Thursday, April 3, 2014

Looking Back on the April First Chapter Meeting

This was a work nite with 107 singers on the risers, a huge contingent of guys from Mt. Vernon Chapter’s Harmony Heritage Singers with us for the evening, and lots of efforts of individuals to get uniforms lined up or tickets ordered or last minute check of the sheet music for some of the new songs.

As usual, there was a good-sized contingent of guys on the stage at 6pm to review visual plans. The many Special Forces guys who are going to sing with us in Normandy appreciate Chuck McKeever providing this instruction.

The educational sharing about what it was like in Normandy when the soldiers landed, set the mood for our work. Thanks to Ken Fess and Mick Stamps who shared material provided by Ike Evans. There was an email follow-up to the story and phtotos.

The music this week to get us ready to go to work and get on the risers was the ACOUSTIX quartet singing David Wright’s arrangement of “Stars and Stripes Forever” in recognition of our coach for tonite’s rehearsal.

After warm ups by associate director Tony Colosimo, director Joe Cerutti welcomed David to our meeting and introduced him to the 20 new guys who had not been in a coaching session with David and the Harmonizers.  Joe welcomed the many Special Forces guys here tonite, and TJ Donahue who is back with us this week.

Joe had the chorus perform one of the three-song sets we will be using this year so David could get a feel for the music and work we have been doing.  David was encouraging for all of the music we have added and congratulated us for the concept that we wanted to make all of our repertoire top-notch, not just a couple contest songs!

Mid-evening, Bob Rhome conducted the chapter meeting on behalf of operations vp Bob Blair.

Top on the list of details were reminders about the Youth Harmony Festival this weekend at Durant, coordinated by Brad Jones.  About 60 students and several music educators are coming. MEMBERS ARE REMINDED TO BRING SOME COOKIES AND GOODIES on Friday nite or Saturday morning.

Set up Friday nite is at 5 pm.  Start on Saturday is 9am with no early-entry to the building, so we need to get things ready Fri eve so we can start.  YeEd plans to have coffee for the adults to kick start the day!  Chorus call for our appearance Sat nite is 5:30pm wearing black camp shirts, jeans and appropriate shoes. Tony is dean for the school and encouraged everyone to take part and join him for this effort to introduce good singing in the barbershop style to these young men and women.

Ken Fess spoke to remind all Normandy travelers that the final payment is due this month.  He also asked for more personal stories from the D-Day landing. Peter Hubbard is selling travel tour shirts for any who wish to order them.  Check the email he sent to help us place orders.

Alan Wile thanked David DesPortes for his work to organize the many Harmo Heroes documents on the Groupanizer site.

Alan also has Harmo logo lapel pins ($2), cufflinks ($10) and tie tac ($5).

Ken Fess is also coordinator of the Harmony on the Harbor show we are sponsoring with the Pride of Baltimore Sweet Adeline chapter.  Ticket sales have started and are already moving fast.  BEWARE that if you want your family and friends to get seats, you need to get those tickets soon from Ken. Show is Monday, November 3rd in Baltimore.

Chapter secretary Chris Buechler presented new-member-materials from the BHS to Chris Odell, Peelee Clark and Aaron Simoneau, and a second Man of Note award to Carlos Barillo for sponsoring Peelee.

Secretary Chris also presented membership renewal cards to Dave Branstetter for 9 years; Dan O’Brien for 10 years; Kevin McKenzie for 15 years; Bruce Lauther for 28 years; and Will Cox for 36 years.

The music team reminds all of that there is an all-sectionals work session at First Baptist, 2932 King Street on Saturday, April 12th at 9am.

President Terry Reynolds announced the sad news that John Pence’s wife, Janene, died last Friday morning after her battle with pulmonary fibrosis.  A memorial service will be held in late May.

Terry reports that our fellow riser-mate, Rick Wagner, has completed his radiation treatments. Keep up the battle Rick.

Terry asked all members to consider offered to host some of the Ambassadors in Harmony for the weekend of our June 211st show.  Please respond to Reed Livergood’s email.

And finally, Terry suggested getting to work with a great coach and teacher like David Wright is another reason “It is Great to Be a Harmonizer!”

Membership vp Jeremy Richardson with help from Rich Hewitt introduced our newest applicant and our guests, including all the Harmony Hertiage guys.

During the break, many guys picked up consignment tickets for the June 21st show from Steve Murane.  Don’t delay.

After break, it was back on the risers for more work with our coach on songs for Normandy and a long session working on “Stars and Stripes.”

In other news, congrats to DA CAPO as they travel to sing on the Mt. Rushmore Chapter spring show with the Shrine of Democracy Chorus on May 10th. The quartet will also minister to the youth in area schools in Rapid City, South Dakota on May 9th. Great to have them on the quartet circuit and representing us.

Until next time – editorjack!

(This message is prepared for your review if you were there, for your information if you had to miss, and as a historical record of the great things going on each week during the 66th year of the Alexandria Harmonizer Chapter. —YeEd.)