus resumed with work on the songs in the medley for the show.
Good to see Ken Ives and Terry Jordan in the hall this week.
In other news, president Noah Van Gilder shared details about a memorial service for former Harmonizer John Adams. It will be held at the University United Methodist Church, 150 E Franklin St., Chapel Hill, NC 27514 on November 12th 2022 at 11 am.
On Wed. Oct. 19th, a kick-off planning meeting with about a dozen folks was held at the Harmo House to launch plans for our 75th anniversary celebration, show, gala and other events or projects. Steve White was tapped to assemble this working crew.
Finally, there will be no Looking Back reports published immediately after the meetings on Oct. 25th and Nov. 1st. Reports will be published later for those meetings. YeEd will be making his usual trip to the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis.
Until next time – editorjack!
(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record for the great things going on each week during the 74th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. - YeEd)